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Causes of Brain Drain

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Major Brain Drain Causes
Brain drain is the rapidly developing menace which is growing at a faster rate like a disease. And it’s due to both increased globalization resulting in migration trends. The resultant influencing factors that motivate individuals to relocate are also analyzed. This paper discusses the various planned and unplanned means through which Brain drain manifests and imprints itself in the social fabric of the society. Furthermore, it explains the relationship between brain drain and migration policies and demand among a country’s population in search for greener pastures. It establishes a justifiable background on the concept based on the different scholar’s perspectives and further goes ahead to validate this through the analysis of significant causes of brain drain and its manifestation in the society. It concludes by analyzing the various scholarly analysis and interpretation of brain drain and its relative causes about the resultant implications to the economic prosperity of an economy.
 Keyword: Brain drain
Causes of Brain Drain
Brain drain is the migration of intellectuals away from their origin (nations) to use their knowledge and skills in another country.
The main factor that motivates brain drain to manifest in the society entails:
Incentives and Lucrative Opportunities
Globally competitive incentives and opportunities are the primary causal agents of brain drain. These incentives and opportunities range from employment to high-quality service delivery such as to education.

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Due to the minimal opportunities offered in developing countries, the richly endowed developed countries use this as a means to acquire the talent in the form of scaling one’s business to greater heights, but the latter being a benefit to the investors own country rather than interests flowing to the respective state of immigration (Eskelä 2013). These migration trends are also due to the increased demand for skilled labor. Since the 1980s, the aspect of skilled migrants has been vital in research. The need for qualified migrants is rising with essential interests from developed countries due to their significant impact on the overall economic growth. For states like California, such migrants contribute to the economy through vibrant economic and social linkages. This skilled workforce comprises of people in business, expatriates, and students. The developed countries also offer the opportunities which are harnessed population from the less endowed nations to attain the levels of services available.
Through essential services such as schooling opportunities brain drain is manifested. People dream of studying abroad since it is believed that their environment is conducive to intensive research and improvement of one’s skills. Therefore, international schools seek talented individuals across the world and offer to pay for their welfare, instead of basic needs, with the result being offering labor once done with school (Boncea 2014). Therefore, with the individual having a background check of the futuristic opportunities accompanied by scholarships, he/she migrates to the respective country in a bid to achieve their dreams and leave a detrimental “dent” back home. An average 7.3% population of a developing country’s tertiary-educated persons resides abroad, especially in economically vibrant and high-income generating countries.
Globalization and technological advancement
Scholars are always in search of innovative ways to solve problems and enhance knowledge. The rate of globalization puts technologically advanced nations (developed nations). These nations, therefore, pose a higher comparative advantage when compared to the less technically advanced countries (Sajjad 2011). These secure and favorable environments do not only enhance brain drain but also maintains the levels of inequality in trying to foster development through education and research. These favorable technical conditions also offer an ideal role in enhancing brain drain as they are prerequisites for the survival of any economy and the overall standards of living.
Fairness in allocation and treatment
Subjugation to unequal treatment and unfair practices in vital factors of the society in relation jobs allocation and gender-sensitive treatment. These factors contribute to the infringement of rights of individuals thus forcing them to opt for a place where they and their families can experience the fair treatment. Morano (2006) highlights how the levels of variation among developing countries have led to brain drain. This concept is further justified as a situation where there are vast gaps, especially income related, between male and female has led to an increase in migration since the attitude is that developed nations offer much better pay without the discrimination of one’s gender.
Boncea,I.(2014).BRAIN DRAIN IN ROMANIA: FACTORS INFLUENCING PHYSICIANS’EMIGRATION. Journal of Community Positive Practices, 14(1), 64.
Eskelä, E. (2013). Migration Decisions of Skilled Migrants.
Morano Foadi, S. (2006). Key issues and causes of the Italian brain drain. Innovation, 19(2), 209-223.
Sajjad, N. (2011). Causes and solutions to an intellectual brain drain in Pakistan. Dialogue, 6(1), 32.

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