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Cbd Oil Helps Patients With Herpes Zoster

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CBD oil helps patients with herpes zoster

According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Herpes Zóster is diagnosed every year to more than one million people.

If you have had chickenpox, the Vicela-JoSter virus remains in your body in a latent state and could reappear at any time of your life with violent eruptions, blisters full of liquid, accompanied by intense pain. Even young children can contract Solebrilla. But, the risk of Herpes Zóster increases among older people.

Herpes Zóster is an infection caused by the Vicela-JoSter virus (VZV), the same virus that caused the chickenpox in its childhood. It begins with acute pain on one side of the body, accompanied by fever, followed shortly after red ampoules full of liquid that resemble the chickenpox. These ampoules generally dry in approximately one week. But if the scratches (because they bite a lot), they reappear strongly.

Herpes Zóster or Herpes Zoster, as it is also called, can also cause chills, headaches, muscle cramps and fatigue. In rare cases, infection can spread to the eyes, ears and cause other bacterial infections, which must immediately address additional medical complications.

Degree of contagion

While most tend to suffer such an episode only once in their lives, others can contract this disease more than once. Herpes Zóster is not particularly contagious, but the Varicela-JoSter virus can be transmitted to someone who has never had chickenpox before.

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This contagion remains active until all sores and blisters form scabs and falls. Until then, you will have to stay away from people with a weak immune system, that they have not been vaccinated or never had chickenpox before.

Prevention has been (until now) the only cure: the HERPES Zóster vaccine the EE Food and Medicines Association. UU. (FDA) approved two vaccines to prevent Herpes Zóster in adults over 50: Zostavax and Shingrix.

Zostavax is a living vaccine (it contains a weakened form of the varicella-jooster virus) that fights the virus if you attack your body later in your life. Shingrix, on the other hand, is an inactive vaccine (it contains a ‘dead’ form of the virus or ingredients of the real virus, but without virulence). The CDC recommends Shingrix as more effective, safer and has more durable effects compared to Zostavax.

But then, the side effects of these vaccines are not unknown. Both vaccines tend to cause allergic reactions, headaches, inflammations, itching, dizziness, etc. Occasionally, a person can even develop chickenpox by the vaccine (especially Zostavax).

Conventional treatments versus alternatives for herpes zoster

First, and most importantly, you must know that there is no cure for herpes zoster. There are also no treatments to resort in addition to analgesics. You will simply have to wait for the infection to disappear alone, which usually takes between 2 and 3 weeks.

The conventional approach to treatments is with prescription medications, that is, antiviral, anticonvulsive, antidepressants and analgesics. They can help you control symptoms, relieve pain, reduce the spread of infection and reduce the risk of additional complications.

Side effects

Even after the infection has disappeared, a patient with herpes can continue to experience intense neuropathic pain, which is not only unbearable, but can even last a long time, probably months or years in some cases.

It is natural that one wonders if there is a safer, reliable remedy without side effects to relieve pain, without having to suffer the adverse consequences of prescription medications. That’s where the CBD enters. It has been shown to be the most natural, safe and effective antiviral remedy that neuropathic pain can also relieve .

The CBD (Cannabidiol) has recently become a hot topic, due to several promising studies that suggested that the CBD can be a natural remedy for many ailments, from the treatment of epileptic seizures and the side effects of cancer to the control of the control of theacne and pain difficult to treat. .

The CBD, or Cannabidiol, is one of the two main ingredients found in hemp and marijuana plants (both cannabis). It is mainly extracted from the flowers of the plant. Unlike THC [which is present at high levels in marijuana and very low levels (0.3%) In hemp], the CBD is not psychoactive and is generally derived from hemp that is rich in CBD content.

Research indicates that CBD, if used in adequate doses, does not cause any side effect.

CBD and the endocannabinoid system (ECS)

The CBD works naturally in cannabinoid receptor sites in any vertebrate animal. These cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2 receptors) point to the Endocannabinoid (ECS) system, which is mainly found in the brain and central nervous system, so that it works normally. This maintains homeostasis. or the chemical and physiological balance of the body.

Cannabis is a single plant that contains thousands of chemical compounds that work synergily to obtain the desired result. And the CBD has proven to be a potentially effective natural remedy for a wide variety of ailments. According to a Brightfield Group survey, every day more people change to CBD from traditional medicine.

According to an investigation of 2018, published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, more than 62% of people who use CBD confirmed that the CBD was effectively effective in the treatment of their medical conditions. The CBD is quickly becoming a viable alternative in many cases in which patients have exhausted the potential of drugs and other natural remedies.

Studies suggest that the CBD works for herpes zoster

The most unbearable appearable looks is pain. The good news is that one of the most common purposes of the CBD is to relieve pain. While it is true that there is still a lack of conclusive scientific evidence that connects the CBD oil with the treatment of the soapbarings, the studies and clinical trials available on the CBD have been promising.

  • A 2006 study, published in the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology, indicated that the CBD influences endocannabinoid receptors, located in skin cells, to help relieve problems related to the related to the -related problems. However, this study referred mainly to cutaneous melanoma.
  • A study published in Neuropsychopharmacology indicated that cannabinoids could help control herpes zoster, since they can reduce pain and inflammation due to neuroprotective functions that are activated when the CBD connects with CB1 receptors in the skin.
  • A 2009 animal study, published in Neurotherapeutics, demonstrates that CBD can help control chronic neuropathic pain in patients with herpes zoster, in addition to being effective in other related conditions, such as nerve injuries, human immunodeficiency virus, viral hepatitis andmultiple sclerosis.
  • Another way in which CBD can demonstrate its benefit in herpes management is through its anti -inflammatory and stimulating properties of the immune system that inhibit virus reactivation. This study was published in Pharmaceuticals (Basel) magazine in 2010.

Careful considerations

When considering alternative therapies, such as CBD, you must be careful and investigate the dose and means of administration. The CBD, like any other substance, could have an adverse effect on the body.

While studies are still conclusive and large.

In addition, it must remember that the FDA has not approved the use of CBD for most medical conditions, except in some cases, such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis (Epidiolex).

For now, patients should consult a certified doctor before making changes in their pharmaceutical regime. Although the CBD is largely safe for human consumption, only a doctor, preferably one with knowledge of cannabis medicine, may be the best judge, depending on its condition. 

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