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Childhood Obesity Is Currently an Epidemic Worldwide revised

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Raja Addabagh
Professor Nappo
English Comp II
20November 2018
Childhood Obesity Is Currently an Epidemic Worldwide
My chosen topic for the research paper is whether our present lifestyle trends are linked to child and adolescents’ obesity. My plan is to establish the correlation between childhood and adolescent obesity and the current lifestyle trends such as unhealthy eating, lack of exercise and stress among others.
Research Question
What is the correlation between childhood and adolescent obesity and present lifestyle trends?
I will begin my work by explaining terms such as child obesity and lifestyle trends. I will also state why it is important to discuss the topic. In this paper, I seek to establish the correlation between childhood and adolescent obesity and the current lifestyle trends. Present lifestyle trends such as stress and lack of adequate exercises contribute to the increase in obese cases among children and adolescents.
Paragraph 1: Childhood obesity is considered to be one of the most serious medical conditions among children and adolescents. According to Dawes (pg. 45), 1 out of 3 children in the United States suffer from obesity. There are several reasons that contribute to the alarming rate of obesity cases.
Paragraph 2: Some of the reasons that contribute to the increase in obese cases include; bad eating habits, lack of exercise and stress. However, these can be mitigated through the adoption improved diet and better exercising habits for the children and adolescents.

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Mayo Clinic Staff (n.p) indicates that treating and preventing childhood obesity is essential to ensure that children stay healthy.
Paragraph 3: It is important for children and adolescents to stay and feel healthy. For instance, children and adolescents can be kept healthy through healthy eating practices and undertaking proper exercises. They can also be involved in helping prepare healthy meals and going for grocery shopping so that they can make good food choices (“Overweight and Obesity,” n.p.).
Conclusion: In a nutshell, the present lifestyle trends have a significant impact on childhood and adolescent obesity. Research has established that childhood obesity is one of the most serious medication conditions in the U.S. Bad eating habits, lack of exercise and stress are some of the cause of obesity. Therefore, it is necessary for children to stay and feel healthy through the adoption of healthy eating practices.
Works Cited
Dawes, Laura. Childhood Obesity in America.Harvard University Press, 2014.
“Childhood Obesity – Symptoms And Causes.” Mayo Clinic. N.p., 2018. Web. 27 Nov. 2018.

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