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Chinese -Born American And Communities

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Chinese -born American and communities


Below we present a general perspective on Chinese communities in countries in which they have a greater presence, these being: Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Panama, Argentina, Cuba and Mexico. In the next section of the document we link each country with the distinctive element of each community. Peru clearly stands out on the other nations, since it has an entrenched community, with economic weight and political representation. 

In the other countries that power is diluted to a different extent, until reaching the cases of Cuba and Mexico. The latter are opposite cases, since on the Caribbean island it is difficult for the Chinese community. Therefore, we present the different cases in a decreasing way, according to a current interpretation, which is probably changing in the near future, due to the impact of China’s investments and new immigration trends from that country.



The Chinese community in Peru is the largest in population and power in the region and it is partly the reflection of Runo of the oldest migratory patterns between the Asian continent and the American. In addition, the local population of that ethnic origin is involved in providing social, cultural and economic support to its compatriots. The community has a commendable organization, with influence on different aspects of local society. 

In addition to the ancestral ties with the origin geographical nuclei of their emigration, they have links with communities in California, in both cases with access to financial resources that have supported commercial activities in the Chinese neighborhood of Lima.

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Additionally, they have preserved their ancestral values, to a large extent because families and associations have been fundamental to keep their members together, both internally in the host country and externally with the motherland.


Venezuela houses the second most numerous Chinese ethnic community, probably with about 400,000 people. For many of them, the arrival is recent, although there are four different migratory periods. The first wave began in the mid -nineteenth century, the second one hundred years later, the third during the seventies and the last one is still ongoing. The most recent movements continue to strengthen bilateral relations due to ideological proximity between their leaders and large -scale exploitation of oil and mineral deposits. 

The political factors were also at the root of the third migratory wave that occurred during the seventies when some groups came from other countries. Many of the emigrants arrived from the province of Guangdong, while the city of Valencia is home to the most important community. In fact, Valencia is famous for its typical festivals and markets, with many Chinese cultural identity elements. As in other countries, many people in this group have an illegal status in the country, but their presence is remarkable and lately they have been subject to hostility and violence.


Chinese immigration dates back to the Portuguese colonial period when local rulers brought them as slaves of the former colony of Macao and Lisbon. Their knowledge of the Portuguese language allowed them to integrate more easily into the new society (Conrad, 1995), and later many more Chinese came from Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao. They did it in different historical periods, mainly after the establishment of the RPC in 1949, after the restoration of bilateral relations in 1974. By then, the community had reached both economic and politic. It is estimated that there may be more than 250,000 ethnic Chinese in Brazil, forming a deep -rooted community (Bedinelli, 2017). At least 200,000 of them live in the state of Sao Paulo, in most cases with an illegal status in the country and in many cases living together with the prosperous Japanese colony. The presence of Brazilians native to China becomes gradually more notable in trade and their ability to adapt to the new environment is favoring expansion to other cities in Brazil, although to the detriment of their ancestral culture.


The Chinese arrived in Panama from North America, in the second half of the 19th century. At first, they were hired to work on the construction of the national railroad, but they could soon prosper in the commercial sector. Prosperity did not come without pain, since they suffered constant discrimination. They worked in extreme conditions in the jungle, dying for hundreds. In many cases, they committed suicide after being deprived of opium, the drug they demanded as a means of payment. 

In 1941, the local government initiated a persecution against the population of Chinese origin, which caused the creation of 35 associations throughout the country. Another significant wave occurred for political reasons, with which they fled from their country after the clashes in Tiananmen square. It is estimated that today they exceed 135,000 members in the American central country. 

The Chinese-Panameña community has been able to maintain many of the vernacular traditions. Its citizens have maintained stable links through the family and the relationships of mutual support, whether in a formal order or through the practice of Guanxi, where personal relationships favor business interests.


The Chinese community in Argentina is formed by almost 120.000 members and is one of the youngest in the region (Sánchez, 2010). The moments of stable economic situation served to attract many immigrants from Fujian. They ventured into retail activities and soon achieved a dominant position in the supermarkets of the capital Buenos Aires. 

They were so successful in this trade and to move to the industry and force newcomers to seek business opportunities in other places. Today, a broader range of activities is dedicated, such as the restaurant industry and the food rooms to carry, the sale of food by weight or the importation of toys and cheap items. This community maintains little cohesion, there are internal disputes,


There are more than 100,000 Cubans of Chinese origin living on the island, so they constitute the most important community in the Caribbean. His arrival is not recent, and they have been arriving at different times and for several reasons. The overwhelming majority was brought by the Spaniards during the colonial era, in conditions of semi slavery. An important group arrived in Cuba evading the hostility found sometimes in the United States. This community is completely different from the others, since its members went through a continuous process of racial mixing. 

The reason behind the different adaptation is because the Chinese who arrived on the island were almost exclusively men, and married women or mestizo women. Most Cubans of Chinese origin also have African and Spanish offspring. Despite their deep adaptation to local society, the Chinese of overseas in Cuba have been able to maintain their cultural identity. This group had an important participation in politics, beyond the defense of their commercial interests or the defense of their fundamental rights, and has had a significant contribution in the transition process towards a market economy.


Although the North American country has maintained important historical ties with China, the presence of emigrants comes from the latter country is surprisingly reduced, with just over 70,000 members, scattered throughout the country. Except in the case of certain nuclei in some cities, especially in Mexicali, Baja Calfornia Norte, there are hardly any notable signs of its presence. 

Although they have left a cultural legacy to Mexico, its external manifestations are extremely limited. Chinese emigration to Mexico occurred largely in the colonial era, contributing the skills required in certain activities and important contacts in Asia territories with which permanent commercial ties were established. 

Thanks to them, the so -called "Rotaviaje" of Manila’s galleon prospered for almost three hundred years, allowing the flow of Chinese products in the American continent and the sending of precious metals from Mexico to China, although through indirect routes from the Philippines Islands. It is difficult to talk about a Chinese colony in Mexico, since emigration occurred from different points, with little understanding among its members, and without developing elements that could favor a common identity. 

In addition, this was a community open to prejudices, acts of discrimination and occasions in deportations and bloody persecutions. Despite recent inclusion attempts in Mexican society, it cannot be said that this hostile attitude has been left behind throughout the country. Allow the flow of Chinese products in the American continent and the sending of precious metals from Mexico to China, although through indirect routes from the Philippine Islands. 

It is difficult to talk about a Chinese colony in Mexico, since emigration occurred from different points, with little understanding among its members, and without developing elements that could favor a common identity. In addition, this was a community open to prejudices, acts of discrimination and occasions in deportations and bloody persecutions. Despite recent inclusion attempts in Mexican society, it cannot be said that this hostile attitude has been left behind throughout the country. 

Allow the flow of Chinese products in the American continent and the sending of precious metals from Mexico to China, although through indirect routes from the Philippine Islands. It is difficult to talk about a Chinese colony in Mexico, since emigration occurred from different points, with little understanding among its members, and without developing elements that could favor a common identity. 


In addition, this was a community open to prejudices, acts of discrimination and occasions in deportations and bloody persecutions. Despite recent inclusion attempts in Mexican society, it cannot be said that this hostile attitude has been left behind throughout the country. since emigration occurred from different points, with little understanding among its members, and without developing elements that could favor a common identity. In addition, this was a community open to prejudices, acts of discrimination and occasions in deportations and bloody persecutions.

 Despite recent inclusion attempts in Mexican society, it cannot be said that this hostile attitude has been left behind throughout the country. since emigration occurred from different points, with little understanding among its members, and without developing elements that could favor a common identity. In addition, this was a community open to prejudices, acts of discrimination and occasions in deportations and bloody persecutions. Despite recent inclusion attempts in Mexican society, it cannot be said that this hostile attitude has been left behind throughout the country.  

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