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Communism vs. Capitalism

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Citizens across the world have been debating on the appropriate economic systems to use in their societies. The success of China has disgruntled Americans perceiving communism as an archaic system. The debate is ancient, dating back to the failures of feudalism during the industrial revolution. Karl Marx, a German, preferred a socialist approach to solving the problems bedeviling the state. The German preferred more state control in planning the economy (Almond 14). Similarly, Adam Smith, established capitalism is preferring a self-regulatory market. The two ideologies had striking similarities while also had unique differences.
The two ideologies enforce decisions that are supreme in public policy and ensure the opposition is weak by any means. Communist republics such as China and North Korea control their economies through centralized planning. The Chinese government has continually fixed their exchange rates, to ensure their goods are cheaper than other nations. Capitalist countries such as USA and Canada have implemented minimum wages, to ensure their products are also more competitive. Furthermore, the two continuously use force to root out their enemies. The Vietnam War and Stalin’s regime that killed millions during the First World War are classic examples of capitalist and communist massacres across the globe.
The two ideologies have similar uses for their land. Capitalist government demarcates land into the public and private property. However, the government may seek to annex private property for public use.

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Communists require individuals to share profits from agricultural ventures collectively. Capitalists are allowed to annex private property for public use. The USA undertakes huge expenses annually in repurchasing private land for public use. Russia collectively ensures farmers reap profits from their farms since the property is government land.
The two systems allow their nations to trade internationally with other countries regardless of their system. Russia exports agricultural products to the Western European countries which are dominantly capitalist societies. The two systems never enforce restrictions against trading with other nations using a different system (Walker, Christopher and Geoff 500). Moreover, residents from both divides pay taxes, regardless of the system. Taxes are revenues collected by the state to ensure all government departments are well funded and running.
The differences between communism and capitalism are elaborate and easily identified from the two systems. Capitalism enshrines democracy while communism enshrines totalitarianism. China and North Korea are dictatorial communist nations while the USA and Canada are democratic capitalist countries. The autocratic governments disapprove of media freedom, with the North Korean regime continuously muzzling the media. The USA has enshrined media freedom in their constitution, a stark difference from communist nations.
Wealth is unevenly distributed in capitalist nations, unlike communist nations. Communists share wealthy evenly, ensuring none of their citizens lives below the poverty line. Russians have a higher median average income than Americans, illustrating the unique differences among the two (Resnick and Richard 11). Capitalist nations allow free enterprises, enabling individuals to profit from their ventures. However, communist states disapprove of free enterprises and support collective investment where every member of the society receives a share.
Communist nations provide health and educational facilities for all citizens. The state only approves state involvement in the two sectors. Capitalist countries have government educational, and health facilities which are poorly equipped. Private facilities are better equipped but charge exorbitant prices. The impoverished in the society attend public schools while the rich attend private education institutions. Furthermore, capitalist countries focus on individual growth while communists focus on societal growth (Schumpeter 4). The difference and similarities describe the primary features of communism and capitalism.
Works Cited
Almond, Gabriel Abraham. Appeals of Communism. Princeton University Press, 2015. Print.
Resnick, Stephen A., and Richard D. Wolff. Class theory and history: Capitalism and
communism in the USSR. Routledge, 2013. Print.
Schumpeter, Joseph A. Capitalism, socialism and democracy. Routledge, 2013. Print.
Walker, James T., Christopher Brewster, and Geoff Wood. “Diversity between and within
varieties of capitalism: transnational survey evidence.” Industrial and Corporate Change
23.2 (2014): 493-533.

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