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Conformity in social interactions

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Conformity in Social Interactions
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Some factors impact individuals to be conformists at any given situations although the degree varies depending on specific factors. The most common reasons for conformity is either personal factor while others its more generic (Leary & Baumeister, 2017). Basing on the personal factors, individuals possess different personalities in which some naturally feels the urge to ingratiate themselves more with those around them. Sometimes we find ourselves in other things so that people can think well of us. Therefore, you will see individuals doing things that appeal to the masses and presenting themselves to the ideals of the majority to avoid rejection. One will feel more comfortable to go along with the crowd even thou they do not approve what the group does.
Social institutions at some point do imply how we should behave when around others (Leary & Baumeister, 2017). Through the religion, we are encouraged to be obedient to our parents; the commandments emphasize that we should not steal. We are also told to be faithful in the marriage and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Through this, we are encouraged to act in ways that have to be acceptable in the society which in return gives us a reason to conform with others. However, it may also force us to be deviant from others or behave differently especially when one feels what others are doing is against their faith. Thus, despite encouraging conformity, it may lead others to part from society when the social values are not in line with the religious values.

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Also, in schools, most students are generally in uniform which gives them a sense of belonging. There are rules stipulated to guide people’s behavior toward others. Therefore, the students must adhere to them for them to avoid disciplinary action. However, the issue of uniform may disintegrate others as they are based on gender.
Most of the individuals heard of the majority giving the same answer. The courage of giving out their answer was waved away by the fear of being excluded from the crowd for providing a different answer. They may know they were giving wrong answers but they eventually give in (Solomon Asch’s Conformity Experiment . . . Today « The Situationist, 2008). The subjects of the experiment feared to stand out from the others as most people normally have a difficulty of being different from others (McLeod, 2008).
ReferencesLeary, M. R., & Baumeister, R. F. (2017). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. In Interpersonal Development (pp. 57-89). Routledge.
McLeod, S. (2008). Asch Experiment. Simply Psychology. org. Available at.
Solomon Asch’s Conformity Experiment . . . Today « The Situationist [Video file]. (2008, June 11). Retrieved from

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