Cultural And Sociological Anthropology, Its Influence On Education
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This present essay will allow us to analyze each important aspect that is pending in favor of the academic community, when studying educational cultural anthropology as a more social element that benefits the orientation of more concrete topics.
When referring to sociocultural anthropology and its influence on education, it refers to a subject designed to provide the student with the necessary knowledge and understanding the problem of the country’s social, cultural, cultural and economic reality, and thus articulate these learning these learningWith your professional work.
In the words of (Marzal, 2016) he affirms that anthropology "was born in the nineteenth century and that it is a basically Anglo -Saxon science, for the remarkable development it has had in the English world on both sides of the Atlantic".
The human being develops as such, in a framework of interaction with the other individuals of a society, because today we are facing social and cultural scenarios characterized by deep changes, which leads to essential results of understanding the educational fact fromA social and cultural perspective, framed in a historical context, this look tends to denaturalize processes and categorizations, to understand the dynamics of organization and action of the various social groups that constitute today’s society and intervening cultural aspects.
It also consists of complying with the contributions of sociology and anthropology, since they are fundamental for the understanding of education in general, which allow the conceptual tools provided by both sciences, will allow students of primary education and initial education, initial education,Reflect on the incidence of social and cultural aspects in education, promoting the development of the analytical critical spirit, necessary to reveal aspects underlying everyday educational practices.
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What is anthropology?
It is a science that attempts to observe, interpret and represent the voices and approaches of various epochs, places and cultures. In its different fields, anthropology joins biological, social, cultural, linguistic and historical approaches. The many and varied perspectives give a more complete appreciation of what it means to be human. Anthropology comes from the Greek word: Anthropos (human) and logos (knowledge).
In words (Crespo, 2016) suggests that: like any other science, anthropology applies the tools of the scientific method: observe, register and systematically analyze based on the empirical evidence of its main object of study, culture and its diversity. Within the humanities, due to the comparative and intercultural perspective it offers, anthropology is considered one of the most humanistic disciplines.
Currently it is still thought that anthropology only works with history -based things, such as indigenous people or cultures that have been distant, it is believed that it is based on past events, but only very few people know what is meaning, and that is that theAnthropology also pays attention to today, advances and of course to the most original societies. (Andrade, 2015)
Usually few people take this into account, and that is why why it continues to think that it is based on past times, we can say that it is very important, thanks to this we know or can identify such historical differences with those of today, there have been manyChanges through this, technology has advanced to a point where it was not thought centuries ago. Anthropology can never cease to be one of the most important roots that society studies, based on this we can define that it studies all societies whether old or modern and normally being a globalized world has the challenge of demonstrating everyone about their
transcendental relevance, because it has a lotappreciation of what the human being means. (Andrade, 2015)
It is the social science that is based on human study in a holistic way, that is, to everything that surrounds it and its aspects its social nature even biological, its culture and its language, its form of communication and of course customs, butThat does not only reflect to past events, because they also include the current thing that is to say in present times such as future, systematically observe to analyze evidence on their initial object of study that have been empirical, then it is considered as one ofThe few most humanistic disciplines, because its approach is to observe, represent and interpret the different times, focusing on places, cultures and other certain means.
Comparative procedure that studies society focusing on the holistic, and doing certain studies based on antiquity, currently and the things that would occur in the future, lookingThey cover in the progression of society, that is, each change given in humanity, its evolutions and the things or objects that are about to occur in a certain time by scientific factors. (Beatriz Pérez & Javier Board, 2007)
Sociology is based on empirical studies that are carried out in treated faculties about classical humanities, one of the common points between sociology and the anthropologist part is that when analyzing the culture of society they chose or associated moreIn determining the theoretical and epistemological difficulties, they also reach the point of modernization more. (CANCLINI, 1991)
On the part of the sociological branch, studies were also born or emerged about cultural processes, that is the reason for why it has some empathy
With anthropology, since the art analysis given by the sociological, contributes to a sociology of culture.
"As the studies progress, both sociological and anthropological.
As these two categories were defined, they are renewed when empirically defining what is seen to investigate that is to say the object in order to know about it, that does not mean that sociology would be based on the entire humanistic study given that it can be based moreIn the observation of lived experiences while the anthropological part would be using censuses to understand the social macro meaning of the processes, both groups can deepen, how it is emerging, that it is changing, and that it is produced, because we remember that it does notIt is only based on historical things, since they also include the present facts and those that will come in the future.
Anthropology and the four fields
This anthropology was divided into the following four fields: social and cultural anthropology (known as sociocultural), biological or physical anthropology, linguistic anthropology and archaeological anthropology (commonly known by the name of archeology).
- Sociocultural anthropology: it deals with the study of human societies and cultures, especially its diversity.
- Biological or physical anthropology: studies human evolution and biological variation as the past to the current.
- Linguistic anthropology: it is a discipline that is responsible for the study of the diversity of languages that speak human societies and how the lexicon and the uses of language are related to the basic cultural characteristics of communities.
- The archaeological: it is based on the study of the behaviors of the human being through the analysis of ancient societies from their material remains.
Cultural Anthropology
Education is integrated into the cultural world as a generator of culture and as a phenomenon influenced by culture itself.
Pedagogy has a totalizing vocation, since it aims to study any educational phenomenon (formal, non -formal and informal).
As mentioned (Colom Cañellas & Mèlich Sagrà, 1994) “The anthropology of education is based on discovering pedagogical actions that are not only like a process of passive adaptation, in the classical form, but as an activity of the subject”.
Education in its coordinates also aims to solve the problems of humanity and individual, concentrating values of understanding, pacifism and relationships between peoples and nations. It is also a supplier of values.
Colom Cañellas & Mèlich Sagrà (1994) points out that education combines an active role in social change programs, attentive to new problems, to give solutions to its action (Environmental Education, Peace Education, Intercultural Education, Technology Integration, Programs, ProgramsIn cities, etc.).
This means that the study of education, integrated in this broad context, is always seen in relation to all human and social phenomena, thus offering a systematic, global, realistic and articulator of the educational phenomenon.
The anthropology of education becomes a global perspective or approach to education in a fundamental relationship with the cultural world, that is, contemplating aspects such as politics, society, institutions. etc. We could inform about three main spheres of anthropology of education that are the following areas:
- Education as a cultural phenomenon:
The impact of culture on behavior, manners, games and, therefore, in the socialization of children, youth and adults.
Topics such as entertainment, leisure, media, comics, youth tribes are some of their latest manifestations.
- Culture as an educational element:
Popular culture and its integration into the curricula and, in general, in school activities.
Crucial cultural environments of so many characteristics of children (community, neighborhood, culture of groups of origin)
- The educational application and/or school practice:
Informal education and differential education programs (for age groups or sex groups …, etc.).
Cultural management and cultural policies (which have pedagogical systems for their implementation and development).
Social anthropology
Social anthropology is responsible for the study of human society and cultures in time and space, customs, myths, values, beliefs, rites, religion and language, that is, the cultural wealth it has in the world is shown by differences by differencesof customs in different villages. The individual is essentially comparative by anthropologists who analyze how it is lived in different societies at different times, places and these reach theories about why people behave in a certain way. It is a scientific doctrine which has been slowly developed and defined since the end of the 19th century. In its first beginnings, the object of study was those that were called primitive peoples.
In addition, social anthropology makes a difference that man is a social being of his own nature, he says that it is because of his intelligence, reason, sensitivity and will, these abilities are essential to understand the human way of life. However, the following fields have emerged: urban anthropology, kinship, philosophy or religion, some authors include archeology in this category.
Today a social anthropologist is responsible for studying culture and social organizations in multiple human groups, these can be, hunters, collectors, peasants, among others.
(Álvarez Munárriz) affirms: Some classic anthropologists had great aspirations to make social anthropology a science, which outside the catalog of sciences that have their own right, this means that they have a specific object of study, the way of being, the way of being, the waythink and act of the individual, who is specifically culturally regulated.
Social anthropology is extremely important from any point of view that is handled because it helps us to understand what we believe and what our customs surround us, that is, ethnic groups, anthropology that were a complex whole, since it is to understand everythingOr where belief formation arises, for this reason anthropology is important for the development of man in society.
Anthropology is responsible for observing and study, focusing on different perspectives allowing us to have a better appreciation regarding the development of man. On the other hand, anthropology has four very important fields to consider which are social and cultural, biological or physical, linguistic and archaeological.
Finally, anthropology is not based only on historical facts, because today very few people are dedicated to the study on this subject, which shows us the past times and their sudden changes with the passing of time in the technological era being beingOne of the important tools for the current human being. In addition, anthropology will never go from being one of the most important roots that society can study in general, since we know of customs, traditions, and the religion that each individual belongs.
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- Colom Cañellas, to., & Mèlich Sagrà, J. (1994). Anthropology and education. Note about a difficult conceptual relationship. Theory of education, vol. VI, 11-21.
- Crespo, r. (2016). CISOLOG. Obtained from Social and Cultural Anthropology: https: //
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- Andrade, l. M. (2015). Social and cultural anthropology. CISOLOG.
- Canclini, n. G. (1991). Cultural studies from 80 to 90: anthropological and sociological perspectives in Latin America. Iztapalapa, 2.
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