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Cultural Psychology
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Nature-nurture and our evolving debates about gender
This debate was all revolving about diversity and the biology behind the difference between a man and a woman as two distinct sex. The discussion uses an example of a tech company Google which according to a memo by one of the senior engineers criticises it saying that the underrepresentation of women was due to biological difference and not prejudice. The guest to the debate Dr. Debra Soh insists that it is not a matter to be argued because both the two sexes are entirely from one another due to their hormonal differences. Women are seen to be more concerned with interesting social activities while on the other hand men are perceived to be more focused on things (Nature, Nurture, And Our Evolving Debates About Gender, 2017,
Google Company did an unfair act of firing James Damore as he was trying to solve a diversity problem that was facing the company. Moreover, the realisation that women and men are entirely different creatures is an essential aspect as through biology of nature work is divided according to the interests of each gender. For instance, due to their more focus on people, a lot of women have been placed in the human resource department of different companies while men are given technical tasks. It may seem that both men and women are same but do you think that women can handle tasks men handle to the satisfaction or even better or they are not in a position?
Texting is killing the language
John McWhorter who is linguistic illustrates the difference between early writings and the 21st centuries writing.

Wait! cultural psychology paper is just an example!

He aims at the youths and adults who use texting or have an idea about it in communication. Moreover, he criticises it by saying that texting is a language of its own which consists of more words altogether. John explains that most people criticise texting as a language ruining means of communicating. Texting is at its first phases of existence, and he believes that it will develop in future (McWhorter, n.d.).  I am used to talking to my parents and friend through phone calls and also through emailing which I find more significant in my life as I can share and connect to them without struggles. But, the question is how will future generation be communicating?
McWhorter, J. (n.d.). Txtng is killing language. JK!!! [Video file]. Retrieved from
Nature, Nurture, And Our Evolving Debates About Gender [Video file]. (2017, October 9). Retrieved from

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