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Daily Use Of Gloves And Masks

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Daily use of gloves and masks


The present case study, conducted in the Burín Mariano Moreno neighborhood of the Gualaceo canton, was considered pertinent to recommend about the effective management of personal biosafety equipment waste, because they have noticed poor management of them and in the streets ofThe city is observed masks and used gloves that can cause another individual to get polluted, since most used biosafety equipment contain body fluids that in turn can have the virus included;Likewise, the recommendations that will be raised, will help minimize the environmental impact produced by the use of personal bioprotection equipment.

For the recommendations, online surveys are applied to the people of the neighborhood who have ease of internet access, focused on knowing the types of protection equipment they use, and thus proposes with the right criteria the recommendations made by official sources as agencies as agenciesNational and international.


Personal biosafety teams are important to protect and avoid involuntary exhibitions of the possible infection of pathogens during people’s daily activities such as work, purchase of food and supplies, among others. Regarding this issue, it is known that people who work as health, emergency and security personnel mostly make use of biosafety equipment, entities that have already maintained training about the management and waste of the implements used and thus reduce the risk of their own infectionand environmental pollution.

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The World COVID-19 pandemic, has led to the increase in the use of personal biosafety equipment with respect to the entire population and although there is information on the Internet about the good use and waste of them, their jobs of their employment are usually observed,Since it is observed that they discard them as if it were any other element that has fulfilled their useful life, without becoming aware that this could cause the virus to spread even more, in addition to producing great pollution to the environment.

For the above, the citizen must have greater precautions to have contact with these waste that are currently observed in public places such as the streets, sidewalks, neighborhood parks, rivers banks, among others, which can already be considered as another factorof environmental pollution of the town and the entire world in general, necessary reason to be considered to determine the good management of the waste of personal biosafety equipment within the homes in the Burín Mariano Moreno neighborhood from the confinement of the COVID-19.

In the Canton Gualaceo and throughout the country, since the world pandemic began in the month of March of this year, according to reports shared by the newspaper El Comercio (2020), it has been decreed that all the people who transit outside theirhomes, you must use a mask, which shows that the use as well as the waste of individual biosafety equipment has increased both in health centers, homes, public places and for every person who needs to get out of theiraddress to stock up on food or work.

Likewise, this deficiency observed in the management of these protection elements, can lead to one of the largest environmental pollutants of the year 2020, due to the disinterest that has a certain part of the population about the appropriate waste of masks, gloves, containers of packagingalcohol and disinfectant gel, which are thrown in the streets, gutters, sidewalks, rivers and different public spaces in general.

Undoubtedly an uncivic act that puts everyone’s protection;Recycling should be one of the most relevant acts to take into account during the COVID-19 crisis, a crisis that is drastically modifying daily living, behaviors that are more recurring such as washing their hands more than once and the distancing is changing and the distancingsocial, leaving aside habits that must be improved throughout the population, starting by increasing recycling correctly and adequate management to eliminate masks, gloves, thus promoting a conscience and a good habit that will help both society and societyplanet.


Since the confinement that began in the month of March 2020 due to world pandemic for COVID-19, it has caused a new reality that is full of questions and uncertainties in all members of the different homes;consequence that produces a lack of knowledge regarding the management of the waste of the personal biosafety equipment, which, doing inappropriately produces an excessive increase in environmental pollution. Knowing the importance of safe management of these health waste is essential for community health and the integrity of the environment Establish recommendations for its correct management within homes in the Burín Mariano Moreno Callasay neighborhood from the confinement of the COVID-19.

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