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Dark Matter And The Model Of Cold Dark Matter

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Dark matter and the model of cold dark matter

The universe has been defined as everything that exists in the form of energy and matter, but represents for scientists a great enigma;Since despite how much it has been studied is little what is true for it, it is contemplated that its distribution is 5% barionic matter, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy. Dark matter and energy today have taken a life role in the explanation of phenomena present in the universe such as accelerated expansion and gravitational interactions that cannot be explained simply simply.

The term dark matter was proposed by Fritz Zwicky in 1933, noting that there was a non -visible mass that altered the orbital speeds of the clusters of stars, but it was Horace Babcock who made measurements that gave rise to the discovery of this matter, despiteThat a little more of her is currently known thanks to the measurements of Vera Rubin and Kent Ford, her nature is one of the greatest unknowns that are currently available, however, properties such as non -interaction with waves are attributed to herElectromagnetic, that is, it does not emit them and it does not absorb them for what is practically invisible to telescopes, it is suggested that it is stable or has a larger half -life than that of the universe because it does not decompose in other elements. It is known that it is matter because there are gravitational interactions with ordinary matter and this has been one of the most forceful evidence of its existence.

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These gravitational interactions of dark matter produce phenomena already mentioned such as rotation curves, the dynamics that are handled inside the clusters, anisotropies of the cosmic background radiation, clashes between clusters of galaxies.

There were candidates for dark and non -barionic dark matter, among the Barionic candidates were multiple astronomical objects that were finally ruled out because they do not contribute significantly to the critical density of the universe and among the non -barionic ones were the neutrinos of the standard model, but they were discarded due duethat the formation of structures would occur anti -hierarchically and this conflicts with the cosmological observations obtained. At present, it has been considered that this dark matter is composed of particles that still are not discovered as sterile neutrons, axions, wimps (Weakly interacting massive partners), between a great variety.

These particle proposals have led to the classification of dark matter according to the speeds of disacobus of the particles at the time of separating from the primitive plasma, where it is called that particle hot that at the time of decoupling it has a relativistic speed,cold to that particle that acquires a low or non -relativistic speed and warm to one with intermediate characteristics.

The observations have led to determine that a model of cold dark matter is concordant with what is obtained and that the Wimps, more specifically the neutrals;A supersimetry light particle, are part of the most successful proposal so far since it adjusts with great accuracy the anisotropies of the cosmic background radiation, the rotation curves are consistent and the simulations obtained by using n-body are compatible with the structureOn a large scale. Despite its success, this model presents difficulties when it is a convincing model since no result has been obtained through direct detection methods and this particular model is affected by the amount of existing satellite galaxies predicting a greater numberof substructures to those observed, but have been corrected due to active nuclei of galaxies, supernovae and effects of reion, observations of the "local hole" that show that it contains less galaxies than the predicted by the model.

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