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Democratic Leadership And Coaching

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Democratic leadership and coaching


Through this work it will be announced that it is coaching leadership, its functions, theories, differences with other types of organizational theories and their representatives;In what type of organizations you can find leaders with these characteristics, fulfilling the properly established functions, parameters and objectives.

Leadership are the skills, directive qualities to motivate, encourage and contribute to the way of being an individual or a group of individuals, causing them to work effectively to achieve the proposed objectives or goals. Communication is wide.


Coaching is established by communication and feedback, managing to provide an improvement in the performance of a group of people and also in that of an organization. This has three pillars such as awareness where you have to ask where is? What is happening? And where do you want to go?, The next is the self-belief where sufficient self – esteem and motivation has to meet their work and achieve the proposed objectives and finally there is the responsibility where it has to be clear that it is responsible for the processes and the result obtained from the work done.

These theories are written by Douglas McGregor who was a great character in the Administrative School of Human Relations, which in his work "The human side of organizations" explained two ways of thinking of managers and leaders to whom I name theory and theory andTheory and this theory says that work is a form of punishment, since man does not like to work and elude him, the only way to do the work is by means of threats and punishments to meet the objectives proposed by thecompany, in this theory organizations present the need for supervision and motivation

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Companies in this type of theory seek that their workers have satisfaction in their work to get them to strive to achieve more and better results within the organization, mental and physical wear and tear is normalized, since from the beginning the workersThey commit to the work acquired because they have characteristics such as creativity and ingenuity;That is why it is not necessary to resort to threats or punishments for workers to strive.

Coaching is an essential instrument in leadership because the modern world needs leaders to use coaching, since workers increasingly require better treatment, more communication, better organizational and personal performance, more self – esteem and awareness and new qualities to facecorrectly the adversities of globalized environments.

This hypothesis was written by William Ouchi who is an American son of Japanese parents;that he wrote a book about the Z Theory How can North American companies face the Japanese challenge?, in which it makes a comparison of attitudes, beliefs and values in the behavior of an organization.

In this theory the author proposes that a relationship between personal and work life is generated by generating a humanization of working conditions and creating an increase in the self – esteem and confidence of workers. In this case, a new organizational culture would be discussed in which people will be able to overcome themselves favoring personal and organizational development. William Ouchi in contribution with Richard Páscale who is one of the main business consultants, who taught about the survival organization;They wrote about the three types of companies they called as a American company, Japanese companies and Z -companies.

These companies have little training and high rotation of the staff, which makes the worker feel a fundamental part of the company, that is why workers feel forced to carry out their work and are more individualistic people in decision making andIn your responsibility. The works in these entities are short -term, they have a quick process and only people who have specialized careers work.


These companies have keys to success, since workers are part of the company, since employment is for life, people with specialized and non -specialized careers can work, collective decision -making processes are carried out and hasa holistic interest;This is why these companies have a more increasing productivity and a different administrative approach.

In these types of companies there is a culture which is in which the work environment allows and helps to be self-supposed, since it is based on human relationships, the worker is comprehensive, people are able to work as a team,have confidence and be able to make collective decision making because it is based on humanistic business philosophy.

In this culture a question is asked what is and how a company is humanized? To which the authors respond that humanizing the company is to go beyond an economic benefit only for the entity but that it is about achieving the objectives and improving the living conditions of the people who work within the organization, that is why this is whythat the change in productivity optimization can be noticed, since the worker is part of the company and this assumes his role as a fundamental part reaching business objectives.

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