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Describe each slice of your circle and how much it means to you

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Pie Chart Information Part 1

Everybody wants to live with people with the same identity (Martin, Raymond & Barresi 24). The Same character can form a group of individuals who have common things in their thoughts, activities, and mindsets. A person can set quickly with same group individuals as they can share similar thoughts, and they can share same talk. It is always difficult to have real relation beyond the group. It can be difficult by two ways forming a new group or maintaining the new group. For these reasons, a person wants to stay in such group where he or he she can live peacefully.
This situation is the obvious case for me also. It is hard to find and cope up with the new group and if somehow I manage to form, a new group to maintain them is very hard.
Chart Interpretation
Family 29%. For me, my family is the central group for me. As most of the time, I spend with them and that quality time always helps me to be what I am today. In my family, I have a very broad role to play. I am a son, brother, grandson. To make everybody live together and make everybody live happily is the significant role to play. As I play a different role in the family, it is always helpful to make healthy relation with each person. To spend time with family members give me boost and power to live life and make my living worth.
Friends (19 %). Friends are the second family. I am lucky to have excellent friends in my life. This group has always given me a warm corner to live.

Wait! Describe each slice of your circle and how much it means to you paper is just an example!

Friends take out the beauty of life. I always share my problems and my situations with friends, and they always support. Friends can make you happy when you feel small. They take out best from you. This group is closest to me, and I always want them in my life after my family.
Culture (3 %) & Religion (3 %). I am living in a country where different culture and religion people follow. I do live with various people. So I do not believe in this group. Nevertheless, as I am a part of my religion I need to follow that group, so it is with less percent. Same with the culture that I am following and living with the different type of culture people, so it does not make as such group. Nevertheless, as a part of my culture I need to make a small identity in that group.
Nationality (13 %). I am proud to live in this country. Therefore, as part of it I respect my nation and its belongings. I would like to share the group with my nation. The place where I born and I grew up has always given me many things. Food to shelter and land to money all I found at this location. Therefore, I do follow the group with my nation. However, it is not that I will like other nationality. I respect their nations also but indeed, I can form the active group with my country.
Gender (10 %). I do not believe in gender bias. I do respect my opposite sex. However, apparently I can follow same group bonding firmly. As a country I live there is an enormous difference in two genders. One way or other I need to be specifically following my gender. However, for working culture there can be the neutral group that I support.
Employment (13 %). After family and friend, one spends the highest time with their job or business. Same case with me also. Therefore, I do have my working group that I support in office as part of work and social sometimes as they are close to me, and we share the same or equally same profession.
Part Two
I am living in such country where religions and cultures followed differently in different regions. There are high differences with beliefs and lifestyle of people live in the same country (Vickers & Lucy 121). We follow very nice and organized democracy which taken care by our governments and by regulations. People develop their culture with their way, and nobody has right to make any objection to stop others or make them follow other culture or religion. There exist laws and regulation for individual life in a country. We believe in “Live and let Live”. Our country has a philosophy; that person should not interfere others life so as to live peacefully.
Cultural, religious or racial prejudice and discrimination are on the decline as compared to the past and historical times (123-127). Discrimination in our society stems from various factors, but the one considered a primary contributor is a majority and the minority numbers (Fisanick & Christina 263). Taking an instance one is a Muslim in a nation populated and ruled by Christians or any other religious groups. Another example is when one is of a different race other than the race native of the state they are living. National law on curbing discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes have in writing from the long time, but it has taken a quite considerate time to make remarkable impacts on addressing the menace.
I have experienced prejudice and specifically religious discrimination as a Buddhist. It is clear that all Buddhism roots its practice and practices from Indian culture. This two combined gives me such a sharp and isolated identity. I applied for a state job that required minimal qualifications so by merit I had qualified. I had information that the state department I was about to start working with was under the control of heads who are not of my religion. This fact should translate that the majority of the subordinates’ falls in the same piece of the pie, this takes us back to the majority-minority basis of prejudice. This fact did not stop me from trying to have the job and try to work harmoniously with my different colleagues.
I narrowly got the job in the department, but soon as I started experiencing the excitement; it was dwindled after my team had to know me. They were all from an identical religious and cultural belief, from the start, they could not restrain their differences, and we could hold a talk as a team. It became so hard for me to integrate with them. I started feeling in the place, the wrong department. The communication breakdown between me and the team, lack enough time with the team who preferred the group they had already established. The darkest part was that when I decided to consult the head of the department.
He openly told me that was expected and projected to happen and fixing such cases is not part of the docket in the context that he was not the reason the world had different beliefs (Perry & John 24). This perception crushed me and made me feel utterly lost. I had to keep the job, in one or the other way. Aware of the existence of such cultural differences I had to look and breed on the common grounds with my team. The common solace became professionalism, common objectives, and a typical job. Though I no longer work there, I considered that an instance of prejudice.

Works Cited
Fisanick, Christina. Discrimination. Farmington Hills, Mich: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Print.
Martin, Raymond, and John Barresi. Personal Identity. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003. Print.
Perry, John. Personal Identity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. Print.
Vickers, Lucy. Religious Freedom, Religious Discrimination and the Workplace. Oxford
Hart, 2008. Print.

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