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Development Analysis In Effective Communication

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Development analysis in effective communication


Engineering in general terms, is defined worldwide as a profession where through the study, learning of mathematics, social sciences, experience and practice, as professional knowledge they apply adequately and reasonably, in order to create, develop various mechanisms andways to be used in the most economical and precise way of all resources of nature for the benefit of humanity.

Starting from this definition we could say that engineering is an activity that transforms knowledge into something practical. Engineers as such, rely on the knowledge of the basic sciences of mathematics, physics, chemical, biological, engineering sciences, applied engineering, economic and administrative sciences both for the development of technologies, and for efficient and productive managementof natural resources that benefit society.


From 1915, when industrial engineering really was born, the owners of the industries realized the possibility of raising productivity, decreasing costs if, an engineer specialized in the production adhered to a correct administration is hired, promoting that engineersindustrialists who reached management positions in companies had a broader vision of what a company is and how to manage it. The industrial engineer ceased to be like that, foreman and became a designer of work methods and tools thus becoming a better administrator.

Industrial engineering is one of the many and varied branches of engineering, which deals with the improvement and adequate use of human, technical and informative resources, as well as the optimal management and management of the systems of transformation of goods and services, evaluation of evaluation ofIntegrated systems applied in personnel fields, wealth, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials and processes, in order to obtain high quality products or useful services that satisfy society, also considering as priority care to the environment.

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Engineering could be said to have its origins since when man began to develop intelligently and as a fundamental part of his survival he had to invent mechanisms and tools, that would allow him to improve his living conditions such as his homes, strengths, paths among others, both bothFor its protection and defense as well as attack, so to achieve its food, inventing and making its tools and hunting weapons, there are no clear traces for example of how the first wheel was built in the world, being able to consider it as a simple machineHowever, this engineering event so ancient and so important until today was part of the ingenuity and the inventiveness of the ancestors.

Engineering not as a profession that we know now, is born at the dawn of civilization as we have exposed, and over the years it was aimed at formalizing and strengthening itself as a profession from the creation of the Centers of Studies and UniversitiesCreated especially for this purpose, it is so that the first university centers in the world were created in England and France in the first place, hence the Emperor Napoleon founded the first school of engineering in the world called "Ecole Polytechnique" in 1795, althoughIt is aware that in the years of 1646 Colbert J.B. He had formed engineers in the military field for arms manufacturing.

The so -called great industrial revolution in the world, was born in England from the first steam machine created by James Watt in 1765, among other small technological inventions of the time, thus facilitating the best and greater textile production in the first place, displacingHuman force by force of steam, then applying this autonomous rotary movement technology was applied in other productive fields leading to English modernization and industrial boom in other areas by reducing costs and improving productivity.

The industrial engineering career is characterized by being multi and interdisciplinary, multi discipline implies the use of many or multiple disciplines in a single study area such as operations research, information systems, productivity measurement, management of the management ofquality, logistics, mathematics, statistics and simulation.

This means that to understand what happens when handling information flows, money or materials within the company, one or several disciplines can always be used, for example, part of the financial theory that is handled in the stock marketof values of any country is based on linear algebra models, which can also be applied within the company. Integral management systems or business resources planning.

Productivity and quality can be measured in any area of the company, or in the complete company, idle is to mention the enormous utility that mathematics and statistics have in the planning of the industry;For example, in sales projections or in the forecasts of the economy, which in turn are used for the development of short and long -term budgets of all the company’s resources.

On the other hand, by raising a mathematical model, however simple, of any business activity, it is possible to simulate its behavior in different macroeconomic scenarios, financial resources, human resources, etc., This is how multi discipline is a necessity, if you want to address the solution of business problems in an integral and scientific way.

On the other hand, interdiscipline is the interaction of different disciplines for the solution of a specific problem, for example, mathematics, probability and statistical., They can be studied how it is done in a school of physics and mathematics;where the basic axioms of mathematics must be taught and demonstrated. Interdiscipline arises when this theory is applied to the solution of business problems in the case of industrial engineering.

Among the social sciences involved in industrial activity is sociology and psychology as an important complement, since this knowledge depends on the good work in activities such as industrialists carried out a market study for a certain new product, through surveys, there are that stratify the sample, that is, include the characteristics of the population, which are socioeconomic, do not consume the same articles of low, medium or high economic class consumers; Nor do people with some education consume the same as those who do not have it, so that by deciding the type of people to which all these points must be taken into account, so that the sample has the same characteristics of the population.

In every modern company, psychology is mainly used for the hiring of personnel, promotion of positions, conflict resolution, organizational environment and culture analysis, etc., In the strategic planning of every company, not only mathematics and statistics are involved, but also a knowledge of the country’s political, social and economic conditions.


Industrial engineering, despite being a relatively new career, has become a career of great importance for the productive sector in all industrial fields and in all countries of the world, as the years pass this professional discipline is optimized andmodernizing in such a way that it advances to the rhythm of vertiginous scientific changes and the new needs required by productive sectors, without neglecting social factors and environmental care in favor of humanity, so to be a good industrial engineerThe studies are not only enough, but also to think and act, as a true and responsible engineer, never forgetting the human aspect, as the basis of the well -being and conservation of our planet.

Bibliographic references:

  • Barkley, Frank. Taylor Frederick w. Harper & Row Publisher. New York. 1923.
  • Chalmers, Alan. What is that thing called science? 21st century editors. Mexico. 2001.
  • Elster, John. The technological change. Gedisa. 2000.
  • Espíndola, José Luis. Creativity: strategies and techniques. Pearson. Mexico. 2003.
  • Evans, j. The Flowering of The Middle Age. 2nd Edition. Thomas and Hudson. London. 1967.
  • Forbe. History of technique. Porrúa. Mexico, 1958.
  • Van Gigch, John. General systems theory. Trillas. Mexico. 1987.

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