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Division of Texas
1066213243320000Aside from being the second-largest state, Texas has the second-largest population composition in the US. Under the provision of the Federal Constitution, the division of any state requires Congressional approval. However, in the case of Texas, the resolution of 1845 passes for Congressional pre-approval hence Texas can be sub-divided. Moreover, many constitutional scholars and political philosophers suggest that subdividing Texas would bring the Constitutional powers closer to the people hence fulfilling the objectives of deliberative democracy. As supposed in the map at the end of this paper, Texas can be subdivided into at least five States:


221698995238El. NORTE
399403095238NNew Texas
00NNew Texas

According to the 2010 population estimates, New Texas will have a population of around 2.7M. New Texas is in current Texas, hence will have six electoral votes thus vending off the Republican advantage in the hilly sides of College station.

This state will have its capital at Dallas. With a population of about 7.5M, Trinity will be as big as Virginia. The name Trinity will be a reference to the trinity of Large Cities (Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington). Trinity would contain a relatively large population of African Americans and the richest of the new states (Brown et al.

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, 4).
This state will have its Capital at Houston. This state will have a population of about 7.2M. Gulfland has a projection of at least 32% college degree. Therefore, its economy will heavily depend on the offshore drilling activities hence likely boost its constituents from a 16% to about 12% below the poverty line (Brown et al., 6).
This state will have its capital at Lubbock. This state will have a population of about 2.5M. Plainland will cover about 39% of the initial Texas territory but a significantly lesser population. With this kind of population, Plainland will be the most conservative state in the country and Republican-dominated.

El. Norte will have its Capital at San Antonio. Due to its Hispanic culture and proximity to Mexico, El. Norte (Spanish meaning: North) will serve the cultural necessities of its constituents who have Hispanic ancestry.

Splitting Texas into five states will have an economic benefit as well as better representation in the Congress. Splitting Texas will result in 10 Senators and 42 electoral votes. In this way, the Texans will have a better representation to voice their issues as well as eliminating the notion that the government takes much of tax from Texas while giving back less regarding services.

Work Cited
Brown, Lyle, et al. Practicing Texas Politics. Cengage Learning, 2013.

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