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Division Of Tasks In The Home Of The Families Of Quito During The Social Isolation

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Division of tasks in the home of the families of Quito during the social isolation


The selected theme becomes appropriate and relevant according to the current situation, because with the Covid Pandemia – 19 declared worldwide, it leads us to think in a present and future way the fact of how to administer, organize and direct the tasks in the home; pointing out that the fundamental objective is undoubtedly to effectively carry out the coordination of work at home, with the help of family members, but without neglecting priorities such as work and studies.

Being a current problem, I came to be interesting to do a study with inquiries and observations to be able to draw conclusions and recommendations, since directly or indirectly affects the normal development of family and society in general; The problem is given with the pandemic and the wave of effects that it has produced in any sphere of life, since it is not transitory or momentary but became a problem and setback whose uncertainty will last a long time and that directly affects the both physical and emotional health of people.

When focusing on the development of the subject, it is important to mention that I want to reach people, with the message that they know how that there is a leader and person who knows.


Because of the changes that have occurred today in homes for the loss of work of one or both parents, or that they must work from home and children must study and do their homework from the house; In addition to this, the homework of the house must be done today more than ever than each family member contributing with something on this issue since all this cannot be loaded to the parents and much less only the mother, since She must comply with her labor obligations.

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For this, a better distribution of home tasks such as: wash the dishes, prepare food, keep the house clean; The care of children, the elderly and even the pets of the house as the case may be for each family.

There will always be something that is missing, something that could not be done at the time or that by external factors simply was not done; There arises precisely the thought of how you can creativity, intelligence and ingenuity to solve the problems that are now being given, important teamwork with guidelines for each family member to perform their function efficiently But cheerful.

The current times are so important in the psychological field, since group or family coexistence will not always be easy, because disagreements are in force in every organization.

Definition of the problem

We live in an unfortunately macho society in which men are dedicated to performing other activities leaving aside the chores of the house, so that they are covered by women, believing that it is the obligation of them to make them.

Then we must take into account that although it is true in ancient times only the man of the house and the mother or wife worked in charge of the chores and the care of the children if they had them and nothing else, but today due That the family economy needs it, it is already the two who must work to cover family expenses.

Now taking into account the issue of pandemic that we live worldwide, things are more complicated, because it can make the case that one or both spouses are working from the house through teleworking, or that one or both have lost their worked.

This has caused problems among the members of the house since each one asks for their space to perform their tasks and they must perform the homework tasks.


Within the panorama that has been raised due to the Covid-19 pandemic, people around the world were forced to take strong precautionary measures, changing each of the ways of life that used to carry normally, so inside From these safety standards, the one that most influenced the masses, the confinement was found, where each family was in the need to remain in total and partial isolation of society, which is why with the present study work, it was will present the importance of maintaining a good family organization.

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