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Dream vacation

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English 101
19 June 2015
Dream vacation
My dream vacation would be exactly as the phrase suggests, very dreamy, ethereal, that which passes by you like a dream, a feather and transporting you in a fairyland. Somewhere, I can laze, but with not only my senses, being gratified, but my whole being. Thus, the whole pleasure and recreation aspect need to be able to make me feel productive, and not mere degraded self-indulgence. There need not be any pedantry or any learning sessions, because it is a holiday to the fullest. Relaxation is the key word for my vacation.
Some people like myself, go for a pleasure yet productive kind of holiday, some for just pleasure, aimless or total mindless soaking into the luxuries, and still some others, for learning experiences, like culture, anthropology, sociology, geography, history, ethnic and economic knowledge gathering endeavors. Places also differ, like sun soaked beaches, with Gentle Ocean and sea spreading before you, breezes blowing, and the beauty of both the sunrise and the sunset. Others like the mountains, craggy and majestic, and the barren land with it, or the cool green forests of the hill or mountain tops. Some are fond of the arid, empty desert and the silence that goes with it. Others prefer the wild landscape, with its pristine untamed nature, which can be both savage and docile.
My idea of a holiday is to get a fulfilled sense of being, where all body, mind and personality toxins are cleared.

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One of the best places for this is, I feel, is the beach in Key West, Florida. The sun-kissed, sand filled beaches, the lovely sunrise, the purple, golden sunset, and just lying around by oneself, to enjoy these, is just something indescribable. It is endless lazing, relaxing and dreaming, looking up at the expansive blue sky, and feeling totally in tune with nature. An occasional seagull, an isolated beach walker or a couple, calls for a pleasant diversion. The beautiful ocean and its breezes, just soothes your frayed nerves, and cleanses and heals you. Thus it is not only lazing, but also building upon your inner core of being.
I would like to make my dream vacation a reality, or may keep it in my dreams always, so as not to lose its trance-like effect.

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