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Ecuador’S Feminist Society In 1921

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Ecuador’s feminist society in 1921

Ecuadorian feminism happened at the end of the 20th century. It is historically recognized for having a contest in political participation causing discrepancy in society, whose purpose was to achieve the same rights between men and women in society, encouraging other women to combat the ideologies that men had at that time, becomingIn one of the most remembered struggles for gender inequality that has been caused and deepened by the political historical processes of capitalism, together with religion in the situation of domain, subordination and oppression to women.

The feminist contest is the process of struggle is not only in favor of women’s rights, but that in which indigenous women and others who without declaring feminist have assumed libertarian struggles, whose purpose is to change the doctrine of politicians,In order to be able to destroy the constitution and social sphere, encouraging women to leave the domestic space to venture into the political and legal sphere, including Matilde Hidalgo Navarro, Transito Amaguaña and Dolores Cacuango whose role is substantial in theFight for Equality in Ecuador. So that it gives credibility to this issue. How do the feminist contest in Ecuador contribute to society between 1921 until 1944?

To achieve greater participation of women in political development processes, it is importantThey were considered to raise men over women in two different areas, through at the level of social relationship and socially among the inhabitants.

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The feminist movement has been considered one of the most historical and significant manifestations in Ecuador by women to achieve gender equality, one of the most important has been the right to vote in 1929, becoming the first country in Latin America to giveTo women this tribute, thanks to feminist vote. Considering that feminism has always been seen as the antagonistic of machismo, however perspective is not relevant, because machism. Implying that you should not have the ideology of confusing feminism with females.

Ecuadorian feminism has undoubtedly had a very important and political role throughout history, making remakes throughout the struggle for gender equality. Women have been fundamental in the historical movements of transformations that Ecuador has lived through the contribution of public, political, art and culture spaces through publications using feminist contests that is historically recognized by the events that fight rights to rightsof a whole genre.

One of the most important women and remembered for fighting for gender equality is Matilde Hidalgo de Procel who was born in 1889 an era where the woman had no voice or vote, being one of the fundamental pillars for the participation of women withinEcuadorian politics. Despite living in a time where the man occupied all the spaces of power, he managed to be the first woman to obtain a doctorate in medicine in 1921, standing out as a doctor and poet, however, his main contribution to the country was the fight forEquality to women. His efforts achieved such important objectives as the implementation of female suffrage in 1929 turning Ecuador to be the first country in Latin America to grant the right to voting to the female gender.

With the liberal revolution of Matilde Hidalgo and other women, feminism became the object of concern of the State as government discourse “no longer limited women only to the home and their role as mothers and wives, as in the previous period, but beganto consider its incorporation into the administrative and productive needs of the nation ”. Managing to obtain work sources for women in the public sector and opening opportunities to women to be able to exercise in the educational field.

When expressing liberal ideas, the greatest number of women was attracted, whose objective was to develop other contributions to the female gender such as Zoila Ugarte who dared to challenge the ideologies of society to venture into the political sphere, whose purpose was to achieveoverthrow the inequality of salaries between men and women for the same jobs, suppress the support of Dipsomania, persevere and free women who were engaged in sex work.

They edited Alas magazine, which was a space open to the circulation of liberal ideas and a stimulus for the participation of women in the public sphere;They also participated in the International League of Iberian and Spanish -American Women promoted by liberal activists (Ecuadorian women and the conquest of political rights, S.F.).

However, having achieved great achievements, most of the policy did not agree, so that, in 1937, the lawyer Luis Felipe Borja that women occupy a place in politics, because he proposed to overthrow the recognition of the recognition of thefemale vote, despite José María Velasco Ibarra contrary to this mandate, the order of Felipe in the liberal areas of Guayaquil being rejected.

However, the struggle for equality continued, because despite having had achievements from courageous women, rejection against women still had to fit the Amaguaña Transito and Dolores Cacuango in 1944 who contributed the Federation of Ecuador performing the first indigenous schools, because society pointed them out as alphabets, ignorant with lack of knowledge, however this was not an impediment, but quite the opposite because it helped them strengthen the feminist struggle and for the rights of the indigenous people against the irrelevant political laws towards thewomen.

The difference in the sexes that some moment constituted a reason for struggle and claim for women’s rights for a more egalitarian society over time seems to be diluted, however, today it is more alive than ever reflecting that there were courageous women who have managed to be rememberedand historically recognized for achieving recognition to female gender in cultural, political, social and educational fields.

In conclusion, feminism is a set of political and social movements that have as its objective gender. and overthrow the violence of men towards women. Undoubtedly, the influence of feminism has achieved successes as in the field as the right to education, thanks to the contributions of brave women in fighting at an era where men had all opportunities while a woman’s duty was to marry and beLOVES DOMESTIC UNTIL HIS LAST DAY OF LIFE WITHOUT HAVE VOICE OR AmbIC. Undoubtedly women have a value that does not depend on men, we all deserve the right to body autonomy, where women have not completed a man, women are complete since they arrive in the world.


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