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Effectiveness Of Contraceptive Methods

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Effectiveness of contraceptive methods


The contraceptive methods (Mac) are the safest option that human beings have to have sexual relations more safely, and thus prevent possible pregnancy and even a sexually transmitted disease (STDs) . But how effective and safe are these contraceptive methods? Then I will show you how good the different contraceptive methods are.

First of all, what are contraceptive methods? The contraceptive methods (MAC) or also considered contraception methods, are any type of methods used to prevent pregnancy, either naturally or with the help of a product for the prevention of these. Most contraceptive methods (if not all) are more occupied and focused on women than men. Although the most used contraceptive method is the male condom, followed by the famous pills or pills.

But why are these methods more focused on women? Experts say that “the beginning of hormonal contraception begins in Spain in 1961 and then, to be able to take it, women had to ask permission and have the consent of their husbands. This, in a way, is related to why progress has been made so much in female contraception, and so little in the masculine "(Dr. Ramón Serrano José" because most contraceptives are designed only for women ". Infosalus. Web. 10 Feb 2020) . On the other hand "women are generally more careful about their health and they usually feel lighter when talking about their sexual life with the gynecologist" (Dr. Carmona Francisco "because most contraceptives are designed only for women for women".

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Infosalus. Web. 10 Feb 2020).

Now we will analyze several of the most common contraceptive methods and see how effective they are to prevent pregnancy. We will begin with the contraceptive methods of Barrera (MB), where both male and female condoms stand out, but also finding spermicides. The effectiveness of these contraceptive methods is high if you know how to use correctly in each sexual act, with a 3% pregnancy cup for the male and 7% condom for spermicides being used in each sexual act. In addition, another advantage of the use of condom is that this prevents sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), but not everything is good in this method, since if it is not used correctly, it could be broken, being completely useless.

We also find an oral combined hormonal contraception (AHCO) or also known as the contraceptive pill. These are tablets (twenty -eight usually) that one must take one every day, every day, at the same time. Of these tablets, seven, four or two are pills without medication, that is, they do not generate effects. Oral contraceptives are quite safe, when they are used perfect. This method also generates other benefits, for example the decrease in acne, regulation of the menstrual cycle. AHCO offers control over women’s fertility and can be occupied silently, without their partner finding out and not interrupting the sexual encounter. However, this method does not offer any protection with respect to STDs.

Other contraceptive methods are those of hormonal contraception only with gestagenos (AHG), where the pill with AHG enters (it is a daily pill from the first day of menstruation, without interruptions), the injectable (the first dose will be administered between the first and fifthMenstrual cycle day, repeating every 8 or 12 weeks) and the subcutaneous implant (an implant that is inserted under the skin of the arm during the first and fifth day of the menstrual cycle and that lasts up to 3 years). These methods have a pregnancy rate of less than 1% after the first year of use. They have long -term benefits as less risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and endometrial cancer. However, it also does not protect against STDs.

We also have dius (intrauterine devices), which as the name implies, are devices that go within the uterus and that can last up to 5 years. The IUD must be inserted by a professional after an exam to analyze the patient’s tolerance to this method. But this method brings with it side effects such as the increase in bleeding and dysmenorrhea, irregular or amenorrhea bleeding. In addition, this method does not protect from STDs, which does not make it a good candidate as a contraceptive method having other safer and not so harmful methods for women’s health (even if it lasts longer).

Other contraceptive methods not very common but that must still be in mind are sterilization, emergency contraception and abstinence. Sterilization (method that applies to both women and men) consists of an irreversible operation where the person loses any ability to engender a child. Emergency contraception or also known as the day after, consists of a dose of 1, 2 or 4 pills depending on the brand, which prevents ovulation. This method is only recommended in case the MAC has failed or in a more extreme case, rape. And finally we have abstinence, which basically consists of avoiding having sex, it is not a method to take into account if what you are looking for is having sex safely per way is still considered a contraceptive method.

As I said at the beginning, we also have the natural methods, such as the rhythm method, cervical mucus, basal and syntothermal temperature, which basically deal with methods where the behavior of the woman’s body is studied to determine when it is safe to have sex. These methods are not recommended for not being safe, since it is common for women to have irregularities, which will make these methods not precise, in addition to not giving the ease of having the sexual relationship when the couple is givenHe wins, if not depending on a specific moment.

There are many contraceptive methods, from methods that are occupied in each sexual act such as the condom, to methods that will last for years such as implants or the IUD and that only need to be placed only once, the method that the method thatYou want to occupy, or the one that suits you depending on each case. Each acts in a different way and are of great help when avoiding or planning a pregnancy, and giving greater security to the couple at the time of the sexual act . The important thing about these is that they are occupied correctly, in order to have almost guaranteed security of avoiding pregnancy.  

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