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Effects Of Enslavement

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Effects of enslavement

The enslavement of Africans if I affected African countries to develop economically and socially. With all the resources that Africa has, we think that its economy and commerce should be very good. The mines of Africa have a lot of gold, diamond and other valuable minerals, but still the countries of Africa are not so rich. It is a coincidence that the continent that has had the most enslaving and colonization has not evolved so much for many years. After colonization and enslavement by other countries, Africa I do not know has changed so much even if they are independent and free to do what they want. The reasons why this happened is because there were not so many people in Africa, and those who were left, fought with each other.

During enslavement, many Africans were stolen from their own countries. Sometimes with war or fight, but sometimes Europeans or Portuguese only appeared there and grabbed them of their normal life. They could grab merchants, miners, farmers, or even children. This definitely had an economic impact for Africa. According to https: //, “Many populations, given the danger of slavery, abandoned their original areas, taking refuge in the interior regions, helping depopulation … Agriculture, tissues, smelting and forge of metals were reduced ". This matters because when only few people were in Africa, they could not do much to continue their daily lives of being farmers, miners and etc.

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After all enslavement, so they lived an even simpler life without many jobs. The lack of these works reduced the economy and that is why it is because the economy of Africa is not so modern.

Not only has the economy of Africa be destroyed by enslavement, but also socially affects. The colonizers made many ethnic groups separate or share territory, and this did problems between countries. The enslavement also made trade of products and goods very difficult for Africa because European or Portuguese countries only want to grab slaves and not much food or minerals. Africans needed money and since I don’t know so much each other because they were forced to share territory/country, they sold one another. This caused many problems in society, since they fought with each other to sell slaves. According to contemporary Africa article, “individuals of the same or similar ethnic group were enslaved among them. This had harmful consequences, including social and ethnic fragmentation, political instability and weakening of the State, and the corruption of judicial institutions ”. This is important because Africa could be more advanced today if there was no enslavement. Slavers definitely caused economic and socially in Africa problems.