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Eva, An Approach To Female Independence

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Eva, an approach to female independence


The role of women within society has always been indicated by the constant fight against oppression, against universal rights and against gender secretion. According to Beauvior, S. The woman’s perspective and her performance, tells her in the following sentence:

“The day that a woman may not love from her weakness but from her strength, not escape from herself but to meet, not humiliate himself but to affirm, that day love will be for her, as for man, source of life and not of dangermortal"

The feminist movement can be discrepant when the woman feels and believes free, however, the manifesto of being a woman is equal to the interior as a process of thought, feeling and self-determination.

It is important to take into account the situation of society in terms of freedom of thought, freedom of development, freedom to exploration, culture and, above all, the importance that must exist when talking about inclusion.

“Before sleeping, I was never going to cry for the hidden. Nothing was going to banish nostalgia, animism, silly family traditions of my life. No nostalgia, only present, nothing future ".

The hidden: a vision of the character Eva

Eva’s epilogo dates back to the childhood stage where in the first instance a parallel between her sister Pilar and she is denoted, where Pilar always showed suspicion in the face of the abilities, skills and habits that Eva presented.

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After Anita’s death, Eva’s mother, the protagonist begins to understand and have another perspective in front of life, in front of love, in front of work and begins a life restructuring process that fosters in her, a new option of happiness.

Eva is a woman who goes against any dependent or macho guideline, who promotes women as a being for the house and a being to reproduce;Eva rejects the idea of depending or being under the yoke of a man, as is the case of her sister Pilar, who indoctrine to the ideals that her mother Anita taught and that, therefore, I take for herpersonal and family life.

Society sees a radical female model, more believer in their abilities, driving rights, which does not belittle the home plan without a male figure and demonstrates new paradigms against what to make of women inside the home, within the family context. Eva is a woman who has always had the company of men, as friends, as lovers, husbands or other figures, but, through life and experience she understood that it does not depend on a man, since she is a non -macho person.

Eva has understood that her "relative and family" environment were some of the causes of their prejudices, their doctrines and that therefore, society in addition to being an exclusive society is a society that causes gender anger.

The human being is subject to change, to transformation, to the new way of thinking and seeing life, and everything lies in the experiences, experiences of the past that mark, point or make a break of a positive thought against something or someone.

The human being is a chain of emotions, which goes up and down, that experiences the positive pole and the negative pole and that is always open to the new experience, new knowledge or new learning.

Giving allusion to the above, we can tell Eva’s abortion events, where the first abortion is done due to the repulsion and hatred that she felt in front of the man who married for the first time and which she did not want to have a transcendence of blood;The second is unknown because the story does not deepen this and for such, there is no knowledge in front of this. This is why we talk about the susceptible and predictable human being within a social, family, work or personal dynamic.

Through the experiences that a person can have, there may be detached, detachments or ruptures of a structure, be it family, be it friends, simply the emotional being learns to block or eliminate that feeling in front of a person, place, memory orevent.

"Glory and tragedy are so simple. I do not explain why poets, psychologists and traders give them so many laps, being such a simple matter, that for me it is like this: two love each other, and while still love each other (while still loving themselves, I underline),Little by little, without realizing it, they are lost, until they get to hate ”.  

In relation to the allegory of love, Eva understands that love is a vicious-repressive circle, which simply consists of living, learning and remembering.

To conclude, Eva is demonstrated as a free, empowered woman, owner of her destiny, but always from a subjective point of view, because like every human being, she possessed fears, fears, prejudices and distrust, which makes us reflect and generate aQuestion: Eva was really the enemy of history?


  • Bernal Castillo, L. (2018). Denunciation and reconciliation in the writing of Héctor Abad Faciolince: the hidden (postgraduate thesis). Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás. Recovered from https: // repository.Usta.Edu.CO/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/11634/14724/2018LINEBERNAL.PDF?sequence = 1 & isalowed = y
  • Abbot f. (2014). The hidden. Bogotá: Penguin Random House Group Editorial
  • Simone de Beauvoir. [Web file]. Recovered from https: //

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