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Facebook, The New Advertising Strategy

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Facebook, the new advertising strategy

Since the existence of the Internet, numerous platforms have been created that make itThey concentrate most of the time in them.

Facebook, is one of the most popular social networks today, and without a doubt, it has positioned itself as one of the best Internet sites to promote and create impact. To start explaining the impact that can be given when promoting Facebook, we must first understand what a social network is and in question, how Facebook works. 

According to, obese, p., (2017), “A social network has been defined as a set of people who have links to each other, be it for commercial issues, friendship, work, kinship, etc ..

[…] Today, social networks give him the prominence [Footnoteref: 2] to users and the communities that they make up. These sites facilitate communication between people, the exchange of information (such as photos, videos and more) and allow them to meet new people, further expanding their network. 

This not only favors the emergence of friendships and romances, but also the creation of new labor and commercial relations, the growth of communities that are formed around brands and a greater closeness between businesses and their real and potential clients

On the other hand, RD Station, (2017), says that “in the virtual world, they are sites and applications that operate at diverse levels – such as the professional, of relationship, among others – but always allowing the exchange of information between people and//or companies ”, for the Mercadologist Cajal, M.

Wait! Facebook, The New Advertising Strategy paper is just an example!

, (2017), defines it as “Internet site that aims to serve as a communication tool between various users who join in the same virtual space to share information in various formats”

As they mention it, there are different types of social networks, such as social networks of relationships, entertainment, professionals and niche. In the first category, the best known network is Facebook, whose purpose, at least in its conception, was to connect people. In this same, there are innumerable other networks, which also fit into the other types, such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ etc. Entertainment networks basically its main objective is not to relate to people, but to consume content. The most iconic example is YouTube, the biggest distribution platform [Footnoteref: 4] of video videos, in which the objective is to publish and watch videos. 

The professionals in which users are aimed at creating professional relationships with other users, disseminating professional projects and conquestof niche, as their name says, they are aimed at a specific audience either a professional category or having a common interest. 

Now, if Facebook is in the category of "relationships" to create communication and links between users, why is a good tool for promotion?, At the beginning of this essay, it was expressed that today, Facebook is an essential part of marketing, but why?;We will explain it shortly.

The beginnings … University

The beginning of Facebook, begins in 2004 when Mark Zuckerberg, creator of this platform, used to be a student of the prestigious Harvard University, Mark, I think this is as an online version of the ‘Facebook’ of American universities, this idea tookTo the Internet, first for American students and for their demand, he opened its doors to anyone who has an email account. In its first months, this platform had more than half of the students of that university, also had students from the most prestigious universities in the United States, such as MIT, Boston University and Boston College, among others. 

A year later, Facebook had more than one million users and an office in Palo Alto, California and had already received the financial support of Peter Thiel. That same year, students of more than 25 thousand secondary schools and two thousand universities in the United States and abroad incorporated a total of 11 million users.

In 2006, Facebook introduced more foreign universities and development new services on its platform, such as Facebook Notes (a bloggin tool with tagging, images and other utilities) likewise, in this same year Facebook was made public ‘this means that not only not onlyStudents from certain American universities or schools participated in it, but now, anyone around the world could enter their community, this as long as it will have email, a year later Facebook Marketplace was created, a new way of buying fromthe platform. 

Facebook quickly became a community of communities, students, companies and people who can choose to participate in one or more networks are connected. It is a community created by and depending on its members.

Until 2008, it launched its French, German and Spanish version to boost its expansion outside the United States, since its users concentrate in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. The largest number of users of Latin America, comes from Colombia, surpassing countries with the largest population such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, therefore, compete for opening space between successful companies such as Google and MySpace.

More scope in the community

Thanks to the growth and the number of users who are registered on this platform, companies have not let the opportunity to use this to their convenience, since it offers a very detailed segmentation, in addition, a strong investment is not necessary and offers a highROI. On the other hand, we talk about a social network that generates reports on the results achieved. In our ads we can segment by age, gender, city, studies, tastes or interests. The social network enhances the popularity of our campaigns. 

Facebook, I think Facebook Ads, this platform was created especially for companies, in it, you can have better visibility of the campaigns made by them, it contains more accessibility tools to see demand and others of the different publications that are made,In addition to having visible buttons for your future customers by wanting to visit your Facebook page, these buttons to make a call, visit your page and even see the location of your establishment. 

In addition, with Facebook ADS, you can promote a post, or increase likes, this to generate a greater impact on the Facebook community, we can also create text, images and video ads that will be displayed in the user’s news section, it isSay, on your home page.

All this can be done for free, but there is also the payment method, with it, you can count on your publications, the same platform can throw you in more graphic detail on the scope. 

For many companies, Facebook has been a great advertising tool, however, this platform has more competition by other platforms, even so, Facebook is still listed as the best in it.

Adaptation to the vast majority 

Creating advertising campaigns on social networks is one of the best ideas that companies can take, since today, everything works online, this also helps create advertising from consumer mouths, through recommendation.

Companies, each time they must be commissioned to adapt to new forms of promotion, this to be able to attract the attention of the new generations.

"For companies, it is practically impossible not to have Facebook as an ally in a digital marketing strategy, either to generate businesses, attract traffic or relate to customers" RD Station, (2017)


  • Obese, p., (2017), Blog, you know … What are social networks?, Retrieved on December 4, 2019 at: https: //
  • RD Station, (2017), RD Station, Social Networks, consulted on December 4, 2019 at: https: // www.RD networks/
  • Cajal, m., (2017), Mabel Cajal, what is a social network: types of social networks and what they are for, consulted on December 4, 2019 at: https: //
  • RD Station, (2017), RD Station, Social Networks, consulted on December 4, 2019 at: https: // www.RD networks/
  • Lic. In business development, Isaac Trujillo Macedo Dr. Fermín Sotelo Bahena

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