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Faith Integration in Money Borrowing

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Faith integration is the relationship that exists between knowledge and faith, it is the application of faith in various discipline in an attempt to resolve conflicts.
Since faith is based on Scriptures, it is crucial that we find out the truth on the topic from the scriptures. We will find out whether owing money places someone out of God’s will or it is just but a misconception.
First and foremost, is borrowing money a sin? The scriptures do not state that it is sinful to owe money but they offer enormous warnings about the dangers of owing money. The scriptures do not say that one goes against God’s will since there are cases where debt inevitable. For instance, medical emergencies, bankruptcy, and layoffs automatically place people under debt.
With reference to Romans 13:18 it has been widely used to prove that owing a debt is a sin, but it is only concerned with relationships and not issues to do with money.
There is nowhere in the scriptures where it is written that one should not use debt in the purchase of assets for appreciation or in accomplishing God-given economic goals.
However, the Bible warns against borrowing.
The scripture never states that God shall relief those who are heavily burdened as many Christians tend to think. They commonly refer to Philippians 4:19, which explain how God fulfills the needs of those who trust in him since he is full of grace and wealth. The cited promise is actually true but it does not mean that God will cross the consequences of excessive borrowing.

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Borrowing is not an expression of faith as it has been seen by many who claim that God uses a creditor to meet their needs. As a matter of fact, this is a denial of faith as it places the creditor in the place of God to satisfy their heart’s desire and not their needs.
The process of borrowing and loaning of cash is not sinful as it is encouraged by the Bible, but one should always be careful because money lending alters the relationship between the two parties and the change is usually adverse.
Some verses seem to oblige us to believe that it is authorized to loan to others, for instance, 1st Timothy 5:8 which teach us on how to provide for the other people needs. The verse emphasizes that it is important to assist the relatives and also the family that one belongs to because this is the only way that the believers can differentiate themselves from those who do not believe in the word. This exerts pressure on parents who do not have money to pay for a child’s medical emergency. Such circumstances make borrowing inevitable because one must provide for their loved ones.

When circumstances force us to incur debt then we have to rely on these biblical concepts to govern our decisions.
Psalms 37:21 postulates that, “The wicked borrow and do not repay.” From which we conclude that if you fail to repay debt then you are wicked. But then this poses another challenge on whether it is sinful for a Christian to be declared bankrupt. This is not necessarily true as our legal system protects all businesses under the bankruptcy law. Nerveless, each Christian is obliged to repay their lenders as much as they can (Brooks, 1996).
The scripture clearly states that it’s foolish to act as a guarantee. Citing from the book proverbs those who offer security to the others will definitely suffer as compared to those who do not engage in stretching their hands to fight for the others. It is wise to get out of surety situation as the Bible depicts so. Hence this obliges a surety to his commitment as failure to honor it is a violation to the above verse.
The Bible might not have declared borrowing a sin but it warns us against living in the future, that is, debt compels one to promise that they will pay on a certain future date. The book of James warns the believers that they should not plan for tomorrow because they do not know about it. In regard to this, they are encouraged to make daily transactions for their profit since they are not aware whether they will be there the next day. When people borrow they do not give God a chance to provide for them. In Philippians 4:19 it’s well indicated that God promised to be the supplier of all our needs and thus borrowing is seen as a shortcut which shows that we are unbelievers.
On the other hand, the Bible seems to support non-repayment of debts as stated in Luke 6:34-35 it encourages the believers not to lend to those they expect from them since even the sinners will give credit to the other sinners so that they can be paid back. The verse also encourages the believers to love their enemies and always practice doing well so that their rewards can be great and they be considered as the sons of God.
In relation to the payment of debts, we should pay back each and every penny that is due. People should avoid taking vows for what they cannot fulfill since if they do so, this is viewed as unlawful. The book of exodus also insists that if one asks for anything from the neighbor and that what is borrowed dies the person who had borrowed should pay what he had borrowed. We should also ask ourselves this question (Byrne, 1999). Whether we should exact interest on money loaned, believers are advised that if they lend their money to the other believer then they should not treat themselves as money lenders because they have lent their money to the poor who are unable to get theirs.
The Bible also strengthens our faith on lending and not borrowing as it is written in Deuteronomy 15:6 that the Lord has promised to bless the believers with wealth so that they can be lenders and not borrowers this. This encourages the believers that they are rich and they should not live the life of borrowing. The Lord clearly tells the believers that his store if full of riches and those who trust in him he shall rain the blessings and they shall not lack anything. As such it is wise to have faith that God is always providing by sharing what you have with others.
In conclusion, Mathew 5:42 it encourages people to lend to those who are in need and also encourages that we should not run away from the ones who need our help. This clearly shows that God authorizes lending and since there cannot be lending without borrowing hence borrowing is also encouraged in the Bible.
Brooks, R. (1996). Financial Risk: An Alternative Biblical Perspective. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 2(1). Pg. 448.
Byrne, J. A. (1999, October 18) Chainsaw: He anointed himself America’s best CEO, but Al Dunlap drove Sunbeam into the ground. Business Week, 36(51), pg. 128-149.

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