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Fetal Alcoholism Syndrome

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Fetal alcoholism syndrome


When the child is exposed to alcohol, by the mother’s consumption, while in the womb, the sequelae of physical and mental damage produced in it are associated with a congenital and irreversible syndrome, with only the possibility of training of the patient and adaptation by the family. By 2017 alcoholism and cases of intoxication by metilical alcohol were an alarm signal for the epidemiological surveillance of the country, despite not having national figures, worldwide women consume both tobacco and alcohol and men, the figures are Really alarming, according to WHO.


Most of these women, in many cases do not know their pregnancy status and also many of these are oblivious to the knowledge of the risks that involve consuming alcohol during this period. And that is why they ignore that by minimum maxims that are the amounts of alcohol ingested, they can induce a spontaneous abortion (especially in adolescent women) or a group of fetal alcoholic spectrum disorders. The major sequelae are presented in these cases, the lack of preparation, support or sometimes remoteness of the means of information and advice during pregnancy puts the babies of these women, at risk.

That is why we seek to raise in this essay as the fetal alcoholic syndrome constitutes one of the causes of preventable mental retardation. How does a developing child receive when the mother drinks alcohol being pregnant? The fetus receives feeding and oxygen through the placenta, alcohol to the same as any other food is metabolized by the mother and subsequently transported to the product (fetus or embryo).

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Although the causes are heterogeneous, there is a clear relationship between the maternal and fetal compartment.

According to numerous studies, ethanol and its acetaldehyde metabolite can alter the development of the fetus through 4 mechanisms:

  1. Interruption of cell differentiation and growth
  2. DNA alteration
  3. Alteration of protein synthesis
  4. Inhibition of cell migration


Is there any amount of alcohol that a woman can drink without any risk during pregnancy? No, because in addition to the characteristic alterations of the SAF, adverse effects on the result of pregnancy can be observed, such as:

  • Greater risk of spontaneous abortion
  • Premature membrane rupture (RPM)
  • Premature, amniotic, fetal death and fetal death
  • In case of not producing, it can directly affect fetal development

Is there a period in fetal development during which a pregnant woman can ingest alcohol without risk?

It is not, although the most recent investigations do not yield specific data on the damage it causes, this can cause direct damage in the cell growth period, altering its growth, differentiation and other morphogenetic processes. In these cases, a spontaneous abortion can occur or accumulate and produce any of the symptoms described above, the degree of affectation will be proportional to the time of consumption and the amount of alcohol, but regardless of how minimal it is, its consequences are going to extend throughout the pregnancy process.

As has been discussed so far, without a doubt, fetal alcoholic syndrome is an irreversible cause of mental retardation with catastrophic consequences and with a little promising treatment, however, it is preventable. Although the cornerstone of medicine is prevention, it is really overvalued by the general population, which is why the establishment of measures in favor of the prevention of alcoholism and inadvertent consumption of substances with alcohol by pregnant women (many times due to ignorance and sometimes for spite), be regulated and treated in the early stages of pregnancy.

The incorporation of these people into the social world is vital for adequate development and although the sequelae are terrible, in many cases, if they are diagnosed early, the late manifestations of the SAF, have a solution with behavioral and cognitive therapies. More support groups are required for alcoholic people, especially women between 15 – 30 years who are one of the highest risk groups, the decrease in the incidence in alcoholism and medical advice since before conception, they are vital For adequate pregnancy. 

The knowledge and instruction of pregnancy detection methods accompanied by the habit of performing the rapid test to sexually active women with or without suspicion, before drinking alcohol, especially copious amounts. The use of both hormonal and barrier contraceptives, to avoid alcohol or methanol poisoning (such as cases) with serious abortion threat or premature membrane break, even months after poisoning occurred.


It will never be entirely possible to prevent the world incidence of TEAF, but what is possible is to prevent the global incidence of alcoholism, attacking the cause is how these cases can be prevented, in addition to the accompaniment of the mother throughout the development is vital Importance, with good education. The metabolite of the acetaldehyde causes severe damage to the baby, but we can already realize the mechanisms and the worsening of the sequelae, which can be reduced considerably if the mother is properly supplemented with vitamins and nutrients necessary for an adequate development fetal.

At the time that epidemiological surveillance, people and health personnel are on the same page, the incidence will lower drastically, meanwhile, alcohol remains one of the drugs of greatest consumption worldwide, as long as it may be , the prevalence of this disease and its associates will not change much. Apart from prevention, it should be noted that the identification and timely treatment of this type of disorders can change and improve the lives of their innocent victims.  

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