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My inside organs pounded against my torso as I pulled my pack alongside the carpeted floor and into the hall. As I strolled into the extended corridor, I looked up and saw the sign letting me know that I could do it. My whole body could scarcely clutch itself together with the eagerness of the great, dream-come-true occasion that was about to start. I encouraged myself and whispered, “I will soon be in the clouds.” I eased back my movement so as to increasingly enjoy whatever was about to take place. Groups of individuals strolled around me as I cherished realizing that one of my major dreams was about to come true. The energy and adrenaline running through my blood vessels could have murdered a horse.
Not having the capacity to overcome such self-torment, I increased my strides by just about a run, until I had met up with the lamentably unexciting team that I was traveling with. I arrived at a curve in the passage, where I could see through the crystal frame, that which before going through provided not a clue of its presence. “I will soon be in the clouds,” I kept telling myself this. 
Soon after going past the immediate bend, I started seeing the flight attendants who were helping passengers get comfortable. Before I entered the passenger department, I instantly took a view at the crevice that was on my right-hand side. The entryway was made up of some old and rusted metal that made me feel creepy and a little scared. Reluctantly, as I ventured on board, it made me feel uncomfortable seeing the pilots who were charged with the responsibility of helping us reach our various locations.

Wait! Flying paper is just an example!

I was so excited and scared at the same time. My dream of flying will soon come true, and I could not wait to experience it.
I was guided by the flight attendant to a seat that was located towards the rear end and some distance from the pilot section. I took a gander at my travel document and seat number I had been assigned. The plane was quite full, and I had to stop in and between individuals so as to try and fix my bag in one of the luggage sections. In addition, locating my seat was quite a task as I had to check the back of each seat to try and identify one that matches the number at the back of the ticket. As I strolled beyond one of the windows, I managed to see the right wing of the plane that in a way gave me the consolation that I was going to be okay. “I will soon be in the clouds.”
Brendan was a senior who had decided to go on the trip with our group. He called me and asked me to go and seat in one of the seats he had reserved for the both of us. The presence of a huge crowd in the plane obstructed me from seeing Brendan, and I was therefore forced to follow his voice. The whole process of moving through the large crowd of passengers made me feel dizzy and by the time I had reached where Brendan was seated, I was already feeling shaky and tired. I tried to put my luggage in its compartment, but my shaky hands would not allow me to do this. My whole face turned red as a result of all the excitement and fear in me. I finally managed to fix my bag in one of the compartments. Feeling unsteady now, I threw myself into my seat and slithered into a more comfy sitting position before I passed out. 
The following thing I saw was Brendan’s monstrous, shaggy face. AHH! I shouted. His scary look made me pop out of my chair and suddenly hurt my head when I hit my it against the luggage section. The whole region turned dead quiet, and all the passengers were staring at me. After a few minutes that seemed like several hours to me, things finally got back to normal.
Some guy by the name Jeremy held me up and helped me out of the seat. On the other hand, Brendan was being helped out by the other passengers as he had been thrown back in shock. I finally managed to stand up, and those around me did the best they could to make me feel comfortable again. After a while, one of the flight attendants, over the radio, requested that everybody sat down and got ready for takeoff.
I immediately snatched my little pack for entertainment reasons and hauled out my costly, new camera. I did not want this moment just to go by without capturing it and thus I explained to one of the flight attendants that it was my first time on a plane and that I needed her take a photo of us. I still remember that I was on the right-hand side in the photo and that most of the children were forced to lean inwards, so us to appear in the picture. 
We then sat down and before long, we began moving. I became anxiously excited while prior I was apprehensive. I never knew before that planes occasionally made several turns before taking off. At first, I thought it had lost control, which did not make sense because it had not even started flying. I heard the pilot announcing that the plane was about to take off and that we needed to get comfortable. This was when I realized that I was about to experience my first flight in a few minutes. I invested my energy conversing with the people next to me, discussing how apprehensive every one of us were, and how energized we were as well.
Suddenly I felt a thrashing force on my body, and when I looked through the window, I realized that the surrounding objects were in motion. This was when I knew that the flight had begun and that I will be in the clouds in a few minutes. I was in a mixed emotion state, and I was forced to grab my seat in fear. I was so overwhelmed that I thought my heart would be torn apart in excitement. This remains my best and outstanding experience of my life. I will always remember my first time “in the air.”

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