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Personality cognitive-social learning theory Introduction. The cognitive-social learning theory argues that people acquire behaviors through the observation and imitation of models...

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Pandora's box and human behavior Pandora's box unleashed evil in the world but was it really the box that caused the disaster? O The curiosity of humans?. Thanks to this......

Pablo Neruda's works style Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, or as we know him, Pablo Neruda, was born in 1904, on June 12 in the Chilean Parral City which is......

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Ovid's metamorphosis stands out from the literary works of its time Introduction Ovid's metamorphosis stands out from the literary works of his time for being a long poem that addr...

Oedipus Rey myology Introduction Greek mythology was one's own ideology in the people of antiquity, who were represented by different gods, which began a philosophy of life with ru...

Oedipus Rey A tragedy but not a reality Introduction Is there a destiny, that way or pre -established path for man, which he only has to travel? No, each one......

Oedipus Rey and the unfortunate predictions of the Oracle of Delphi In the universal literature, a preeminent literary work entitled Oedipus Rey, which describes how the human bein...

Oedipus Rey and the Queen Introduction The work begins with some trumpets playing, and some small men walking, three girls go out to the curtain and begin to seek petals......

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Oedipus Rey and the actions that led to great conflicts Throughout time, actions have occurred that led to small conflicts, whether disputes between two subjects, families, peoples...

Oedipus Rey and his escape from Delphi Predictions Within the literary world, a preponderant work called Oedipus Rey stands out, which describes how the human being becomes a victi...

Oedipus King of Sophocles Introduction Oedipus is king in the city of Thebes, the plague is ravanding the city and the town goes to the king to find out the......

Oedipus, future in the oracle and terror Prophecy But this story does not end here as soon as it begins, since Oedipus will see his future in the oracle and......

Observations and public transport problems Introduction The evolution of societies throughout history, has been characterized by economic liberation, increased population in an exc...

Migration and illegal immigration Introduction Borders have been reduced or even erased, and there are those who work in different countries for multinational companies. Some work ...

Micro Story: The night Boca My story focuses on the history of a man, who in a beautiful morning, goes out for a walk on his motorcycle;Through what would be......

Méxican policy and as viruses have no ideology The 1987, the writer Roger Bartra publishes for the first time, at the University of California in San Diego, a fundamental text......

Metamorphosis work by Franz Kafka Introduction The work metamorphosis was written by the writer born in the Czech Republic Franz Kafka on July 3, 1883. The novel was published in.....

Metamorphosis as a metaphor of the European society of the twentieth century Summary Published in 1915 "Metamorphosis" tells the story of Gregorio Samsa, any seller of an...

Medea: Feminism in Greek mythology Medea, a woman from another era Medea is a work written by Euripides in the year 431 to.C, which had a lot of prestige around......

Marcian chronicles analysis The Martian chronicles is a series with a variety of stories and is written by the American writer, Ray Bradbury. He was born on August 22, 1920......

Magic realism: Chronicle of an announced death Introduction The text that we are going to comment is a fragment belonging to the chronic novel of an announced death, by the......

Magic in pre -Columbian cultures Introduction Magic appeared simultaneously to the desire to influence supernatural phenomena. With the passage of time, an animistic system was ins...

Loneliness;A romance about history and the nation   Soledad is an interesting love story because on the surface, it is a simple plot and love story, however, at a deeper......

Literary work: woman in zero point Introduction Abuse towards women has been portrayed in literature as a claim to women's rights. Reading “woman in point zero" it can be se...

Literary influence through William Shakespeare's works Introduction. Within the literary world, a preponderant work entitled Romeo and Julieta granted to the British William Shakes...

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Life and death Introduction Life is represented by a baby, who represents the birth and creation of a new life that comes to this world to live and know the......

Legality of Testaments in favor of animals Are the wills in favor of animals legal? More and more people have this concern and who want to protect their pets in......

Legal analysis about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Introduction In this essay it is about analyzing the philosophical and legal foundations on the Universal Declaration...

Las Sonatas: A collection to enjoy Introduction Sonatas are a collection of four novels written in prose, published in the years 1902-1905. The main theme of these works is Don......

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Karma exists in love relationships   Love relationships are considered, by some, an interaction that can negatively affect a person due to the amount of feelings involved, the lev...

Kant's philosophical foundation analysis Introduction. In this essay I will talk about the following authors, Kant talking about his book foundation for a metaphysics of customs an...

Julio César, exceptional birth and military politician Rome and greed were grabbed by hands, this thirst that poisoned politics, the desire of power was the one that little by lit...

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, the best perfumer of all time Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, the best perfumer of all time, a genius, simply the teacher. This is the protagonist of the novel ...

Importance of the natural environment of the impact of Oedipus Rey's work In the universal literature there is a magnificent work "Oedipus King" whose plot revolves aroun...

Importance of philosophy today Philosophy is something that most people do not take importance, because in their daily lives it seems not to affect at all. People like you or......

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Importance of Kafka in literature and influences Summary Metamorphosis is a work that tells us the story of Gregorio Samsa, a man who has an arduous job to keep his......

Importance and characteristics in green logistics Introduction Life on the planet is threatened by the different consequences caused by the almost inevitable way of how we discard ...

Impact of nature on the characters of the stories to drift and that is that we are very poor In the works of Horacio Quiroga and Juan Rulfo we can......

Immigration in Europe and its changes  During the last decade, Europe has been the main objective for world migrations, since according to various statistics, these have increased...

Human physiology: human person Introduction We know that the word person arose in an area of philosophical reflection of the concept (the human person). Around the third century of...

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