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The fall of the Byzantine Empire Introduction Both inside Islam and within Christianity there are internal divisions. As for Islam, we identify various currents or groups such as S...

The ethnic origin in historical analysis INTRODUCTION Sometimes at the time of the analysis of a historical process, it is commondetermined within the community framework that is b...

The drug in youth throughout history   “For millions of people drugs serve today, such as religions and high culture yesterday, to placate doubts and perplexities about human co...

The decriminalization of abortion in Ecuador for victims of rape Introduction In ancient times, the concept of abortion had different positions throughout history, where it was acc...

The Cuscaña Public School Introduction The Cuzqueña school is a pictorial school that arises during the colonial period in Cuzco, Peru. His works combine the color of flamenco st...

The consequences of the Industrial Revolution Introduction The main economic consequence was the implementation of capitalism, which became financial. On the other hand, the artisa...

The Byzantine Empire and its Artistic Expression Introduction The starting point of Byzantine art begins from the moment this city became the capital of the Roman Empire by order o...

The administration, origin, and importance of the company ORIGIN OF THE ADMINISTRATION Man as a thinking being, from the primitive time he had the need to establish order, plan, co...

Terrorism classification and their security levels Terrorism is a maneuver of cruelty configurations that is observed in terrorism for the extreme summary event in its creators tha...

Study of movement in ancient Greece and its philosophers Summary In ancient Greece there were several philosophers who carried out several studies of the movement of the bodies, an...

Social life in the Persian Gulf On June 5, 2017, the social, economic and political life of the citizens of the Persian Gulf changed dramatically. That day Saudi Arabia, United......

Siginified of the Bible and its origin: Old Testament Introduction According to the National Pastoral Plan: the Bible comes from the Greek Bible that means written daughter or writ...

Selfishness to war: the why of World War I To know an event in time, it is not only necessary to understand the facts as indicated textually, because it is......

Schizophrenia, Psychotherapy as part of the treatment   Schizophrenia was discovered since 1850, the term “Démence Précoce” was established to refer to cognitive deficit sta...

Roman Emperor Augusto and his Antoniana Constitution  Emperor César Marco Aurelio Severo Antonino Augusto says: “It is necessary first of all to refer to the divinity the cause...

Río Nilo in the development of Egyptian civilization Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures of which there has been a record, existing for more than 6,000 years. This...

Ribonuclease, the enzyme that hydrolyzes ribonucléic acid Introduction Within our body, there are hundreds of chemical reactions necessary for life all the time, occurring simulta...

Review: Jan Assmann, Egypt in the light of a pluralistic theory of culture The book tells us briefly but dense and concise about the different socio-political, religious or militar...

Representation of patriarchy in polygamy Introduction Since the issue we address in this research is about the causes of polygamy in the Fang ethnicity, and which in turn constitut...

Religion in the constructions of ancient Egypt Introduction Before all this I will mention some of the important points, such as the matter of the longest period in history (prehis...

Pyramides and architectural forms of ancient Egypt Introduction In this essay the theme of a cultural, social and political process of the Egyptians will be addressed;We will talk ...

Osmosis and its history in Spain Introduction Before entering the subject we will make a small introduction about what we are going to talk about throughout all the work to......

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ORIGIN OF ACCOUNTING AS TECHNICAL SCIENCE Introduction Accounting is a technical science that allows us to classify in an organized way all the operations that are carried out with...

Muslim expansion: Everything you should know In the middle of the sixth century a new religion emerged that spread rapidly. From the Arabian Peninsula, the Muslim expansion went to...

Money and love in the work "Casa de Dolls" by Henrik Ibsen Introduction The work "House of Dolls" written by Henrik Ibsen in the twentieth century in Norway, ex...

Mesopotamian and Hebrew law codes Introduction Mesopotamian and Hebrew codes and laws are a set of rules imposed to have control over humanity. Starting with the Mesopotamian codes...

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Medicine consolidates technological advances. Introduction During these centuries medicine is consolidated and a lot of progress and progress are given due to technological advance...

Meaning of cats in ancient Egypt Introduction Cats have been causing admiration, mystery and intrigue in humans since time immemorial. Going back to the time before Christ, specifi...

Manifestations of art and its history over time In this essay, I will develop the theme of art and its history, from the analysis of all the topics seen in......

Mandatory Youth Military Service Introduction The action of habeas corpus and the process of incorporating young people in the military forces, stands out because it allows the inc...

Main structural characteristics of the Great Keops pyramid Introduction The name by which the ancient Egyptians knew the great pyramid was: the bright horizon of Jufu. The great py...

Literary work: woman in zero point Introduction Abuse towards women has been portrayed in literature as a claim to women's rights. Reading “woman in point zero" it can be se...

Knowing Albert Camus Albert Camus, born on November 7, 1913 in Algeria and died on January 4, 1960 in a traffic accident in the French region of Yonne, was a......

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Israeli Palestinian peace and conflict Peace can be achieved only through negotiations that close the gaps and resolve all pending issues. In order for negotiations to be possible ...

Infidelity and gender differences Introduction Infidelity has been happening over the centuries and occurs in many different cultures. Over time it has been adopting different form...

Homosexual marriage and its performance through the centuries For centuries, even since pre -Columbian times, our society has experienced strange situations or sensations and say s...

History of Troy, the Iliad and Homeric Quest Introduction The Achilles shield is described in the XVIII song of the Iliad, an epic whose authorship is discussed. In this work......

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History, Greek mythology and its gods History and mythology help explain the world of antiquity, the world that the classic archaeologist seeks to illuminate. Classic archaeologist...

History and evolution of contracts Introduction The main countries that were interested in regulating the Insurance Institution, is Italy that begins its practice with the merchant...

Great hopes Summary of literary work The Literary Work great hopes highlights the value of humility and growing with hard work, that men have their worth not by aristocratic titles...

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