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The Venice Mercader movie   The Venice merchant is a film set in a work by William Shakespeare, which transports us to Venice in 1596 and in a certain way......

The sale of this great pearl Introduction Story story is told about a man, his wife and children as humble people who work hard to live day by day, but......

The role of women in the Mexican Revolution Introduction On November 20, 1910, the Mexican people won at war to overthrow the Government of Porfirio Díaz, who gathered all fertili...

The Republic of Plato: Arguments of Socrates and Trasimaco on Justice The Republic is one of Plato's best known and celebrated works, it is a dialogue between Socrates and other......

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The movie The Forgotten (Luis Buñuel - 1950) Introduction At the beginning of this film we are warned that this is not a sympathetic movie, since the film was created......

The movie The Code Enigma The film is about the most important achievement in the life of the character Alan Turing, who being an incredible mathematical tells his story that......

The meaning and importance of Nordic mythology Before the Nordics (also known as the Vikings) became. The centerpiece of that religion was what we now call ‘Nordic mythology’: ...

The levels of social injustice Intersectionality reveals the multiple levels of social injustice, which can be suppressed or separated by categories so as not to reveal the true vi...

The importance of understanding literary genre Each text must be read, understood and respected according to its identity, an identity that is determined by its literary genre, sin...

The history of Central American countries Introduction The history of Central American countries except Costa Rica is very similar, and has its origins in the colonial era, the inh...

The duty of the ethical-political positioning of citizens in the face of injustice The ethical-political positioning of citizens in the face of injustice, lies in active and partic...

THE BOOK OF THE REPUBLIC The Book The Republic of Plato is a debate in which Socrates is the interlocutor represents the Platonic pestiness. The title of this book can......

Summary of Plato Socrates Apology The author of the "Socrates Apology" is Plato. This text is part of the philosopher's youth dialogues, which are characterized by defend...

Story the judge's wife by the author Isabel Allende In the story the wife of the judge, author Isabel Allende writes a pretty story that seizes the issues prevalent to......

Rights in the Constitution and due process Introduction Within the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador of the year 2008 we can realize that it is considered as a higher......

Religious freedom and education in Peru Today, the problem regarding religious freedom based on the course of religion present in the Peruvian educational curriculum arises, becaus...

Race and racial discrimination, an ideology that defends superiority Racism cannot be defined without defining "race" before. For many social scientists -Weber, symbolic ...

Porfirio Diaz, Porfiriato and the Mexican Revolution Porfiriato is called the historical era that occurred in Mexico, between the enduring of 1876 to 1910. He reconciled with the C...

Political opportunity structure in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict The conflict that affects Palestine and in which the state of Israel settled presents a series of peculiarities....

OPPRESSION IN WOMEN RIGHTS Introduction 1678, 1869, 1960, 1963, 1979, 1992, 2010 and 2018. These are years that refer to the revolution, the development and evolution of women's ri...

Mous, the Holocaust Jewish survivor Maus tells the story of a Jewish survivor to Holocaust in World War II. A majority may think that Mous aims to denounce the barbarities......

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Michael Focault and his thinking of penitentiary law The prison has not been deprivation of liberty from the beginning with a technical correction function; Initially it was consid...

Medicine consolidates technological advances. Introduction During these centuries medicine is consolidated and a lot of progress and progress are given due to technological advance...

Mayan civilization and its culture Introduction. This book talks about different characters and the context of Mayan culture. This is Aunt Charo, Father Matías, but mainly from Ja...

Literary novel story "Huasipungo" Introduction Jorge Icaza Coronel was an Ecuadorian novelist and playwright. He was born on June 10, 1906 and died on May 26, 1978 in Qui...

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Laura Esquive Laura Esquivel and the reader, written by Bernhard Schlink because I consider that they are two works that can respond very well the different interpretations of how ...

I want to be like Beckham and the face of today The film faces a topic in force in today's society, the differences between cultures, ethnicities, economy and sex. In......

Isaiah's book and God's expansion As we have seen in this Isaiah study, it is a totally clear book in God's plan to redeem man. As our professor said it,......

Heroic character in survival in Auschwitz: If this is a man If this is a man is a testimony written by Primo Levi between 1945 and 1947, published in 1947,......

Hannah Arendt articulated violence Within the framework of my integrative work in an instance of colloquium by indirect promotion in the area of ​​Political Science, I have dec...

Geno Violence continues to increase figures Introduction The issue of violence against women is a very controversial issue today, since human rights that not only arise by blows an...

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Friendship as a value that links society Introduction. Knowing this we can see how friendship arising from pleasure has some similarity with reciprocal friendship. An example of th...

Feminism in Ecuador del S.XVIII We are located at the time of Colonial of Ecuador in the 18Spanish customs and culture was implementing apoco in Ecuador. We are going to......

Europe says no to cages Introduction It is estimated that there are more than 300 million animals in Europe that live caged throughout their lives. The truth is that animal......

El Chulla Romero y Flores, novel The Chulla Romero y Flores, is a novel by the Ecuadorian writer Jorge Icaza, is one of the most translated works of this author......

Discrepancies of wanting and loving within the work ‘’ Love in the times of cholera ’’ Introduction Love is the most eloquent feeling that is reflected and palpated between...

Critical analysis of the Civil War Throughout history different events have moved the world in which we live creating chaos and disorder. One of the conflicts that have been key......

Book review: unpunished executioners This unpunished executioner work was written by four authors who are José Babiono Mora, a doctor in contemporary history, Gutmaro Gómez Bravo...

Beginnings of tragedy in ancient Greece The tragedy has its beginnings in ancient Greece. This is a theatrical representation in which the characters are faced with mysterious forc...

Artists and their way of living behind social reality Can the artists of today live on their backs to social reality? A writer, a musician, a painter or a filmmaker,......

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