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Steroids in sports: risks when using steroids Alterations with the use of steroids in athletes What would be the main risks when using steroids in athletes? By making known each......

Sports life after a transplant The decision to practice sports after a transplant is not easy. Although we understand and assume that the exercise is always good, there are still.....

Soccer Physics: dynamic and kinematic aspects Summary A variety of technique for the film and dynamic analysis of an athlete is to improve the technical level that allows the kick....

School stress or academic stress   Academic stress that defines as that pressure that presents mental problems because of the demands produced in the educational field. In other w...

Running and thinning tools properly Introduction Running and thinning can be as an excellent combination because you have the opportunity to practice your favorite sport activity a...

Respiratory physiotherapy and its techniques A physiotherapist is not very funny to be called a masseuse. Consider that your knowledge and the pathologies you can deal with go much...

Polyomyelitis, causes and consequences in children under 10 years At present, polyomyelitis is a practically forgotten disease in time, over the last forty years, cases of polyomye...

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Plastic surgery before a hand reimplantation The origins of reimplants of the upper member of the 60s, treated in the Brachial, Digital and Brachial region carried out in Shanghai,...

Physiotherapy ultrasound: how our body reacts Ultrasound is one of the most used machines at the physiotherapist clinic. It is used to treat several pathologies, since it has been ...

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Oxygen organisms on the planet Introduction Anaerobic organisms are those that live in an anxic environment, one that lacks oxygen. While most living beings need oxygen to survive,...

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Origin of chronic pain and its variants Introduction Pain is defined as a sensory or emotional experience associated with a hypistic lesion that can be real or potential. According...

Optimal levels of vitamin D in the human body Vitamin D is an endogenous synthesis substance from sun rays exposure. It presents a liposolble character and its deficiency in many.....

Neurorrehabilitation from the point of view of neuro plasticity   The action carried out by the human being is based. For many years, CNS was considered a functionally immutable a...

Narcolepsy episodes Introduction The brain is the headquarters of the relevant oscillators. Although he pointed out that hypothalamic lesions seemed to infer in circadian rhythms, ...

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Narcolepsy disorders Introduction The reason for consultation of the narcoléptic patient is the presence of several short naps at different times of the day (known as sleep attack...

Muscle strength and longevity: everything you should know As we become older, muscle strength work plays a very important role in preventing aging by the passage of time. But at......

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Mother cells: their history Introduction The current understanding of clonal stem cell populations has only been validated in the last 40 years. Before the 1960s it was believed th...

Mind training during sport Introduction Training the mind during training may seem complicated for more than one. Nothing is further from reality, when the custom is taken to train...

Mesotherapy: Sports Medicine to treat injuries Mesotherapy can be a good remedy to treat different types of injuries. For this, a series of medications are injected into the mesode...

Medicinal marijuana: the debate about pros and cons Cannabis sativa extract (marijuana) was one of the most prescribed medicines in the United States, until its prohibition in 1937...

Let's talk about lobster and its treatment Introduction Generally, the technique of high pressures is applied to products that have been previously vacuum packaged, eliminating pat...

Lesions in Escalada sport The fingers of the climbers are a very careful anatomical part of these athletes. They know that bodily kilograms are suspended there in the rock. If......

Ischiotibial muscles injuries;Identification and treatment We call hamstrings to the set of muscle fibers found in the back of the two thighs. Actually there are three different mu...

Interval training and its benefits Many people are aim. The interval training of aerobic component, is a good tool to achieve this fat loss objective that we set, all accompanied.....

Importance of healthy habits during pregnancy The importance of healthy habits in gestation for the baby and the mother is vital. Gestation is an accelerated physiological state wh...

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Importance of glucose in the organism, peculiarities of glucidal metabolism Glucose (C6H12O6) is a molecule that contains six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms and six oxygen ato...

Importance of breast milk Introduction Breastfeeding: It constitutes part of each living being. In the course of evolution, each mammal has developed a unique type of milk for each...

Human physiology and stretching Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to present some of the basic physiological concepts that come into play when a muscle is stretched. The ...

How to treat a muscular elongation Athletes are exposed to many types of injuries. Depending on the discipline in question, some or other will be more frequent. However, muscle les...

Hidden beauty and foam bath Introduction Who doesn't like a bubble bath to feel relaxed? There is no doubt that taking time to immerse between calm waters and pleasant aromas......

Hereditary disease muscle dystrophy Introduction Duchenne's muscular dystrophy is a recessive hereditary disease linked to X chromosome, it is a disease that regularly only affects...

Healthy adult healthy life  Introduction Aging is the stage where the human being has changes as in his physique, in his health and psychological. There is no exact age to......

Harmful effects of the use of anabolic steroids in sports When practicing certain sports, we all want to improve our performance as soon as possible. With good planning, adequate f...

Hand washing to avoid any disease Introduction The flu and the cold are two of the problems that occur most frequently in the pharmacy. The similarities that both pathologies share...

Great benefits of taekwondo for children Taekwondo for children can be an excellent tool to strengthen the person in their growth processes. Not only in the physical aspect, but al...

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Gift for the brothers Introduction On some occasions we want to make a gift for brothers, either for his birthday, graduation, anniversary, or any other special occasion, however, ...

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Freud and his study against hysteria Freud, during his study, did not show great importance, as the sessions went through a case with great importance for the theory of hysteria......

Ferropenic anemia and malnutrition in children  Introduction The objective of this study is to establish the relationship between ferropenic anemia and malnutrition in children fr...

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Fat will never be muscle One of the most frequent questions of the people who want to lose weight is whether fat can be converted into muscle. The truth is......

Explanation and study of the digestive system The digestive system is formed by a long tube that begins with the oral cavity and ends in the anus this has structures......

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