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Frost’s The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

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Symbolism, which is the use of words to represent an idea, is strongly used in the two poems. “The Road Not Taken” and “Stopping by Wood..” Although the two poems capture the use of symbolism differently, its attribute in developing the poems is well articulated in creating the theme and plot of the whole poem in a way readers can comprehend the theme critically.
In the poem by Robert Frost, the use of symbolism is used to reflect the development of the whole plot and theme of the poem concerning the autumnal journey of the poet. The line “…two roads diverge in a yellow wood…” (Frost 7) is used symbolically to reflect on the difficult decisions the poet has to make in his journey. The use of the symbol in this poem captures the poet’s intention and opinion concerning his journey and expresses his feeling as well. That is, the line “…and sorry I could not travel both” is used to show the loneliness of the journey. The
On the other hand, in the poem “Stopping by wood on a Snowy Evening” the use of symbolism is used to bring the abstract understanding of the wonder of the world. The “wood” in the poem reflect the world or society, which we travel in. The poet uses a symbolic statement such as “…night is cold, dark and snowy…’” (Frost 3) to describe a situation filled with fear, anxiety, and thoughtfulness of something unpredictably bad about to happen. The horse is used symbolically in the poem to help understand the pressure of the society, which the poet lives in where one, is forced to move without understanding its necessity.

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In conclusion, Robert Frost uses symbolically to identify different themes in the poems, which the readers can easily comprehend. The use of wood in both poems is a symbol of the society or the world and the challenges that are faced in the world are a representation of the life people lives.Works Cited
Frost, Robert. “The Road not Taken,” Poem. 1916.
Frost, Robert. “Stopping Woods on a Snowy Evening,” Poem. 1923.

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