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Genetic Biodiversity

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Genetic biodiversity

When we talk about diversity we refer to all the variations of the species. Biodiversity plays an important role in the planet as it helps to recycle nutrients to soil fertilization, chemical regulation of atmosphere, for the recycling of nutrients, in the circulation of water, the crisis that is being experienced In diversity it is due to urbanizations or due to agricultural productions, because we have contributed to the loss of habitats and species extinction.

The growing interest that we must maintain in diversity is because it is a natural heritage, since this has been the result of the evolution that has occurred with the passing of the years, and it would hardly be given again, wealth at the genetic level It has a very important process in for growth, the variety of different types of genes, and each individual of each species will have a genetic code due to the evolution of decades ago, this is endangered by climate change, due to the Practices used by humans, the species that have the greatest genetic diversity are the ones that will have the most chances of surviving changes in the environment, but those that have less genetic diversity that will be most affected against changes already disappear due to the sensitivity they have , either because of diseases with persistence, the difficulty of adaptability, or susceptibility to the attack of microorganisms.


Maintaining genetic diversity is essential because this depends on food security, nutrition of plants as well as on species that serve for human consumption, on genetic variability we depend for the improvement of the quality of products, the more Genetic variability obtain species, they will be more resistant to climatic changes, as well as more rusticity and more easily adapted to the different ecosystems preventing extension.

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The diversity of species can affect many ecological processes, having an impact on the community and ecosystem processes. However, little is known about the importance of the genetic diversity of populations of different species, about population dynamics and interactions between species.

The loss as well as the deterioration of natural ecosystems and habitats is due to the transformation of jungles into grasslands, to mangroves or reefs in shrimp farms, that is, the change in these is due to the excessive use of the lands for agricultural and livestock constructions Also as for industrializations, tourist sites and oil farms, deteriorating ecosystems and with this leading to the migration of native species of this place towards other ecosystems making them thus exotic and invaders being considered a plague that causes a serious loss of biodiversity since these native species, competing for food and transmitting diseases.

Biodiversity aims to preserve the genetic diversity of species in general, for this, mechanisms must be included as implementation of programs that preserve the ex -situ and in situ operations, and promote that a network of genetic material banks be carried out and biological and that this network of privilege to taxa of genetic and biological material of native species of flora and wild fauna that are already threatened and with important attention to the threatened endemic species.

Conservation genetics is the understanding of the evolutionary change forces that act on populations, in conjunction with the most modern techniques of genetic analysis, it has been applied in the last twenty years to the service of biodiversity conservation.


  • The maintenance of biodiversity is the most serious problem due to the human population growth and the irrational use of natural resources.
  • Genetics is particularly one of the responses for the recovery of eminent endangered species and the management of species in captivity.
  • It is necessary to implement conservation programs for the improvement and development of hand -reproductive technologies with cryoconservations.



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