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George Washington

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Military and government evolution
George Washington was the first United States president who ruled between 1789 and 1797 where he was unanimously voted as President in the first and second national elections. He was born in the year 1732 on the 22nd day of the second month of the year. He was one of the establishing fathers of the U.S. and headed the convention that took part in drafting the current constitution being that is used in the United States. During the American Revolutionary War, he was in the Continental army as the Commander-in-Chief. For the days he lived he was referred to as the “father of his country”. He created a government that was acceptable to all Americans.
As a youth, George Washington joined the British colonial militia as a senior officer during the French and Indian war of between 1754 and 1763. This war involved colonies of New France and British America and was fought from the south of Virginia to north of Nova Scotia. It arose as a dispute over who would control the Forks of Ohio that is the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers. In the fifth month of 1754 militiamen under the command of 22-year-old George Washington attacked a French patrol at the Battle of Jumonville Glen. At the end of this war, Britain dominated the France, and it controlled eastern North America. This war also attributed to a decline in France’s colonial presence in the Caribbean (Conn & Fairchild, 2009).
In the year 1769 Washington called the state of Virginia to refuse to consume British goods by presenting a resolution to the House of Burgesses.

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This happened to the British Proclamation Act of the year 1793which did not allow settlement beyond the Alleghenies and the Stamp Act of the year 1765 were repealed. In the year 1774 the Intolerable Act was passed, and Washington headed the meeting (Weiss, 2005).
In the year 1775, during the American Revolution George Washington was commissioned by the Second Continental Congress as commander-in-chief of Continental army that removed the British from Boston in 1776. During this war called the Battle of Trenton, he was nearly arrested when he was defeated in New York City. His strategies enabled the Continental Army to take captive of main British armies that is Saratoga in the year 1777 and after four years he captured Yorktown in 1781.George crushed the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794 which had started as a tax protest by farmers in 1791 in the states of Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey and Maryland.
In the year, 1787 Washington chaired the constitutional convention that formulated the federal governance system that was made up of fifty states, territories, and one capital district. In 1789, he was elected president, and he unified the nation (Ryan & Peartree, 2008). He put in place an effective tax system and backed up Alexander Hamilton’s measures to cover all debts. At this time, he also saw to the creation of a national bank. In 1795, he signed the Jay Treaty with Britain to promote a decade of peace and economic activities between the United States and Great Britain amidst the French Revolutionary wars. The Jay treaty was not supported by the Jeffersonian Republicans who were against the government and who opposed the Federalist Party.
In the third month of 1797 Washington handed power over to John Adams. He returned to his farm in Mount Vernon where he lived as a gentleman farmer. He passed on the 14th day of the last month of the year 1799. Truly George Washington was a hero celebrated all over America for the great changes he brought to the most powerful nation in the world. He is a father of the nation.
Conn, S., & Fairchild, B. (2009). The framework of hemisphere defense (Vol. 1). Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.
Weiss, T. G. (2005). Military-civilian interactions: humanitarian crises and the responsibility to protect. Rowman & Littlefield.
Ryan, H., & Peartree, C. E. (2008). Military theory and information warfare. Parameters, 28(3), 121.

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