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GlaxoSmithKline’s Staff Involvement in Bribery

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GlaxoSmithKline’s Staff Involvement in Bribery
Pharmaceutical companies experienced a series of questionable ethical conducts in 2014. In China, the most significant dilemma befell the approval of drug tests and promotion of drug consumption from GlaxoSmithKline. It is a British pharmaceutical company involved in research and selling of drugs. The staff members, who depend on the number of sales, were reported to have exchanged bribes at different levels to mobilize the consumption of their drugs. There were complaints claimed that the staff members would offer bribes to approve the efficiency of the drugs during the test. The company seemed to record high sales in 2014, which made it rise to being among the top-selling companies in 2015 (“GlaxoSmithKline admits some staff in China involved in bribery” n.p).
GlaxoSmithKline was formed in the year 2000. The company has its branches distributed internationally, with the headquarters in London. However, the core problem in 2014 only affected the Chinese subsidiary. The factors linked to the given case range from the potentially significant market of drugs in the region to discontent with payments. The state is known to have a substantial share of export of their drugs. The matter was deep-rooted among a network of staff member only who yearned to increase their profit through the making of more significant sales. The effects of the corruption would have direct impacts such as wrongful drug prescriptions and the approval of ineffective drugs.

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Since the problem is a burden to the community, it requires a rapid intervening. The major decisions that will help in the solution are those that will involve the company management since it has the mandate to make the right choices. The Chinese branch CEO is the sole decision maker, supposed to improve the level of transparency in his organization.
An analysis of the GlaxoSmithKline’s Staff Involvement in Bribery
The facts that surround the corruption scenario are surprising since the owners of the business sought to have questioned the sudden rise in the annual sales. The behavior promotes the long-term interests of the players. They keep piling the profits for themselves, yet destroy the outlook of the company. Imagine the entire field of medical practitioners being aware that drugs from the company are not efficiently approved? The ill practice denies some patients the right to proper treatment since it leads to the wrongful prescription of medications when doctors are out to mobilize the consumption of the company’s drugs. It poses a challenge to the health of the entire society. The ill practice also fails to meet the needs of most people since it is out to satisfy the selfish individuals. The patients were denied the fairness of just treatment since the physicians prescribed drugs from one supplier, which may have led to inefficiency. The competitors of the company were also denied the fairness of free and fair competition for the selling of their medication. The critical problem is the lack of transparency in the processes of marketing medication and approval of tested medicine (Schermerhorn & Bachrach 28).
Solving the Problem
The process of resolution begins with identifying the primary problem, together with the subsequent ones. The five steps of decision making shall apply in deriving the ultimate solution to the company (Schermerhorn & Bachrach 54). In the given case, the primary problem is improving the level of transparency in the company (Schermerhorn & Bachrach 31). That is because there is a high level of corruption that affects the economy of the company negatively. The general course of action will intend to calm the problem. In the given case, the most cost-effective course of action will be talking to the employees and notifying them regarding the dire outcomes of their ill conduct.
Alternative 1
The first alternative will involve direct interaction with the employees of the company reported having been engaged in the evil practice. The dialogue will be held to allow them to admit their mistake and focus towards changing the character. They will be allowed to air their opinions on how to resolve the factors which oppress them. The management will also note down and make new agreements with them.
The solution is cost-effective.
Conducting a proper consultation with them will make them find the solutions that suit them, in an environment, they are free to work.
The solutions arrived at shall sustain a long-term relationship without losing the staff.
There will be sustained respect for the management if the process is successful.
The decision has a low chance of success if it does not meet the economic needs of the staff.
It will be difficult for the staff members to be sincere about the factors that affect them.
The solutions reached might still face future opposition due to the changes in needs.
Alternative 2
The second alternative shall involve the use of authority to punish the staff. In that case, the CEO shall have to use the guidelines of the company’s regulations to reach the most appropriate modes of punishment. However, the penalty must not hinder the performance of the company. For instance, suspending all the staff may lead to low productivity rates of the company. Alternatively, the CEO could directly involve the staff in agreeing on a standard punishment procedure for specific conduct.
It leads to the learning of the right and wrongful behavior within an organization.
The results of a successful punishment may lead to success in implementing future decisions.
Staff members will support it. Therefore, there will be total cooperation.
It may be received negatively by some staff members, despite the consensus in their presence.
The CEO may be criticized for taking action as an option.
It may raise sharp disagreements among the members of the disorganization.
Alternative 3
A judicial system is always an option in conflict resolution. In the given case, the ill and irresponsible members shall be charged in a court of law. The process may lead to the laying out of the workers with court case hearing.
The process results in reformed individuals.
There is an assured high rate of justice depending on the evidence provided.
It will discourage the remaining staff members from participating ill any ill practice.
The process shall involve the third party, thereby reducing the involvement of the staff in disagreements with the CEO.
The process is costly.
The reputation of the company may be put in question since the information is likely to be made public.
Conclusion and Recommendation
To conclude, the decision-making process in an area that involves ethical concerns must be evaluated keenly before arriving at any decision. The process is best summarized in the five stages. The individuals who engage the process end up with the right sequence of the implementation plan. I would recommend that the CEO should consider using dialogue before arriving at any harsh final decision. The reason is that the staff will be needed even after resolving the problem of concern.
Work Cited
Schermerhorn, John & Bachrach, Daniel. Exploring Management. John Wiley & Sons. 2016.
“GlaxoSmithKline admits some staff in China involved in bribery.” The Guardian 19 September 2014

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