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Haiti: The Cost Of An Independent Nation

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Haiti: The cost of an independent nation


On a small Caribbean island, a heroic and surprising revolution was imposed. The Haitian revolution was the only triumphant slaves rebellion throughout the history of humanity, the only one that managed to constitute its own national state, and the first to achieve independence in what Latin America is today. On the other hand, ephemeral independence to the period of the history of the Dominican Republic that takes place between the proclamation of the independent State of the Spanish Haiti on December 1, 1821 and its annexation to the Republic of Haiti on February 9, 182222.


Due to an occupation of the Haitian army headed by Jean Pierre Boyer. The ‘ephemeral’ name is precisely due to the short time space during which independence was maintained, just two months and eight days. Also the Dominican Independence War was the historical process that began with the proclamation of the Dominican Republic and its separation of Haiti in February 1844.  The first naval battle was fought on April 15, 1844. In the seventeenth century, Haiti occupied by France under a cruel slave system, had an amount of 300 thousand slaves and 12 thousand free people with the population. 

Haiti’s independence was important for the history of America. It was the second free nation of the American continent, and a symbol was considered to recognize his revolution as the only one with black slaves. Haiti’s independence was labeled by the Spanish society, and thus a slave community that worked coffee production.

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This had two powers: France whose territory was the current Haiti and Spain whose territory was the current Dominican Republic. In 1843 he was one of the countries to become independent;The borders between Haiti, the old French part and the Dominican Republic are delimited.

The old part of the Hispanic is not labeled until the Basel Treaty (July 22, 1795). It was also the war against the Spaniards who gave the Haitians to govern r.D., But the parents of the country who were: Juan Pablo Duarte, Ramón Matías Mella and Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, beat to free the Dominican Republic of the Haitians. In the French Revolution, in 1789, the ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity extend throughout the island. It will be the idea of equality that slaves evoke in their claims, especially when they get out. 

François Dominique Toussaint-Louverture is at the forefront of this slave revolt and is done with power in 1795. This makes him the first country with a state directed by people of color, in Western history. One of the first measures it takes is the abolition of slavery. For this revolution it has the support of England, which controls the seas and prevents the French fleet. Haiti’s independence means going to war with France and, later, with Spain. 

Jacobo I of Haiti Jacobo Dessalines I is proclaimed Emperor and his lieutenant will be Toussaint Louvertuure | Toussaint. It is the first independent and color state. In 1801 L’UUverture promulgated a Constitution for Santo Domingo that declared the entire island as Autonomous Colony of the French Empire, but given the refusal to deliver all the power of the population of Spanish origin, Toussaint imposed himself as a supreme boss and broke openly with France. The state created by Toussaint was recognized by the US. UU. And Great Britain, but not for Napoleon, who sent the island to General Leclerc in command of a strong troops contingent.

 This defeat to Toussaint, makes him a prisoner through a hoax and sends him to France along with the other captured black bosses. There I would die. In the country there were only mulatto bosses like Clevaux and Pétion. Dead Leclerc, was replaced by General Rochambeau, who besieged from the sea by the English of Jamaica and from land by the caudillo mulato desalines, was defeated in the battle of Cap. Francáis (November, 1803). Finally, on January 1, 1804, the independence of Haiti, the first black republic of the world and second in America, was proclaimed after the USA. UU.

The proclamation, made by desalines in Gonaives, was chaired by the joy of blacks and mulattos. The independence leader, capable natural strategist, but former illiterate sclavic, was unable to govern an uneducated and battered country, as he demonstrated by decreeing the extermination of the white minority that had decided to stay in the country, and subsequently invade the Spanish partFrom the island, Santo Domingo, where he sowed terror and murdered Mansalva, although he failed in the capture of the capital. His despotism exasperated his own co -religionists and was killed in October 1806. 


The country was divided between two governments: in the south of the island, that of Alexandre Pétion, of a moderate nature, and in the north, that of Henri Christophe, megalomaniac and despotus as desalines who proclaimed himself emperor with the man of Henri I andHe submitted his people to the most curious extravagances, until a revolutionary movement suicide him at the imminence of defeat. Disappeared all the leaders of Independence, only Pierre Boyer remained, intelligent mulatto that gave coherence and stability to the turbulent country.

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