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Hamlet Tragedy Analysis By William Shakespeare

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Hamlet tragedy analysis by William Shakespeare


William Shakespeare’s ¨hamlet¨ tragedy goes back to a somewhat medieval time in which colonies and empires rose to maintain order, acts that can only be seen within a real family, in this different problems are hiddenThey will be part of the tragedy conflict, as well as these difficulties are those that lead to Hamlet, the main character of the tragedy to commit the most cruel act of their nature, showing readers a personality change in a forceful way due to hopelessPart of his mother and then the thirst for revenge that was born against Claudio (Hamlet’s uncle), who had planned the death of his brother (King Hamlet), in order to possess both the kingdom and the king’s woman (Gertrudis, Hamlet’s mother).

The work is enriched at all times by monologues that start from the quietest to the crazy and with tones of revenge, hate and resentment towards Claudio by Prince Hamlet, and in turn with the course of these it is remarkable to witness the changes in As for the subject and force with which this uses each word to explain the reason for its complications, for this it totally changes its courtly language, language used by each individual belonging to an imperial caste, usually used from the kings to the servants and comedians , to use in each monologue the mockery as the main theme, one of the affected characters within these great speech of the Prince is Osric, possessor of large land, whom he stops calling him as a server of the Empire to a simple and ordinary individual with great individual with great Slops of impartial lands, in addition to the presence of Ofelia, who is attributed great influence within Hamlet’s problems, For this, King Claudio by succession orders that these be so that they discuss their feelings, since Gertrudis interferes that only in the possible madness of Hamlet would heal, Hamlet with burlescos tones and full of contempt for Ophelia rejects it, it becomes totally crazy, losing control over its reasoning ending its life by immersing itself inside the river near the palace.

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Each Hamlet monologue is presented to us in the first person forcing the reader to immerse themselves inside the tragedy, once it confuses the line that separates them from the imagination and reality will be completely within the latter, the narrator’s view is placedAt the hands of the reader, understanding that he is the only) towards the other characters of this.

¨The demon is able to deceive us with the truth, and brings with it the host covered in gifts that look simply very innocent.¨

(Shakespeare, 2018)

This is how during the planning of the banquet against the new king, the prince and the comedians suggest a number of tickets that lead to remember the murder of which the current king was perpetrator, we in this monologue as the prince, we used use of the use of theCalambur, that is, we reiterate again and again the murder of our father by Claudio, in order to generate in the enormous position of conscience. Hamlet uses this phrase to refer to the incest that took place inside the royal family by her mother who, to overcome her husband’s death, maintains a totally stable relationship with Claudio, Hamlet’s uncle, in this case the demon would be the fatherHamlet when he ghostly told his son that he was killed, thus changing every perspective that Hamlet kept as a doubt, turning against his mother for incest and the feeling of revenge, a natural issue that is evidenced in the colonial era,fighting for the honor of the kingdom and those belonging to this, which is influenced by the act of pretending the death of King Hamlet, thus referring to what the demon brings is the perdition, this is how the narrator, Hamlet and the readerThey lose all the conductive thread getting to confuse your nature and leaving the control vaguely of the control of your guided acts to the hurried revenge.

The point of view that develops according to the continuity of the tragedy is complemented by each action and entrance of each character because in these this is the essence of the problems that seek to analyze, this is how the main point of view is that of Hamlet, who first maintains his vague perspective because his father has died and his mother has passed to his uncle’s succession, something that is natural in the colonial era, also the point of view of Gertrudis towards the event is just to continueWith the Cultural Real, depending on what the new King Ordene, the disciples only celebrate what others celebrate around them. 

Our point of view is altered with the presence of King Hamlet’s ghost, who argues against Claudio, referring to his death was planned by this to stay with everything that the latter had, it is here where our point of view is alteredTotally, because it was vaguely suspected of the acts that occurred, because the new king acted normally, without worries very unusual after someone family dies. Our new perspective is to return against the new king and make him pay every second of pain that caused within our being (speaking as the main character), and the only way that meets the new expectation is to kill him, and receive the throne by succession achievingI get the honor that was lost inside the palace.

The reader’s understanding is affected by being able to notice the changes in naturalness of the characters thus a reader-tragedy connection, in the same way by originality the tragedy is existentialist, analyzing the reasons why living from Hamlet To the reader within the tragedy his perspective is altered by showing himself as an impartial judge, analyzing each act in order to launch his verdict, who are the culprits, who must be free, witnesses, unnecessary and important ones inside the tragedy, through The reading comprehension that was applied in turn within the training of the Diploma Program, can be denot Thus, the reader’s understanding can be influenced by the point of view that it is corresponding to conflicts, These are absolutely good or absolutely bad, leaving the narrator as the only being that qualifies William Shakespeare’s work, each performance becomes a reality, and moves away from the imaginary when it dramatizes even if it is as real as possible, when dramatizing each scene Achieve that reader-tragedy connection and it is the only way to analyze the narrator.

“The narrator should not facilitate interpretations of his work, if not, why would he have written a novel, which is a machine to generate interpretations?"

Through this phrase you can explain more clearly the connection between the reader and the work, in the same way the influence in which the narrator uses a number of elements to maintain that conductive thread until the end of the tragedy, Umberto Eco Explaya that the narrator cannot in any way deliver the purpose of the work in a light way and narrate the entire main theme as if he told numbers, because the attention that is sought is that of the reader, by psychological naturalness a mysterious work in which the narrator It is hidden and the characters must be discovered by the reader so that it forces the latter unconsciously to read the work indeterminate, capturing all their attention and that is what William Shakespeare uses when hiding that self-determination within Hamlet within Hamlet His monologues full of cramps and metaphors to demonstrate that something is something literally and embellishing it with the endings applied to its underlying reality, Um Berto Eco, states that if a narrator does not meet any of these characteristics, his work is completely absurd and meaningless, losing any possible reader.

In conclusion, the narrator’s point of view within the "hamlet" tragedy greatly influences the reader’s understanding forming a plot in which the latter is the main character at times, assuming Hamlet’s role during his existentialist monologues To then happen the term to the main narrator of the work, the leader is determined by the tragedy during the final chapters, in which death and despair are present, the reader totally assumes the position, thus pointing to each action as ethical or non -ethical , the understanding of the tragedy by the reader is complex because it undergoes many changes by the secondary characters, which alter thanks to the narrator the main idea of ​​the reader, it can be inferred that the main perspective that is delivered by The narrator towards the reader can change according to the characteristics within each scene that the reader managed to determine during the course of the tragedy.


  1. Hamlet. (s.F.). Retrieved February 22, 2020, from http: //
  2. Hamlet – (2019, January 31). Retrieved February 22, 2020, from https: //
  3. The narrator and his point of view. (2015, May 25). Retrieved February 12, 2020, from http: //
  4. Ortega-Arjonilla, Emilio, or. A. (2014, February 17). The courtly language in the translation of the correspondence between Louis XIV and Felipe V in the context of the War of Succession to the Spanish Crown. Retrieved February 12, 2020, from https: //

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