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High School Observation

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High school observation


On the first practices visit at high school was too satisfactory I said it personally, since I could realize many things that I had not noticed in my experience as a student, now I can notice many things. I will talk a little about my experience.

In the context of high school that I had the opportunity to observe, it was too perfect because there were a couple of aspects that I could notice that they took too much one of those who took too much the part of the cleaning of the school, in the gardens, soccer courts, Halls, workshops and in the offices of managers.


Other things that caught my attention was the way in which between classes when the bell sounds all the students remained close to the classroom without getting away much and seeing the teacher approach to start their class everyone in a calm way they entered. Already in class from outside the room I could observe a little of the teachers as they gave their class, some of them were dynamic, others were more of dictates and research work, but tried to integrate each student into the subject to be Was playing.

In another aspect I was able to realize that the teachers were too "cold" to be in the classroom and it could be noted that they were very strict because there were young people who expressed themselves as "scolding" is not that he is judging his way of teaching his program , but maybe they may need a little more attention, because they are teenagers and are in a complicated stage.

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Other things I could mention is that there was no student who did not carry their entire uniform all including accessories such as the tie. Only on one occasion I had to see how young people brought the uniform that was not the corresponding day. They received a punishment of not being within the classes, I think it is an inappropriate way to have them there losing the classes or at least they were given any work as punishment, they would not be lost classes or to call it in another way knowledge.

Take into account the respect of students towards teachers and managers. You could hear a very appropriate way of the boys when speaking between them did not listen.

In the practice of some other values, I could only observe what respect, honesty, solidarity is that in some classrooms there were children studying that they did not understand the issues and there were more partners helping them to understand to have an approved rating in the partial exams that they They were applying. Do not observe that the teachers had an approach with the students, the student-student communication was too poor, it was limited to only the class and it was all.


To conclude with this text, my marking was very important because, professionalism is very important, since we have little experience even students can believe or feel that we are the same and nothing happens and can be carried out in a little suitable way with us, but it is important to know Mark this line well so that in the future when applying an educational plan they respect us and do not see it as a game just because we are practitioners.

Since at the time of interacting more with them and interacts more informally, respect is lost gradually until you reach a point where students think you are another student and can talk about anything and not that they cannot Do it only that they believe that the job is not taken in a more professional way and it is lost totally and it would be difficult to recover it.

But it is easy to love this profession even despite the obstacles that would be presented if I want that it was not so stressful, not seeing it as a short -term knowledge but something that can serve me for the future of my studies.

Thanks, teacher for helping us every day in being better students.     

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