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History And Characteristics Of The Spanish Language

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History and characteristics of the Spanish language

First, Spanish language is called the language originally from the Castilla region, which is practiced mainly in Spain and Latin America. At present it is the second most spoken language in the world, it can be said that more than 470 million people use them, it can be said that the Spanish language arose as a continuation of the vulgar Latin in the third century, when the dismemberment of the Roman Empiregenerated various variants of Latin from the evolution of romance languages. According to my research, this language of the Spanish or Spanish, was born in the Iberian Peninsula between the sixth century D.C. and the ninth century D. C., Between the year 500 and 800 or 900 d, said we are.

History of the spanish language

Spanish or Spanish is the romantic language of the Iberians. From a strictly linguistic point of view, Spanish is a family of fifty -eight languages or variants, which constitute a chain of linguistic unit, with continuous or more individual links. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations, only surpassed by Mandarin. In terms of the number of native speakers, it is the most spoken language in the world, it can be the second or third most spoken worldwide

The Spanish language began to go back to the pre -Roman era, since the pre -Roman language of the Iberian Peninsula can have an influence on Hispanic Latin, thus giving some of its characteristics to peninsular romance.

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The history of the Spanish language begins with the vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire. In particular, it has its origin in the vulgar Latin in the central zone of northern Spain. After the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, the influence of Latin cultivated in common people gradually decreased. The Latin that was spoken at that time was the fermentation of the Hispanic romances, including the ancient Spanish, which in turn proceeded (at least in greater proportion) of the varieties that make up the Spanish language. In the seventh century, the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula resulted in the formation of two well -differentiated areas. In al-Andalus, in addition to the languages of the non-native minority (Arabic and Berber), the Romanesque dialects are spoken, which are summarized under the Mozarabic term. Meanwhile in the area where Christian kingdoms are formed. A few years after the beginning of the Muslim domain, a different development began in which several romances appeared: Catalan, Aragon, Asturian-Leon and Galician with Spanish. The original Castilian dialect comes from the medieval county of Castilla (southern Cantabria and Norte de Burgos) with German and Visigothic influences. The oldest Spanish texts that are known are the Emilianenses glosses, which are preserved in the Monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja). It spread thanks to the reconquest and other Spanish kingdoms through successive dynastic unions (Union with León and Galicia with Fernando III of Castile, establishing a Castilian dynasty in the crown of Aragon with Fernando I of Aragon that would lead to the south of the peninsulafrom the final union with the Catholic Monarchs). In the fifteenth century, Antonio de Nebrija published his grammar in Salamanca, during the Spanish unification process of his kingdoms. It is the first grammar treatise of the Spanish language and also the first of a common European language. The colonization and conquest of America simultaneously extended the language to most of the American continent. The original Spanish language was subsequently derived from numerous dialect variants that, although they respect the main root, present differences in pronunciation and vocabulary, as is the case with any other language. To this is added the influence of American native languages such as Aymara, Nahuatl, Guaraní, Chibcha, Mapudungun, Taíno, Maya and Quechua, which have contributed to the lexicon of the language not only in their areas. Influence, but in some cases in the global lexicon.

Characteristics of the Spanish language

Spanish is the most spoken romance language, both for the number of speakers and for the number of countries in which it is the dominant language. Spanish is not only used in Spain, but it is also the official language of all countries in South America (with the exception of Brazil and Guyana), the six Central American and Mexico, Cuba, Dominican and Puerto Rico Republic. There is also talk in parts of Morocco and the western coast of Africa, as well as in Equatorial Guinea. In the United States, it is widespread in states such as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. A Spanish form called Ladino, Judo Spanish or D Judezmo, is spoken in Turkey and Israel by descendants of Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492. In total there are about 350 million Spanish speakers worldwide.

The pronunciation and the use of Spanish vary logically from one country to another. However, regional differences are not great and Colombians cannot understand another inhabitant of Spain. The vocabulary is basically of Latin origin, although many words are significantly different from its French or Italian. Many words that begin with F in other romantic languages begin with H in Spanish (for example, son, thread). In the words that begin with al- (cotton, carpet, pillow, pin), the Moorish influence is very obvious. Like British and American English, Oceania’s vocabulary (mainly in Spain) is different.

  • Question and Exclamation Signs: In Spanish there are question opening signs and exclamation. And these may appear at the beginning or half of a sentence.
  • Gender: Spanish has male and female gender. Gender modifies nouns, adjectives, and articles but does not modify verbs
  • You and you: the family form of the second person in singular is you and the verbs with you are conjugated in the second person.
  • Plural: generally, the plural is formed by adding ‘s’ to the words that end in a vowel and ‘-os’ or ‘-It’ to the words that end in consonant.
  • Capital letters: They should be used at the beginning of a sentence or in proper names.
  • It is the only one that uses the letter ñ



There is no doubt that Spanish is one of the most important languages in the world. That is, there are currently about 500 million people in the world who speak English in their mother tongue, and many others are learning or speaking a second language. However, many times we have not fully realized the importance of the language we use to communicate on earth. The Cervantes Institute recently published a report entitled ‘El Español: a living language’, which puts Spanish in context, which helps us understand its role in the world. Importance:

  • Spanish is the language in which no less than 21 countries in the world are communicated. And so in addition to Spain, a country where the language was born, it is spoken in all the countries of Centro and South America except for Brazil.
  • The Spanish is spoken by 8% of the world population and it is estimated that this percentage will last at least until 2050. In addition, everything points to an increase as the interest in learning Spanish increases.
  • Spanish is the second language of the world in terms of the number of native speakers worldwide, only surpassed by the Mandarin Chinese. But it is also the second language of global computer science.


It also has great importance in social networks. It is currently the second most spoken language on Facebook, only surpassed by English, and many people in the world study what Spanish is can be said that more than 30 million people.


The Spanish language is considered a mother tongue since many people speak in different countries this language emerged as a continuation of the vulgar Latin in the third century, when the dismemberment of the Roman Empire generated various variants of Latin from the evolution of the Romance languages. Spanish can also be called Spanish. This language also has many characteristics that also use question signs another delicate characteristic is the plural among others. On the other hand, the Spanish language is considered to be one of the most important languages ​​in the world since it has been the second or third most spoken language in the world.    

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