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how are these articles the same? what do they have in common.

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Human BehaviorIntroduction
The most conducive environment to conduct the essential characteristics of human behavior requires an enabling environment which places humanity under total submission. Consequently, the topic of human behavioral psychology has been harmonized through the distinct publications as follows: “Opinions and Social Pressure” by Solomon Asch, and “Disobedience as a Mental and Ethical Problem” by Erich Fromm. The other two publications are: “The Perils of Obedience,” by Stanely Milgram, and “ A Study of Inmates and Guards in an Inspired Prison” by Craig Haney, Curtis Banks, and Philip Zimbardo. The publications have harmonized the psychological group study of Human Behavior.
Thesis statement: Several factors including environmental aspects cognitive perspectives philosophical ideas and others have an impact on human behavior. All facts and theories considered total institutions seem to provide the best environment for the scientific study of human behavior. To what point, therefore, does total institutions guarantee the best results for human behavior?
When people are grouped, harmony becomes necessity whereby incorrect or deviant decisions always lead to negative or incorrect consequences of the group’s existence. Total Institutions like prisons, schools, and forces among others can aid in the identification of the numerous factors and processes which instigate aggressive/abusive behavior within total institutions. Psychology also has its set standards that comprise the code of conduct within a group.

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Obedience, in this case, consists the basic structure of total institutions, and within the overall social lives of humans. Moreover, the seductive comforts of obedience should be studied from a philosophical view, to aid people in discerning the extremes of obedience which can be lethal. Besides, social influences should be keenly studied so that judgments and practices that are conducted within its confines and the extent t which it influences the lives of people in total institutions and life in general.
According to Haney, Banks, and Zimbardo, (1), it is categorical that “if a man could endure the dismays of prison life, the man must surely be a ‘creature’ who could survive anything.” The article written by Haney, Banks, and Zimbardo drives ahead to underscore that the authenticity of penal systems bears witness not only to the adaptiveness and resiliency of the people who endure life within its perimeters. It also deals with the “ingenuity” and the steadfastness of those who formulated and still uphold our correctional and penitentiary systems (2). Indeed, this example indicates that there are social structures that influence human behavior. Typically, for one to survive under total institutions, then they have to adhere to particular social, and philosophical constructed norms or codes. It takes suchlike codes to shape the overall human behavior within an environment.
Milgram (62) out lists obedience as one of the necessary elements in the life structure of life of humans. Back to our example within the prison walls, one of the pivotal codes that have to be adhered to is obedience. After inmates complete the service of their jail term, Haney, Banks, and Zimbardo (2) outlines that the experience of a prison creates undeniably. It completes so almost to the to the theme of cliché, extreme detestation and insolence in most convicts for the authority and the collective creation order of authority which ultimately makes the former internee return to custodial (2).
One fabric that shapes societal life is obedience hence it is a vital area that psychologists who are in pursuit of studying Human Behavior have to learn is obedience. In fact, Fromm states that human history, began with disobedience, and it is not unlikely that it will be terminated by an act of obedience (402). According to Fromm, obedience is a virtue, while disobedience is a vice (402). At the stage, all is eminent that human behavior can be altered negatively and positively with regards to the predominant circumstances of the setting. According to Asch, the social influences shape every person’s practices, beliefs, and judgment (2). Asch asserts that beliefs are a truism which anyone will readily consent (2). It is because of this aspect that a child masters his “native dialect down to the most delicate nuances, while a member of a cannibal can adequately accept cannibalism as all the same fitting and proper (2). The existing pivotal challenge for humanity deals with how to influence their behavior. It all lies in the organized observation and analysis of how dispersed brain events support human ordinary, dynamic, and consequential changing cognizance and conduct.
The study of Human behavior is significant for the discipline of Psychology. Humans are active proxies who are endlessly involved in the purpose of satisfying bodily desires and psychological cravings, and this is why it is pivotal to learn Human Behavioral Psychology. The emphasis that has been pushed with the four publications that have been utilized as reference are in perfect harmony as far as the study of human behavior is concerned. The intellectual processes that sustain cognitive progressions are aimed at the optimization of outcomes for any of the social body-based behavior’s. Indeed, this answers the question about the essence of studying Human behavior.
Asch, Solomon E. “Opinions and social pressure.” Scientific American 193.5 (1955): 31-35.
Fromm, Erich. “Disobedience as a psychological and moral problem.” (1963):402.
Haney, Craig, Curtis Banks, and Philip Zimbardo. Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison. No. ONR-TR-Z-09. Stanford Univ Ca Dept Of Psychology, 1972: 1-19.
Milgram, Stanley. “The perils of obedience.” Harper’s 247.1483 (1973): 1973:62.

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