Human interaction
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DownloadThis is usually a point of interest that catches the attention of many while researching on sociology. This is more so on the basis that sociology deals with the relationship between the human beings. Sociology is more interested in making sure that human beings have a platform over which they can be relating better each time they get out there. Human beings have speech which promotes the relationship amongst them. As a result they have the freedom and the advantage to let out whatever they think about thus expressing themselves in the best manner possible as compared to all the other human beings.
Human interaction is the main source of understanding in the human race; human beings get to understand each other because they are also able to speak and let out anything that they might be thinking of at a time as well (Goodwin, 2000). Human interaction is related to the position that each human being holds on another and what these people need to do to make sure that they get to understand each other as such. The human race is one that is more concerned with the enjoyment of their own peace thus spurring the need for the human beings to interact better each and every time as well (Guntrip, 1995). They are known for this feature better; they assign majority of their time simply chatting and making friends; these are the major factors that make up human interaction. Interaction must not be by word of mouth but rather it can also be through writing too. One major advantage that is brought in by this aspect is the peace in the society; without interaction, it is just more than evident that there will be no peace too in the society as well.
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Goodwin, C. (2000). Action and embodiment within situated human interaction. Journal of pragmatics, 32(10), 1489-1522.
Knapp, M., Hall, J., & Horgan, T. (2013). Nonverbal communication in human interaction. Cengage Learning.
McGrath, J. E., & Kelly, J. R. (1986). Time and human interaction: Toward a social psychology of time. Guilford Press.
Guntrip, H. (1995). Personality structure and human interaction: The developing synthesis of psychodynamic theory. Karnac Books.
Mortensen, C. D. (1972). Communication: The study of human interaction.
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