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Humanitarian Crisis In The Venezuelan Context

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Humanitarian crisis in the Venezuelan context


The context of the current Venezuelan situation precedes the political crisis initiated by the regime of Nicolás Maduro in 2017 by breaking with the constitutional order and proclaiming themselves as reelected president in 2018, responding to the problem sectors of the international community defined as inconsistent and fraudulent theMaduro elections and did not know as a constitutional president of Venezuela.

“The deterioration of living conditions, the increase in criminal violence, systematic repression, the unstoppable stampePrecise policy.”(Rojas, 2019)

Therefore, this trial is intended to analyze the consequences of the serious humanitarian crisis in the Venezuelan country such as citizen security in health and food aspects, on the other hand the issue of human mobility and finally highlight the violations that happened around theDignity and human rights.


In the first place, the serious political crisis flowed into an economic crisis has caused the disinterest of social protection and local assistance by the Venezuelan government and in this sense Shannon Doucy in the report issued by (Human Rights Watch, 2019) mentions that: “The Venezuela’s public health system has collapsed and has put the lives of an incalculable number of Venezuelans at risk ”, in this context it has been identified that the most vulnerable are children and older adults, people with disabilities and people with catastrophic diseases Which converges in serious consequences such as the increase and reproduction of preventable diseases such as malaria, measles, diphtheria, in the same way the latest official statistics of the Ministry of Health of Venezuela indicate that, in 2016, maternal mortality increased 65 % and Infant mortality grew 30 % in just one year due to food shortages and lack of access to medicines.

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(Human Rights Watch, 2019).

On the other hand, the current situation of the regime forces citizens to move in search of a better quality of life, according to statistics presented by UNHCR (High UN Commissioner for Refugees) and IIM (International Organization for Migration) about 4.001,917Venezuelans and Venezuelan are living abroad, this figure includes a degree of estimate, since citizens continue to leave Venezuela for reasons such as violence, insecurity and threats, lack of food, medicines and essential services. (ACNUR, 2019). In this sense (Cohen, 2019) states: “The main destination countries are Colombia with 1.3 million Venezuelans, followed by Peru (768.000), Chile (288.000), Ecuador (263.000), Argentina (130.000) and Brazil (168.000).", consequently

UN intervention through the Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) has developed mechanisms to provide assistance to migrants, according to statistics from the 464,229 Venezuelan citizens have requested to be considered as refugees who have been assisted in a timely manner by membersACNUR, “ACNUR provides legal support and guidance to newcomers and distributes drinking water, hygiene kits for children and women in border areas.”(ACNUR, 2019). On the other hand there are citizens who seek other legal ways to remain in a country and have access to their fundamental rights, but nevertheless in the course they are affected and violated in different ways, such as discrimination, labor and sexual exploitation, xenophobia among others.

Following this line, you can finally analyze violations of dignity and human rights according to the report issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (ACNUDH, 2018) mentions that:

“(…) Human rights violations committed by state authorities since August 2017, such as the excessive use of force in security operations not related to protests, the repeated practice of arbitrary arrests, torture and badtreatment, and the violation of the rights to the enjoyment of the highest possible level of health and to adequate food."

In this sense, the repression generated by the Government to citizens is evident, which leads to the violation of fundamental rights, the cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment generated by political controversy and lack of government protection which prevents its full social developmentand human.


In conclusion, a serious economic, social and political crisis is evidenceof local government protection, contribute to the violation of fundamental human rights such as health, food and basic social services, turning them into an ideal that leads to the human being to seek various sources of subsistence such as internal and external human displacement.


  • ACNUDH. (2018). Human rights violations in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: a descending spiral that does not seem to have an end.
  • ACNUR. (2019). ACNUR. Retrieved on June 13, 2019, from UNHCR ACNUR: https: // www.ACNUR.Org/a-what we help.HTML
  • ACNUR. (2019). UN Agency for Refugees. Retrieved on June 11, 2019, from https: // www.ACNUR.Org/Situation-in-Venezuela.HTML
  • Cohen, j. P. (June 7, 2019). Europa Press. Retrieved on June 11, 2019, from https: // www.Europa Press.ES/INTERNACION.HTML
  • Human Rights Watch. (2019). Human Rights Watch. Retrieved on June 13, 2019, from Human Rights Watch: https: //
  • Rojas, r. (January 24, 2019). Free lyrics. Retrieved June 2019, 2019, from https: // www.Free
  • Author: Michelle Bilaña 

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