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Ideas To Avoid Food Waste

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Ideas to avoid food waste


Buy with head and take advantage of food is basic not to waste food at the time of COVID-19. We give you 7 tips that will help you organize better and throw as little as possible during confinement. Covid-19 has made our lives and our day to day legs up. And food has also been altered, because there is more time to make homemade meals and also because the purchase habits have also changed.

 Online purchases have increased by we cannot go buy continuously, the little frequency with which we go out to buy as well as the fear of shortage makes us sometimes buy crazy without thinking too much. What should not change, even if it is confinement time, is to continue avoiding food waste because the figures are as discouraging as terrible.


While hunger in the world increases, 1.300 million tons of food, that is, one third of world production, according to FAO (acronym in English of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), they are lost or wasted. Of those, 89 million tons correspond to the EU. Which is equivalent to 179 kilos per inhabitant of wasted foods – without counting those of agricultural origin generated in the production process or the fish discards thrown into the sea -.

 There are more, between 30% and 50% of healthy and edible foods throughout all the links of the agri -food chain until they reach the consumer that could be usable they become waste. In homes, food waste reaches 42% of the total, in the manufacturing phase 39%, in the restoration 14% and in the distribution 5%.

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To all this we must add that this food waste is 5% of our greenhouse gas emissions.

Now that we are at home until again warning the fridge and the food is essential: that we do not lack anything, but obviously, that nothing is broken and we waste it. Here are some ideas to avoid waste and food waste and contribute to the health of the planet and our pocket having an efficient pantry.

Check and organize the stock. Before buying more food, organize your fridge, freezer and pantry ordering food by expiration date so you can consume them before they spoil. It is also true that expiration dates are orientative, since some products can be consumed if it has recently passed its date. Of course, avoid doing it with fresh foods such as meat or fish, since in that case you could suffer food poisoning.

Also, check and check what you have and what do you miss to avoid buying things you do not need. Not without your purchase list. Home salt with a list and with planned generic menus is the way to buy from tuntún and have to improvise. Bring those products that you need will allow you to adjust your purchase much better. Ah, remember not to collection of products, you are not going to use them all suddenly and you are also preventing other people from acquiring them. Exactly, buy with head and only what you really need.


Take a freezer match. If you have stored many products with a short expiration date, congratulate them and see them as you need them. It will be the way to prevent them from spoiling and having to throw them in the trash. To each food, its temperature. Keeping food at the correct temperature is fundamental. Leave the purchase in an adequate place and do not have fresh products too long out of the fridge.

Foods in the fridge remember that the optimal temperature of this is 4 ° C;The coldest place is below and in the background;The heat tends to go up and, therefore, is at the top front of the fridge where it is more hot. For that reason, the things that are broken before (raw meat, fish, food remains …) in the coldest area. Dairy products like yogurts and others on the shelf from and at all, eggs, cheeses and others that do not need so cold.

Also, if you want fruits and vegetables to keep more time, guide them also in the refrigerator, in this case in the drawer. Except eggplants, peppers, bananas or tomatoes, the cold does not do well and modify their flavor. Cooking day. A good solution to save resources or reduce leftovers can be to dedicate one day to prepare meals and weekly dinners. 

When you start cooking, do not forget. Do not throw, reuse. If you have plenty food, take it by preparing new recipes. Surely you can think of not having to throw those foods. In the event that you have cooked more account and do not want to repeat that same day, congress it.

Do not forget that many of the products and foods we use daily are versatile and allow multiple elaborations, so it is advisable that when you plan the menus, also think about dishes that allow you to reuse food several times on several occasions. Also, in the event that you bought too much, reuse those foods making jams, ice cream … Recycles. Do not forget to recycle and pull where each of the food and products containers used.

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