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Illegal Abortion In The Criminal Code Of Peru

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Illegal abortion in the Criminal Code of Peru

When talking about abortion we refer to the termination of a pregnancy, in Peru the Criminal Code considers all forms of abortion illegal, but not when it is recommended by a doctor and this happens when the life of the pregnant woman is put at risk. It is also prohibited in cases of rape or an artificial insemination not consented.

There are different types of abortion such as: spontaneous abortion, is the death of the embryo before the 20th week of pregnancy, this is due to certain paternal and maternal defects. At this stage where abortion is naturally can be associated with sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, alcoholism, old age, etc.

Finally we have induced abortion. This is the result of direct maneuvers aimed at interrupting the pregnant woman, it can be because it simply does not want the baby, and although it is called criminal abortion, for being considered to take a living life to a life of a living being.

Research leads us to reflect to think about the role that our society and Peruvian justice plays to this quite common problem today in terms of practice.

In Peru, abortion remains an illegal practice, except when done to save the life or health of pregnant woman (therapeutic abortion). According to the Ministry of Health, abortion represents the fourth cause of maternal death and the first cause of internment, after childbirth. This legal framework limits the possibility of maintaining an official case record, so researchers must resort to data that is currently already outdated.

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(Republic, 2019)

One of the most frequent causes in induced abortion are disadvantages at the socioeconomic level, since women with a profile C and D/E are the ones that have the greatest kind of procedures. When mentioning the economy or economic balance, one could say that we talk about women’s fixed wages and if they can provide security, that is, economic stability to a woman. This is an important factor that generates independence to decide for your body and not resort to anyone. The socioeconomic factor is associated with the decision to abort and the conditions in which it performs and therefore, future complications according to the Health Service.

Second, there would be the lack of education, without education we are not free, it is a very common phrase that goes back to the time of the government of former president Alberto Fujimori and the forced sterilization of indigenous women given with threats and pressure and pressure. The ignorance of these women who were violated and subject to procedures in precarious situations leaves much education as a country. Ignorance and lack of opportunity for educational instruction generates conflicts to solve problems such as abortion in a timely manner in our society.

Among vulnerable people adolescents are considered, since they usually begin their sexual life at a very early age. It should be noted that not only occurs in adolescents but also in extreme cases such as rape, these women carry a big psychological problem when they are affected by a cruel act. If a pregnant woman and the fetus are equally important, will it be difficult to really discern who should be more important?. From this same thought it is not permissible to sacrifice the life of an innocent for that of another, it is not allowable to end freely in the life of the fetus to save the mother’s life.

Proper training on sexuality is necessary from an early age. Although it is currently easier to touch the issue, it is still taboo for many people, it should not be salvation, but it would be very helpful that you can teach issues associated with sexuality and what the responsibility ofThis merits are both given at home by parents and in schools, in order to be an easier alternative to an ethical-legal level.

Finally, he concluded that the socioeconomic factor generates greater vulnerability to women with less economic resources, since these also have lower employment and education opportunities. Even if they are within a marriage, the low resources make it impossible to have more children condemning women to take other measures such as abortion or condemning the family to greater poverty, for the instability of having sufficient income to sustain the home. In this group we also find people who belong to certain religions, where it is forbidden to take care of contraceptive methods.        

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