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In the United States, there are over 11 million undocumented immigrants. These immigrants have come all over the world and negatively impacted the USA. Many presidential candidates have used this immigration debate campaign tool to influence the voting pattern and regional politics. Under the current USA, law foreigner can become a citizen if they get a job in the US, adopted by an American citizen, refugees seeking political asylum and if an investor has made a substantial investment in American soil. However, the 11 million illegal immigrants have not satisfied these conditions and thus there is need to dwell on this topic at length (Bodvarsson, & Berg, 2013).
First, these illegal immigrants pose a security threat to the country. In any given country the security of the citizen remains very crucial for social, economic and political development. United States government ought to satisfy the interest of its citizen before meeting international obligations. Today there are very many terrorist groups and they can take advantage of the immigration situation to attack American citizens. Consequently, such if attacks happen it becomes totally hard for the government to conduct proper investigations since there are many undocumented residents.
Secondly, the immigrants are competing for jobs with Native American hence rendering them jobless. It is becoming completely impossible for the native to get well-paying jobs since the immigrants are always ready to do the same job with very low wages.

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Additionally, income generated by these immigrants to the economy is very little since majority doesn’t pay income taxes since their income is below outlines tax brackets. Much more income generated from work is most of the time plowed back to their native countries. The immigrant income does not anyhow help in developing America economically. Natives Americans should be given priority in the job market. However, this does not always happen because most of the companies want to maximize profits through minimizing operational costs (Smith, 2014).
The majority of the immigrants have no requisite skills to perform certain jobs. Most of them are uneducated and thus they cannot utilize the current technology in the development process. The gain that is got from immigrant will be magnified if the country emphasizes on high-skilled workers. High-skilled workers will increase productivity in industries hence developing the economy of the country.
In addition, immigrant and their sibling’s increases recurrent expenses to the government through the provision of education health care. US Supreme Court decreed that it is the responsibility of the state’s governments to provide free education to all the immigrants. In 2013, it was estimated about $388 billion was used to meet immigrant education and health expenses. This money could have been alternatively being channeled to other government projects.
Any given sovereign country in the world, the government has a responsibility to determine who should enter the country, or who is qualified becomes a citizen. Immigrants bring in alien cultural beliefs, languages, and interest in the native country. Thus in such a situation the culture of the native is highly assimilated. Additionally, in the US they have mostly controlled the political system whereby they can influence the outcome of a given election. At the long run, the immigrants will control the natives both economically and politically (Balch, 2016).
Conclusively, to remedy the immigration challenge in the USA, the government is not supposed to deport the immigrants. Instead, they should be registered under requisite conditions e.g.; they will live to respect and obey the laws of the country.

Balch, A. (2016). Immigration Politics in the UK and the USA. Immigration and the State, 97-116. doi:10.1057/978-1-137-38589-5_5
Bodvarsson, Ö B., & Berg, H. V. (2013). Immigration Policy in the USA. The Economics of Immigration, 375-405. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-2116-0_14
Smith, J. (2014). Taxpayer effects of immigration. izawol iza World of Labor. doi:10.15185/izawol.50

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