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Immigration As A Harmful Phenomenon For Society

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Immigration as a harmful phenomenon for society

What is immigration?

This argumentative text deals with a phenomenon, where there is a type of human displacement, is that people from another country or region enter a given society. This movement has an immigration name. This has been giving since time causing certain type of discomfort in local citizens. However, despite creating discomfort, it brings certain benefits to society.

The next point is about some causes for which people decide to emigrate. Many of the people who make this decision are in the villages. This is because they work, but receive a very minimal salary and is not enough to cover their expenses. A clear example could be that the basic food basket has a higher price than the amount of the minimum wage. Because of this, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries have been strengthened so that people stay in the field. This leads to the fact that they are interested in staying in their country and not going out. It is a fairly difficult process, so it is still in process.

How does society harm?

When these types of departures from the citizens of their country are given causes less workforce. This causes less unemployment and creates a salary increase. So due to all that also affects labor labor, so the production of goods and services usually falls apart. Although those who emigrate send money to their families who stayed in their country, benefiting to pay the rent.

Wait! Immigration As A Harmful Phenomenon For Society paper is just an example!

By some countries that receive those that emigrate like the United States and Europe. They have effects on what is the workforce, increased unemployment rate, social assistance pressure and loss of national income due to the issuance of resources towards their countries. According to the UN, migrants found in these developed countries, send 414.000 million dollars to their countries of origin.

On the other hand, it not only affects the economy but also families. Many parents watch over the welfare of their children, so they decide to take the risk of emigrating. This causes them to leave their children in their countries of origin while they are working very. Children grow without an authority that guides them to tell them what is good and what is bad. Teenagers fall into bad steps such as: in drugs. According to studies is between 8.5 and 27% of young people who consume drugs worldwide and continue to increase.

Because many young people have the example of their parents with the immigration experience they also decide to do so. This happens more in rural areas. Many of these young people seek opportunities for better jobs.

Likewise, with this decision, young people are affecting their country of origin since they leave many elders, which can no longer be reproduced. This causes population shortages and gradually stopping both productions and services. Many schools have also been closed because many leave their studies and others decide to run the danger where they are only two to three students. We can see these types of situations like the one in Venezuela. In this country it happened that because people emigrated, many peoples were abandoned. As in a novel written by Miguel Otero Silva describes as "dead houses".

On the other hand we have the rights that benefit those who emigrate. There is the Law of Law AB-54 which prohibits public order agents from asking people for their immigration status or participating in any program that uses them as immigration agents.

There is also a law that helps the children of those who emigrate. The SB-257 which allows the children of the deported parents of the United States to continue attending local schools.

Another law that exists is AB-291. This consists of prohibiting property owners or administrators reveal or dawn with revealing the tenant migration status to any immigration authority.

Last but not least we have the laws that can affect those who emigrate. There is the Immigration Reform and Control Law, which is that any US company that hires illegal foreigners with knowledge of its immigration status will be sanctioned.

There is also the illegal immigration reform law and immigration liability law.

It consists of having the mandatory deportation called "removal", which allows mandatory crimes -based arrests and can prevent the state of residence from obtaining. This law applies to people who carry illegal documents in their documentation.

To conclude immigration is a life or death decision, which brings benefits and consequences. This movement not only affects people who are going through that situation but also society. Many of these people can take the employment from that country. There are several factors that must be taken into account and informed well before taking it. Young people are the future generation, so it must be taken care of because the world and their country of origin depend on them. Let’s not let them have to leave their studies to work and emigrate.