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Inclusion Program In Higher Education Of Deaf People

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Inclusion Program in Higher Education of Deaf People


For the inclusion of higher education of people with NEE it is important to take into account some indicators for the effectiveness of educational programs that seek the inclusion of people with auditory barriers. Quality inclusive education is an objective of all nations and a means to achieve other social development objectives. For countries to strengthen their educational systems, the main challenges continue to be the attention to diversity and achieve the inclusion of all students and ensure that they have the same opportunities to prosper in the educational field.


The principles of the concept of inclusion were established by Booth and Ainscow, defining it as a set of processes aimed at eliminating or minimizing barriers that limit learning and participation of all students. This term has had an impact on the different levels and educational contexts, linked solidly with the special educational needs (NEE) that refer to disability, which are defined by Andrade, Monsalve and Aristizábal, such as physics, mental, orsensory either permanently or temporarily, which limits the ability to exercise one or more essential activities of daily life, which can be caused or aggravated by the economic and social environment. 

Regarding the university inclusion of people with Disabilities Tinklin, Riddell and Wilson, students with disabilities pose can be a challenge for the university, not only in terms of getting physical access to buildings, but also in relation to amuch broader access to curriculum, teaching, learning and evaluation.

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In response to the same guideline, Macmillan, considers that it is the environment that generates the barriers and does not allow the full participation of students with disabilities as they are curricula few accessible and in many cases, without taking into account the necessary adaptations .

Forteza, says despite the efforts of universities to give continuity to the support experience that students with special needs in primary and secondary education have received we are still far from the consolidation of these services at the university at the level of the stages of the stagesprevious educational. For Cawthorn, inclusion will be put into practice better when deaf students participate in ordinary or regular classes with listening students, and are involved in all aspects of school life.

Díaz and Rodríguez, in relation to people with a sensory deficiency, specifically the auditory, date back to their background in education with Rudolf that was considered as the first to report a case of a deaf person of birth and learned to read and write. According to the author in the subsequent decades Gerónimo Cardano, raised the basis for the education of deaf people under the principle that the view replaces the ear, teaching the use of manual signs so that deaf people communicate with the listeners and can acquireThe ability to express yourself in writing and in some cases orally.

To this extent, this project aims to contribute to the construction of a more balanced and fair education system oriented to improve the quality of life and educational development of the Dominican Republic of Sorda through the design of an intervention project as an instrument ofReference that provides the basis for carrying out an educational inclusion process that favors all deaf people demanding from the higher training service.

Problem Statement

News presents us with changes and new significant rethinkings in educational policies aimed at improving higher education with respect to inclusion, access, participation and permanence. These changes have contributed to the conceptualization and concretion of a real inclusion of people with Nee, and of the auditively committed people from the framework of diversity. In the 1990s, a growing international interest is evident in students with some disability and their problems related to access, permanence in higher education, in Latin America as in the Caribbean. At that time evidence appeared on this educational reality, which showed higher education as one of the most exclusive educational levels.

Inclusive education for their interest in breaking barriers and opening doors has allowed to school deaf people in regular education centers, in the same way in several countries for several years the inclusion of higher or university education of public and private administration has been carried out . The product of this advance began to know experiences of deaf that culminated basic and secondary studies and entered higher education institutions in: Europe, and Latin America has meant progressive advances in favor of attention to diversity and educational inclusion.

In the Dominican Republic, the need to create educational support for the deaf population, which represents a minority, but no less important. The problem emphasizes that educational inclusion has been carried out in a procedural way by integrating students with disabilities, leaving people with auditory barriers;It is this disability the least favored in the framework of higher education. There is no evidence of the inclusion of deaf in higher education centers, despite the existence of demand.

Problem formulation

The tasks that are carried out from an inclusive education favor changes in the conceptions of the attitudes and practices of the multiple actors linked to education with an inclusive character, contributing to the elimination of barriers to achieve the learning of people with some conditionspecial. Vélaz, defines exclusion as a process of departure from the social fields of the community in which one lives, which leads to a loss of autonomy to achieve the necessary resources to live, integrate and participate in the society that is part. Educational exclusion, whether due to socio -economic conditions, racial characteristics or learning capabilities has cohabited by transcendence through the history of our country’s education (Dominican Republic).

For Fridman, who alleges about inclusive education that: there is no risk but wealth in linguistic and cultural diversity, a condition of creating communication contexts between differences. Inclusive education can be defined as a skill focused on the fight against social exclusion. It is a strategy to confront this multidimensional process determined by a series of social, material and objective components, consistent with economic, cultural, legal politicians, symbolic and subjective factors. This need has been formulated following that children and young people with auditory needs have been included in the primary and secondary regular education system in recent years, (see Annex3 and 4), from there several questions arise about which weWe propose the formulation of the problem.

  • After finishing secondary education, what do students do with auditory barriers that have exceeded pre-university levels?
  • Are these young people responsible for the limitations and barriers to access to the university education system responsible or victims?
  • Do not these young people be entitled to be carried out as professionals in the area of their training preference?
  • Is the auditory disability a barrier to the personal and social improvement of this population, or will it be the higher education system of RD who limit them?
  • Does Dominican universities contemplate a support unit aimed at attention to diversity to offer appropriate demand services?


From the educational plane all the guidelines, norms and laws of RD raise the right to education as an inherent factor to individuals. The Disability Law advocates the social, labor and educational inclusion of this population;that is, all conditions are given so that the inclusion of higher education of people with barriers is effective. In response to these problems, this strategy is aimed at creating or adapting the means of access, sensitizing, towards the right of professionalization of the deaf community of the Dominican Republic, which has no limitations than those posed by the university education system.

General objective.

Design an intervention program that promotes the success of the inclusion in higher education of students with specific educational needs (NEE) produced by auditory barriers, sensitizing towards the creation of a diversity care support unit, favoring diversification and curricular adjustmentsestablishing opportunities for a better welfare of this population.

Constitute an inclusive university commission, with the participation of people with disabilities and representatives of the different university, governmental and non -governmental instances that guarantee the effective realization of the program.

  • Importance of research


This proposal arises in response to the need to motivate and articulate the creation of a support unit that facilitates the inclusion of higher education of people with hearing impairment;justified in the current lack of an inclusive higher education system. The linkage of organisms for the fulfillment of inclusive policies and regulations, the flow of information, the psychoeducational advice aimed at equal opportunities, training and social awareness, as well as fulfilling duty and respect for differences,individual.

For the 2018/19 school period there is a registered student registration of 1,776 deaf students included in different official, semi-official educational centers, resource classrooms and special centers at the national level (see Annex 3y 4) only for thisschool year. In later years, thousands of students of the average level have been graduated, they are academically stagnant because universities do not contemplate them as a population with professional improvement, for the lack of internal units of support to this student population.

For UNESCO, the access and inclusion of people with disabilities to higher education can be considered as a process in development and increasing importance. Reflecting on this statement we can contribute that it is painful to make an exploration for different university centers in our country, finding only one university in whose registration file it contemplates a section to specify if the student has a specific disability (see annexes 5), this is stillIt is happening in a country where education has turned to an inclusive discourse.


Recognizing that the Dominican Constitution, the General Law of Education 66.97, the Law, 139-01 and 05,13 support and defend the right to education. Focused on this approach and the existence of the need, the importance of this research under the support of general knowledge that education is an inherent right to each human being is justified. It is a study priority to determine the main conditions that facilitate and hinder the inclusion process in university context.

This intervention strategy projects its importance and justification in creating an inclusive vision as a propellant tool for new opportunities for people with NEE, (especially auditory), allowing and favoring the ways to contribute to the equalization and awareness of the university communityTo be at the forefront unison with other countries as far as the superior inclusion of people with Nee (auditory) is concerned. 

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