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Income Inequality and Gender Bias

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Income Inequality and Gender Bias
The topic proposed for this particular research focuses on how the existing issues of gender bias in the community actually identify with the emerging problem over income equality. For instance, it has been claimed by several female individuals in the corporal world in the USA that their qualifications may be in par with their male counterparts, the comparison often boils down to whether who the company trusts the most; also the long lineage of individuals who proved worthy of particular positions in the organization. Considerably, it could be understood that distinct association to traditional rules often affects the consistency of gender treatment that individuals receive from their superiors. Most often than not females become highly conforming to the way they are treated at work by their colleagues; at times even accepting the point of inequality just because they want to retain their positions in the companies they work for. As a result, they then accept or settle in receiving a lesser amount of payment [so long as they could be able to embrace that point of success they consider to be most important in their careers].

With the use of textbooks and journals, it could be understood how much gender disparity in the workplace affects the overall income scheduling between men and women. Among the materials to be used includes the journal of Bojarska (2012) which intends to discuss on how gender disparities are becoming a core source of upsetting condition that determines the overall consistency of how operative management could improve work conditions for women including that of the satisfaction they get from their salaries.

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True, the era when women are set aside in the society has already gone way too far in the past (Bajorska, 123). However, through time, it could be understood that the real value of such changes has not been fully realized yet; not even during this day and time when career becomes a leveling condition of recognition for most individuals. Most often than not, the compromises that women make put themselves and their reputations at stake; the scary part is that there are times when they are left with no choice but to settle for less that to lose their jobs (Bajorska, 125). The qualifications that women possess are often gauged with their gender [simply because some traditional administrators believe that there are simply some responsibilities that are better handled by men] (Bajorska, 129). While this assumption may be true, it could not be denied that there are better instances when women are able to adjust accordingly as with their male counterparts [at times are even able to perform better]. Practical options of considering what women can do specifically mandates a better control on how improved management does create a more conducive form of the environment in the general view of any organization’s work force. Purposely, work has become a common point of measurement among individuals especially in gauging what they can do, based on their gender.

In this research, such disparity in income shall be given particular attention to; thus practically making a mark on how much disposable particular considerations are especially on defining the real value of performance versus gender identification. To support this research, specific management journals are to be checked in consideration with topics concentrated on responding to employee satisfaction based on gender division. Furthermore, this writing shall also utilize text books that are focused on proper HR Management in modern business organizations at present. Practically, it is expected that these reading materials would provide the research a more distinct sense of valuation especially in making a mark on how human resources ought to be given attention to especially in the way they handle bias among individuals working for them [as they basically look over the gender of each worker].
It is expected that after this research has been completed, a full context of what good management is about, especially in connection to treating human resources equally regardless of their gender. Besides this, it is also expected that the research would be able to provide a constructive foundation for the basis of good management; one that would provide employees with a better sense of what they can do to avoid being labeled and thus not receiving ample payment or salary for the level of work they provide the organization with. Constructively, the guidelines provided in this writing shall hope to give a much stronger foundation on how women ought to be treated in par with men especially when it comes to gauging what they can offer the company with; aiming to establish a balanced view on matters, this material hopes to present a more defined pattern of identifying what good management is about and how it could eliminate income inequality; which would later on set the balance in defining social income as well. To be able to accomplish this, the research data would likely come from scholarly articles, text books on management and psychology and perhaps a bit of personal interview on some current employees would help determine if gender disparity in the work area does affect the rate of income they are able to gain from the efforts they put forth for the organization.
Finally, to draft out the research, the division of discussions shall start with the introduction that shall introduce the entirety of the concept to be shared in this study. After which, the presentation of the problem shall also be introduced to the readers followed by the literature review that is needed to establish the foundation of the research. Samples and evidences shall be featured in the data collection section while the analysis section shall cross reference the literature review sections and the samples and evidences section. The final presentation of claims and recommendations shall then be shown within the conclusion of the study.
Works Cited
Bojarska, Katarzyna (2012). “Responding to lexical stimuli with gender associations: A Cognitive–Cultural Model”. Journal of Language and Social Psychology.

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