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Indian Culture And Its History

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Indian culture and its history


To explain this strong division in Indian society and why it remains even today, it mustBody of the god Brahma, leaving his head and his mouth, the Brahmins or priests, indicating that his work is one of the most important and perhaps denoting that he does not require both physical and mental effort.

Since the caste of the warriors and military, the Kshatriyas, left the arms of the God, and are the ones who make a physical effort and are in the second level of the caste, being among them the figure of the king.

In the third level of castes are the Vaishyas, out of the chest and stomach of the God, who are the ones who are in charge of commerce, crafts and agriculture, which are followed by the fourth level belonging to the thighs and feet who are the shudras (the shudras are (Çudras) or landless farmers.

Already out of what the body of God is the Parias, the last social level, considers the untouchables, the leftovers of the caste system, considers the impure.

The castes have a multitude of subdivisions within them, some to have more than 2200 different social situations, which does not mean that caste is synonymous with social class in the western style, because although the caste considered higher by its purity is that of theBrahmans, usually Kshatriyas and Vaishyas have a higher economic level.

What happens with this order is that each caste has its modus operandi or dharma, which will allow them to ascend in their next reincarnation until they meet Brahma in the Nirvana.

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The caste system was born in the 5th century, obviously with the caste in charge of religion and social control, the Brahmins, creating a series of norms of behavior. 

There was no great discrimination of classes at the beginning of the Vedic era, but after this, the divisions begin to be marked, after which the Vaishyas and the slaves arrived or çudra, without getting to delimit the castes at all and there can be movements between them,especially in the eastern states with a more superficial aria influence and with the appearance of Buddhism that reduces Brahmanic stiffness.

Although, later, in the laws of Manu, sacred ones are ruled, as well as the order in the castes, which is conceived as immovable not to be reincarnation in the next life. 

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