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Industry/Country Presentation Paper
Economy of Pakistan
Pakistan’s economic freedom score is approximated to be at 55.6 making the country be the 121st freest in the year 2015 Index. This score has greatly increased by 0.4 points as from last year that is a significant reflection of improvement in investment freedom and the country’s freedom from the corruption saga that are greatly counterbalanced by deteriorations in business activities freedom as well as in the labor sector freedom. As per the moment the Pakistan’s economy is ranked at position 25th out of the 42 nations in the Asian Pacific area, this is general below the world and regional averages. However, the country’s economic background freedom has adversely increased since 2011 by 0.5 point due to advances in investment freedom; the monetary freedoms as well as corruption free (Zaidi). In the country, the large sections of the populations live below the poverty level and survive through subsistence agriculture.
As per the current survey and research the country’s population lies at 182.6 million with a GDP of $575.0 billion after a significant growth of 3.6 percent with 2.9 percent 5-year compound annual growth as well as per capita income of $3,149. This was after the growth of the economy at 4.24 percent in a period of the 2014-2015 fiscal year while raising the per capita income to 9.25 per cent. The level of unemployment is approximated at 5.2 percent while inflation rate is based on 7.

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Regarding the area covered by the country is collect presented to be of 796,095 square Km and ranked as the 36th largest. The common languages in the nation being Punjabi major Importing partners such as United States, China, Afghanistan, United Kingdom United Arab Emirates with a current and updated rate of 14.7%, 9.1%, 7.6%, 6.7% and 5.4% respectively on major products like petroleum, machinery, Iron and steel as well as Transportation equipment. All this are achieved under the transaction of the exchange rate of 104.34 Pakistani Rupee.
Smart Watches
Smart watches as from the time of design they have been used widely for the main purpose of time informing as well as improving the life quality on the luxury side of life. Over the year, the smart watches have been developed by different designers in the level of having a competitive situation on the market filed. The major companies being Samsung, Apple, and Pebble, which has been the latest firm whose watches costs below $100.
As provided/explained in the presentation, Samsung as managed to design at least 15 different smart watch version in the aim of outdoing the other competitors. The firms have managed to modify the smart watches to serve several purposes, for instance, the use of the watch, like a car key in some of the BMW cars, is one of the major innovations on the smart watch by the Apple firm. Apple firm so far as explained in the presentation as managed to make approximately more than $ 1 billion on their watch designs while Samsung being the leading firm with the most sales approximated at 1.2 million representing 20 percent of the whole market. This can as well be justified to be the strongest market share in the whole division of technology as from the presentation. Nevertheless, Pebble company being too low in comparison to the other big ones (Apple and Samsung) it is achieving some goals by ensuring a continued and progressive increase of its sales with a representation of nearly 410,000 watches being sold out in the year 2012 and an increase of 200% in the following year (Michael Hitt). Their watches are greatly gaining the market share due to its ability to provide watches that contain their features the two main companies are making money as seen per the presentation data that were obtained from CNBC.
The companies are making money simply because of the technological change and the desire of most individual in acquiring a convenient machine/tool of technology thus watches makes the situation favorable due to its portability nature. However, the disadvantage part of the watches is that individual greatly relies on foreign shipping and manufacturing. As also suggested in the presentation this greatly makes the prices always to shift upwards, in the process the industry raises simply because of its monopolistic nature.
Automobile Industry
The history of the automobile industry even if it is very small in comparison with other industries has every important significant due to it is immense effects on 20th-century history. Although the automobile industry previously originated from the European part in the late 19th century, the US has completely taken over and dominated the world’s automobile industry for the first half of the 20th century. This has achieved by numerous invention of mass production techniques (Ingrassia p 102). Later on in the second half of the century condition changes instantly in the western European countries and Japan took over and become the major exporters and producers of the automobile products. Although the steam-powered road vehicles were the first ones to be produced, the development of the automotive industry are mainly rooted in the establishment and development of the gasoline engine in the period of 1860s, and the 70’s majorly in Germany and France. In which by the early of the 20th century the American, British and Italian makers joined the French and the Germany manufacturers.
Although the knowledge of the automobile was in existence in the 19th century, it took Henry Ford to design an important gadget accessible to the American public. Henry Ford made the gadget by using the idea of the Assembly Line for the automobile manufacturing. The automobile industry is of great importance simply because most of the lives have been involving the automotive sector as well the desire to improve the manner in which activities need to bed done in a more efficient and effective manner(Paul Nieuwenhuis). The innovation by Henry Ford in mass-production technique leads to the emergence of the Big Three in the United States.
The automobile industry is influenced by numerous trends that affect its daily running. For instance, the government involvement or intervenes greatly hinder he firms progress through the standards laid by the government that hinder the importation and exportation of some of the products and services, Competition in the marketplace is among the major trends to in the automobile industry as this greatly influences the rate of production and distribution across the world.
The Big 3 are of the great importance nevertheless its fall as it takes responsibility for 3% of the country’s economy as well as acts as a source of largest employment sector as it involves in diverse exportation and investment rate.
Canada is ranked as one of the wealthiest nation in the world as only 9.5% of Canadians live in poverty The country’s main language include French and English while the ethnic groups consist of White(76.6%), Asian(14.2%), Aboriginal( 4.3%), Black(2.9%), Latin American(1,2 %) and Multiracial(0.5%). As per the presentation, it is true that Canada is the second largest country in the world with 9,984,670 km2 that is encircled by the North Atlantic Ocean on the East as well as North Pacific Ocean on the west and Arctic to the North. The Canada’s population is 35.16 million as on 2013, which is considered 9 times more than that of the Canada regarding the economic level, it is ranked among the top 10 countries with the largest economies across the world.
It has a GDP of $1.628 trillion with a par capital of $453,489.Its economic freedom score is estimated at 79.1 making it the sixth freest in the 2015 Index. The rate of unemployment is approximated at 7.1 percent with the rate of inflation being at 1.0 percent as FDI inflow is at $62.3 billion. The prospect of the nation as being great been influenced by the presence of natural resources like forestry, mining, agriculture as well as energy. As per the moment, it is the fifth largest agricultural exporter n the world this s been achieved through the encouragement of the use of modern means farming. The country’s top exports that enable it be at the top level include crude oil, refined petroleum, vehicle parts to United States ,China, United Kingdom and Japan as its main imports are received from China($48.9B) ,Germany($13.9B),United States($230B) as well as Mexico consisting of Cars, Vehicle parts and delivery trucks. At a rate of $26.1B, $21.4B, $13.1B respectively, (Carol Yeh-Yun Lin).
Works Cited
Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, Leif Edvinsson, Jeffrey Chen, Tord Beding. National Intellectual Capital and the Financial Crisis in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
Ingrassia, Paul. Crash course: the American automobile industry’s road from glory to disaster. Random House,, 2010.
Michael Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert Hoskisson. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization. Cengage Learning, 2014.
Paul Nieuwenhuis, Peter Wells. The Global Automotive Industry. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
Zaidi, S. Akbar. Issues in Pakistan’s Economy. Oxford University Press, 2005.

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