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Influence Of The Pressure On The Impulse Of A Football Ball

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Influence of the pressure on the impulse of a football ball


Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe, it has been triedYou can say the study of energy changes that occur in the bodies, therefore in this work it has been observed, the movement of a soccer ball, when they fall from a certain height and even when they are thrown into a certain direction.

Experimentally it is intended to determine the final and initial speed achieved by a soccer ball in a certain instantMovement is called impulse, which is the force that applies to a thing to move, especially that that prints a rapid movement, during the experiment this ball will be altered its internal pressure or the pressure as the amount ofForce exerted per unit area, in the course of this laboratory the amount of energy that is lost during this process will be measured, for example in the first rebound it loses some energy, for its second rebound this will lose an even greater energy.

Likewise, it is intended to study, the influence of the pressure on the impulse of a soccer ball, rebound height will be calculated based on the time interval between two rebounds

in a row. The amount of speed that it manages to possess during the descent process and then of its ascent, to measure the speed of this object, would be taken the time it lasts to descend until it reached its final speed, and when bouncing do this sameprocess. In mechanics, many examples have been related to real life, for example: (Serway, R.

Wait! Influence Of The Pressure On The Impulse Of A Football Ball paper is just an example!

2010) shows us an example of a car that has a certain speed, collides with a wall and bouncing, shows us the time that the process lasts and asks us to calculate the impulse of this car. As was just an example to calculate the impulse, which is the difference between the final speed and the initial speed.

Physical Fundamentals

“Speed is a vector physical magnitude that reflects the space traveled by a body in a unit of time. The subway per second (m/s) is its unit in the international system ”, but the speed can vary, in the unit for example: km/h, cm/s, m/s, and even these units of measurements arethe most common.

The height can be defined as a magnitude that reflects the distance, between the surface of the soil, with a certain object, therefore, in this experimentation it will be defined as the distance vertically that will travel a given object. For many people, gravity is only seen in space, however, it is presented both in space and on the earth’s surface, giving as an example the severity of the accelerated uniform rectilinear movement, which is equal to the acceleration of an object, gravityIt can be considered constant, directed down, it is designated by the letter G and its value is 9’8m/s2 (sometimes it approaches by 10 m/s2).

When it refers to the height of the experimental type, air resistance is not considered, so it can be defined as a type of force that an object suffers when moving in the air, a specific space, that is, the height is a variable thatAct on air resistance, in spherical bodies, air acts, causing this kind of objects to obtain a magnus effect.

Time is a term that many times this term has been confused with the weather, but as far as it refers, time is a magnitude that can be a period in which events occur.

In national and international sports, the use of spherical bodies has been seen, and some of them can collide with other bodies and causing a certain rebound as a result of a simple shock. In relation to the aforementioned, the balls of any kind, and even of any sport acquire this capacity known as impulse, in physical terms, the impulse is the change in the amount of movement, it is proportional to the applied force and occurs in the directionof the straight line in which the force is applied.

In the checks of the Law on the Conservation of Mechanical Energy, this can be studied in two ways, for example: indirectly or directly, to what it refers, the aforementioned terms, is that in an experimentation most of them aremeasures indirectly that is, by means of a procedure or simulation of a practical work, an example of this is a laboratory. On the other hand, when talking about a verification directly, it refers to the fact that the data is taken by using scheduled machines, for this type of work.

The amount of movement is a vector magnitude, its direction and direction coincides with the speed and is represented by the letter P with kilogram units per meter (kg ∙ m/s).

Something similar occurs with these bodies mentioned have internal pressures that are determined, depending on the type of discipline that takes place, therefore, (Tarwater J, 2017) has mentioned the importance of the pressures of the balls in the soccer fields,When a football ball inflates with less than 8.5 psi, it is considered too flat and, as a result, it is more difficult to kick and send it on the playing field. With a lot of air pressure, the ball will be more difficult to control: it will bounce a little more and have a tougher texture, which is particularly evident when a pass from a teammate is received and the ball bounces on the foot much longer, according to (Arnabat, 2018) “El Pascal (PA) is the main unit of pressure measure, which is the ratio of a force (f) exerted on a surface (a). For each movement of a body, the Law on Energy Conservation is applied, where it is not created or destroyed only, it refers to the initial energy of an object will not be the same final energy of it,It could be said that, this energy that is considered lost, has only been transformed into the process, for example: in the mechanical games of fun parks, they are identified by the fearsome roller mountains, this have already determined certain heightsTo cause astonishment to people and in turn, make them be scared a little, by mobilizing the train of this game the energies change, when the body that is mobilizes has a large heights has an energy known as gravitational potential energy, which is denotedWith the following formula:

This energy when mobilizing the body that possesses it will be transformed into kinetic energy that is denoted and will do it during the moment the body will be in motion, (Allum, J 2016) tells us about the process of transformation of energy when aobject towards the soil where there is a transformation of gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, which corresponds to .

Demonstration of the relationship between equations

For (Tippens, p 1992) the impulse is considered as an equal vector amount in the magnitude of the force of the force and the time interval in which it acts, if its direction is the same as the force, therefore it can be demonstratedthat the second movement law that Newton has proposed, in addition to considering one of the MRUA equations that help in this demonstration where .

, where the acceleration is cleared (a)

The acceleration has already cleared, we proceed to insert it in the equation of Newton’s second law

F = m (

The strength is clear with a change of time

As a result of this demonstration is the impulse that is the same amount of movement that causes the action of a force and the amount of movement of the body to which the force is applied. In addition, there is a close relationship between impulse and linear momentum.

Likewise, the relationship between the formula, gravitational potential energy with the study of the rapidity of the valon will be demonstrated, in reference to the vertical distance, that is, the height, for the calculation of the impulse of a soccer ball

(Formula of the Conservation Law Gravitational Potential Energy (EP)). Related to linear momentum, which in turn is the impulse of a specific object.

  • Impulse equation, which is equal to linear momentum, or change of moment
  • The moment is equal to the final speed minus the final speed.
  • From a certain point of view the initial speed is equal to zero.
  • Gravitational potential energy of a certain object, by mobilizing in a space, this energy is transformed into kinetic energy.
  • Being the equal masses in a single equation are eliminated.
  • Sleep or speed clears.
  • Having the speed a square index, it becomes root.
  • Now there are two clear equations, therefore, they can be related.
  • Impulse equation, speed equation, in gravitational potential energy.
  • The speed in the impulse equation is replaced.


Where the impulse is equal to the mass of a given object, multiplied by the root twice.

In any experimentation of impulse depending on the pressure, it should be known that, the pressure of a ball can vary depending on the point of view of each experiment, it must be assumed that their relationship with the impulse of the must that both are intertwined, toGreater pressure will be the impulse made, at a lower pressure less will be the impulse of this same soccer ball, not only the pressure is influenced at the linear moment ,, the mass of the body mass and the speed is involved.  As you increase the mass of a given body, it becomes more difficult to mobilize, also a greater effort must be put. The linear moment is responsible.

In the same way it occurs with the movement of the bodies when they are at great heights and descend, that is to say that the mass that this object has will not act in the same way, because in this body it descends from a certain height its weight will help you in a fallFaster and with a major clash against the surface, the greater the mass in the case of a ball when it descends, however, at the time that a body collides with the surface, it will bounce making a change of moment, but to therebounding this will not ascend as it should do so, being affected by an external force that acts on this, at the same time when the body descends from a certain height, it is known as free fall.

As a complement, speed variation and even acceleration can be noted, from the perspective of speed it can vary along a distance, when the speed is varying, the acceleration is increasing and can even be accelerating, although it isTrue, when a certain distance is traveled, the speed can vary, in this way the acceleration can change in small moments, since by increasing or decreasing the speed, the acceleration also varies instantly, and this is defined as average acceleration in the limit when theTime interval tends to zero: 

In this way a spherical body, such as the soccer ball, can clearly be the variation of speed and even acceleration, now in an experiment where Newton’s second law is applied, the acceleration is not the same asThe one of an energy experiment, specifically of gravitational potential energy, the term is the same in both equations, but its value is not the same, it is, in this equation it can vary in this way that corresponds to the acceleration does not vary, it isA constant that depends on the height in which it interacts, its value is and this can vary depending on the direction, that is, vertically descending the value of () is positive but when this ascending, the value of is negative.

Seen in this way, this work seekseven negative. From another point of view, the study of the variation of the impulse of a soccer ball, it is an inelastic collision, where two bodies when they have contact, separate, losing energy, also a soccer ball will lose its energy when the elapse afterweather.


In this experimentation, a system will be assembled where the soccer ball will be dropped, where one meter, a soccer ball, a balance, a stopwatch, a pressure gauge and an air pump, preferably the ball with which it will be madeThe study is the size used in the play fields of this sport, a stopwatch to measure the time in which this ball takes to fall and log in the impulse to perform a certain amount of movement, a pump to inflate the ball to theair pressures that are intended to study, also study the impulse and the moment as a result of the movement that the soccer ball performs. In addition to this one meter to measure the heights that will be determined as a tour for this ball. With the balance the mass of the ball will be measured, with the different pressures.

The following heights will be taken:

When determining the heights for the study of the influence of the first pressure that will be transmitted to the ball, it will be dropped, then the time that lasts to fall, at the same time the time when the change of the moment orbe the height reached after the clash against the ground.,

For the determination of the internal air pressure of a soccer ball, with a bomb to inflate objects that are capable of storing air to maintain the ability to mobilize, this inflate pump, in turn brings great advantages, when bringing attachedA pressure gauge, has the ability to measure the interior pressure, of air that the ball will have from that precise time, until this same time, the interior pressure is reduced.


In reference to this experimentation, the influence of the pressure on the impulse of a soccer ball, the height should be taken into account where the ball is intended to drop of, consequently, the impulse would be affected, not onlyfor the reference height, as well as the pressure of this same, which is intended to be added. Seeing the height involved, first of all is the air resistance seeing included. But this can be despised so that it does not affect the speed, much less the impulse of the ball, since it is what is intended to study. Also, depending on the way the ball will be dropped, the angle to fall must be taken into account.

The mass of the same should be taken into account, since, at the change of pressure inside the ball, the mass of this could change, in addition to the aforementioned, the time in which the impulse lasts and the moment performed will be taken into accountFor this same.


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