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Information Literacy

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Information Literacy

Apart from the library books, internet websites provide essential sources of information for doing research. The credibility of research might be compromised if the information on the site is biased. To promote their interest, the official website might publish speculated data to attract potential clients. Relying on data from such webpage for undertaking given research might mislead. This essay looks at four big internet websites and the potential biases in each. From the analysis it is important to note that almost all the sites visited; American Petroleum Institute, Democratic Socialist of America, Eagle Forum and National Restaurant Association displayed some forms of biases. The paper, therefore, concludes that relying solely on an official website to establish whether a company’s information is reliable may mislead. Outside data to back up the claim made by the organization should be searched from other sources since websites aim to promote a company for others to become members.
Keywords: biased information, websites, membership
Information Literacy
American Petroleum Institute
Nationally, the institute is the only association that represents the larger oil and natural gas industry throughout the nation. The institute’s mission is the promotion of safety within the oil industry globally with the intention of supporting the US natural gas sector. Membership to the institute is open to any corporation involved in oil and natural gas.

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The information at the website is not biased. The institute categorically details how it benefits its members. Another important point is that the members of the organization agree with the information on the website.
Democratic Socialist of America
This is the largest socialist movement in the whole nation. Membership is open to everyone who shares the same vision of the party. The mission of the organization is establishing a democratic socialist community in America. Nothing about membership is mentioned on the website.
Yes, to a great extent the website is biased since it believes that it is the only organization that has the mandate to champion for democracy. In the site, they talk about reducing the influence of money in politics which may not be possible.
Eagles Forum
The organization champions for the sovereignty of America. The forum’s mission is to enable families to participate in the policy process in the US. Membership is open to everyone sharing the same ideas.
The information on the forum is biased. The details highlighted like radical feminism are strong words aimed just at giving the forum an identity. Finally, Eagles Forum does not provide supporting evidence on its mission.
National Restaurant Association
The association mandate is to champion for the member’s interest. The membership is open to ever restaurant operators or suppliers in the US. The website does not show a clear mission.
Yes, the website is biased. This site is partial since it tries to paint the association as perfect in carrying out its mandate. An example talks about representing the interest of its members, but some restaurants refrain from associating with it.

American Petroleum Institute. (2018). Retrieved February 17, 2018, from
Democratic Socialists of America. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2018, from
Eagle Forum. (n.d.). Retrived February 17, 2018, from
National Restaurant Association:. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2018, from

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