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Information Protection In The Cloud In Companies

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Information protection in the cloud in companies


At present, technology has advanced drastically, companies have to move quickly so as notUse in the best way.

As a company we must keep in mind that supporting our data will be very important since we can have failures on our servers and this will have a great loss of data and this will harm the company since recovering these will cost enough or simplywill lose information.

The protection of the information will be necessary to do it through the cloud on the Internet, this allows easy and fast access, from anywhere where an internet network can be taken, this is of great benefit since at any time in any time inthat information is needed easily and without fear of being lost.

The objective of the present is to be able to describe some important aspects in the storage of data in the cloud, how important it is to save each information that is desired so as not to lose it when the equipment is ruined and also some advantages and disadvantagesand the benefits that this can have.


Cloud computer science according to (Microsoft, 2019) “is the supply of computer services (including servers, storage, databases, networks, software, analysis and intelligence) through the Internet (“ the cloud ”), whose objective isoffer faster innovation, flexible resources and economies of scale ”. The usual thing is to pay only for the services in the cloud used, so that it helps to reduce operating costs, to execute the infrastructure more effectively and to climb as the needs of your business change.

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The concept of cloud technology began in the sixties by (Licklider) "in order to reach all data stored from anywhere". Later, (McCarthy) coined the term "computing as a public service", however, the concept of the computer cloud did not develop widely until the end of the 90s with the help of the broadband Internet.

When talking about the cloud, this will be a way that will allow transmitting and storing data, this allows us to have universal access and is practical for today’s demand since everyone has access to a shared network or has computer sourcesconfigurable such as networks, servers, applications, etc. This cloud works through the Internet with the aim of using computer resources and thus dispose of them at any time as long as you have Internet access.

According to (Aguilar, 2012) "The cloud stores data very similar to email, instead of storing data on a computer or some computer device, these data are stored in the cloud".

So with technology it is possible to store enough information and it is no longer necessary to store the data on the computers since these will be saved on an external server. This is a platform that allows you to work from home or anywhere where Internet access can be taken, this is a place in cyberspace where information can be saved without fear of being lost.

The cloud can have its pros and cons as it says (Rodríguez, 2011) Some of the advantages that the cloud can have are: "Access from anywhere, stability, scalability, enhancement of group work and cost reduction". Just as it has advantages to have information in the cloud there are also risks of this such as “dependent on service providers, internet connection dependence and risk of business sensitive data vulnerability”.

To avoid any risk and lose information on our server it is necessary to protect this same. When talking about the protection of information in the cloud it is necessaryAnd this will speed up the processes, technological advances have turned cloud storage into one of the most use alternatives in these times.

It is important to be clear about the benefits and inconveniences on the protection of information on the cloud.

Computer science in the cloud is a great change regarding the traditional way in which companies saw resources. For (Microsoft, 2019) these are the seven usual reasons why organizations are resorting to cloud computer services:

Costs: Cloud computer science eliminates the capital investment of the acquisition of hardware and software, and the configuration and execution of local data centers (server racks, uninterrupted electricity supply for food and cooling and IT experts to administer theinfrastructure). It multiplies quickly.

Speed: In most cloud services are provided as self-service and at the request, so that even huge amounts of computer resources can be provided in a matter of minutes, usually just a few clicks from the mouse, which gives companies agreat flexibility and relaxation not having to worry about planning capacity.

Global scale: Among the advantages of cloud computer services, the ability to climb resources in an elastic way is included. In terms of cloud, this means offering the right amount of IT resources.

For example, greater or lesser processing capacity, storage and bandwidth at the right time in which they are needed and from the appropriate geographical location.

Productivity: Local data centers usually need a significant amount of racks and stacking, which means hardware configuration, application of software reviews and other IT administration tasks that are tedious and require a lot of time.

Cloud computer science eliminates the need for many of these tasks, so that IT teams can devote their time to achieve more important objectives for your business.

Performance: The highest computer services in the cloud are executed in a world network of safe data centers, which are periodically updated with the fastest and fastest generation hardware.

This provides several advantages compared to a single corporate data center, including a lower network latency for applications and higher economies of scale.

Reliability: Cloud computer science facilitates and lowers the creation of data backup copies, disaster recovery and business continuity, since the data can be reflected in several redundant sites on the cloud service provider network.

Security: Many cloud suppliers offer a complete set of directives, technologies and controls that reinforce the general security situation, helping to protect data, applications and infrastructure against possible threats.

For (Montenegro, 2010) the “Security in case of loss is the first positive factor of the shelter”, since having the information saved in an alternative place will allow the information to be recovered when the computer or some team of the company fails orIt is ruined.

Another important point that mentions (Montenegro, 2010) is that the information is available on this platform and allows access to it from anywhere where you are, as long as you have Internet access. On the other hand, the operation of the cloud protection systems is very compatible with the different options of portable and operational equipment.

The majority of cloud computer services are included in four general categories according to (AWS, 2019) are: “Infrastructure as a service (IAAS), platform as a service (PAAS), without server and software as a service (SAAS). Sometimes they are called as the "pile" in the cloud ", because they are based on each other.

Infrastructure as a service (IAAS): “It is the most basic category of cloud computer services. With IAAS, IT infrastructure is rented (servers, virtual machines, storage, networks, operating systems) to a cloud service provider and paid for use ”(Quiñones, 2015).

Platform as a service (PAAS): This platform as a service refers to cloud computer services that provide an environment at request to develop, test, deliver and manage software applications. PAAS according to (Jiménez, 2018) ”is designed to facilitate the rapid creation of web or mobile applications, without the need to worry about the configuration or administration of the underlying server infrastructure, storage, network and databasesnecessary for development ".

Computer science without server: Through an overlap with paas, computer without server focuses on creating the functionality of applications without constantly dedicating the time it entails having to administer servers and infrastructure. The cloud service provider is responsible for configuration, capacity planning and server administration. Architectures without server offer high scalability and are based on events and, in addition, they only use resources when a specific function or trigger occurs.

Software as a service (SAAS): Software as a service is a method of delivery of applications through the Internet at request and, normally, with a subscription. With SAAS, cloud suppliers host and manage the underlying applications and infrastructure, and are responsible for maintenance, such as the application of software updates and security reviews. Users connect to the application through the Internet, usually with a web explorer on their phone, tablet or PC.

The cloud is also called Cloud Computing for (NIST, 2011) "It is a model that allows access on demand and through the network to a set of shared and configurable resources"

These can be like networks, servers, storage capacity, applications and services that can be quickly assigned and released with minimal management by the service provider.

A way to protect confidential information is to put a password to the archives to which only one can access the information protected there;This is of the utmost importance to support it in several options and if any document or file is lost, it will be available in case one is lost for any reason and it will be easier to recover it.


Raising the information is very important since there is a valuable element such as one or several copies of these files that contain important information, it is not only to support but also ensure that said content is stolen, damaged by a virus, eliminated andlose it.

Storing cloud documents can be a benefit for companies with or without economic resources, since today the benefits of the cloud are numerous, such as flexibility and agility to consult information and how profitable it is today.

The cloud shelter has had great growth in the management of information contained in file documents, the opportunities or benefits that it provides when using the storage of cloud information must be used.


  • Aguilar, l. J. (2012). Cloud Computing. Alpha Omega. aws. (July 13, 2019). Aws.Amazon – Informatica in the cloud. Obtained from https: // = tile & tile = types_of_cloud
  • Jiménez, c. (June 13, 2018). tic.PORTAL. Obtained from platform as a service: https: // www.Ticportal.It is/Paas-Platform-Service
  • Microsoft. (April 16, 2019). Microsoft Azure. Obtained from https: //
  • Montenegro, m. S. (2010). Cloud computation. Mexico: Mexican Institute for Competitiveness.
  • Nist. (2011). National Institute of Standards and Technology. Obtained from https: // csrc.nist.Gov/Projects/Cloud-Computing
  • Quiñones, a. (May 18, 2015). Rackspace. Obtained from https: //
  • Rodríguez, s. (2011). Cloud computer science. Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia.

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